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446 · Apr 2022
collin Apr 2022
i am making every attempt
to become more numb
to feel less
for all the darkness spent
the tip of my thumb
a spiders web
444 · May 2015
collin May 2015
when i place everything that i am
and ever was and ever will be
into a blender, the terror in my bones
isn't born from pressing the button
but from dumping the contents out
for you to defenestrate.
atychiphobia- the abnormal, unwarranted and persistent fear of failure.
443 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
maybe i can find
the source of your golden glow
where the glass rewinds
437 · May 2015
if cellphones could talk...
collin May 2015
are you serious?
430 · Aug 2015
blindsight 20/20
collin Aug 2015
you navigated around obstacles
over bridges and under waterfalls
til you found yourself safely in my life
430 · May 2015
silver lining
collin May 2015
one more dies from injures obtained
the death toll rises
but the number of people hurt decreases
423 · May 2021
collin May 2021
charred scaffolding reeks through these
hallways, a testimony to rebuilding
envious emotions attempt to steal the feelings
seasoned demons attempt to seal the ceiling
revealing insecurities still healing
broken bones cannot mend bridges
the strongest doors have the most hinges
421 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
between your hips
licking and living
until i can’t feel my lips
is exactly where i want to exist
collin Mar 2019
Diaphragm stretched
Still nothing I could say
Enraged, I threw the bottom shelves out
To make the hiccups go away
418 · Jan 2021
incendiary hearts
collin Jan 2021
i believed in seeing candles
i paused to hear your breathing
flames that faint and flicker that way
don’t have the heart to burn through ceilings
418 · Aug 2015
the world against her
collin Aug 2015
her best ****
was half drunk
fully clothed
in the front row
of a strangers
disco funeral
413 · Jun 2015
baby blues
collin Jun 2015
your pillow cradles your face
the same way i wish i could one day
the tinted darkness holds your attention
i'm envious of the tension in the line
from it to your eyes, a tight rope
lanced across neighboring giants
i would walk across it in defiance
of truth for a chance to dance through
your retinas.
412 · May 2015
for you
collin May 2015
you, who arrived at my heart's yard sale
on some magnificent beast of
compassion and understanding,
bought everything in sight
and made me the richest man alive
409 · May 2015
burlesque queen
collin May 2015
i can be a dancer
for the right price
i am a fan of panic at the disco in case you were wondering judge me
409 · May 2015
dime a dozen
collin May 2015
you've been playing this game
far too long
to think the rules have changed

you've been singing the same
heartbroken love song
since nineteen ninety eight

every melting second came
something was wrong
but you couldn't give it a name

so you gave it the first one you thought of
you ****** up
accidentally fell in love
408 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i am getting angry
with each invisible, wasted second
leaving on an indefinite vacation
408 · Feb 2014
collin Feb 2014
leave me to the broken glass, torn feet.
with your eyes half amused and butterfly heart fluttering.
just know you'll never find another one
that would've moved moons to watch you shine.
406 · May 2015
pac sdrawkcab
collin May 2015
yo peep this froyo
no thanks that's a no-go
all i see is a jeep logo
in a cheap snow globe
stolen from a sleeping hobo
yo bro sooooo
you don't eat froyo?
or what.
holy ****
403 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i wish to be a faucet
the water my obnoxious wanting
as it falls i watch it
wash away your subconscious
and all the frivolous caution
you so obviously flaunted
i'm more like a kleenex
a tissue unworthy to be issued
in the box whispering pick me next
maybe being used is better than being kissed
abused but so cute til you scream
with your eyes you're dismissed
the others will be so confused
as i smile amongst hollow mountain dew
bottles and torn paper with glue
because you cry when you laugh too
i'll take what i can get
400 · Jan 2021
collin Jan 2021
splintered bone marrow
broken, brittle and for a minute
felt something akin to happiness
maybe pain’s what’s been missing
kissing curbs with flintstone lipstick
collin May 2015
build this castle up high in the air
envision if one day the person or people
responsible for giving you life told you
there was no longer any expectations
or aspirations or goals to strive for
your parents don't want you to be a successful doctor
friends don't want you to be their giving tree
your siblings don't expect you to be some all knowing peacekeeper
you don't have to make anyone proud
you can't disappoint anybody
your one directive is to lie there and
enjoy the sunsets and sunrises
and low tides and high tides
you would be pretty **** happy too
394 · Jun 2015
11th birthday
collin Jun 2015
his hands play host to a long day of work
and this man still hopes to see a strong birds perch
he'll say maybe we'll visit a zoo one day
a baby living with a kazoo to say
words he hasn't learned
to utter yet
the birds i thought i might've met
the day i went
were at the vet
393 · May 2015
plants for hire
collin May 2015
my toes sweat inside the blanket
but far too cold on the outside
you couldn't fake it as a pirate
with the right line in your downtime
you couldn't take it

so you abandoned the ship
before they knew you were captain
then you handed me some ****
you said you got in the hamptons
390 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
a stolen kiss
rolled in silver
bliss and twist
with your body
like rolling hills
i feel every turn
and curve and snap
going too slow will
surely **** the vibe
i'm just trying to go for a joyride
389 · May 2015
collin May 2015
the siren calls out
each day we are reminded
why we are still here
i am an American soldier. stationed in germany. despite how much i miss home and my family and the simplicities of living in the states, i remember why we're here everytime the siren plays at 1700.
388 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
they say what doesn't **** you
makes you stronger
this sentiment may be true
but i can no longer
pretend i'm not impaled
and transformed by trials and tribulations
into a replica, made to scale
of my former self
388 · May 2015
collin May 2015
and never come back
for your protection
i'm a dirtbag
388 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i'm having trouble finding
a more suitable picture to
convey anonymity. sorry
you'll have to just accept that
this is me
388 · May 2015
nut up or shut up
collin May 2015
often i wonder
if i would know
when tragedy strikes
fight or flight
or cut my height
in half in defeat
would my knees become new feet?
would i just beg for mercy?

i'd like to think
that if one of my heart's share holders
was greeted by a gunman's greed
his devil commissioned deed
my name would be in the papers
386 · May 2015
hide and seek
collin May 2015
i stood with my toes dangling
flirting with the disaster that could ensue
i confided in you that i write when i'm upset
you ask if there was something I could show you
*not here, not now
let's just wait this night out
in the comfort of not knowing
who i really am
collin May 2015
she hung, crucified if you must
she died and then was brought back to life
they'll call it witchcraft
they'll never believe us
*what if we told them your name was Jesus?
380 · Feb 2014
collin Feb 2014
no no no you're doing it all wrong
the chorus is way too short
the intro is way too long
what am I supposed to do with this
i can't use it
you spilled way too much art in this music
you used to many words, nothing repeats
and i can still hear your voice over the sound of the beat
*there's too much substance
people can't dance to this
377 · May 2015
i guess i fucked up
collin May 2015
she stood at the pool table
black shirt, black jacket, black pants
black happiness
but i saw a glow.
bright white, blinding almost
from the second she walked into
this modest german bar
sold out to service us.
i sat in the corner wishing i could think
of anything that would make her believe
i wasn't just another
finally we told lies together
of our birthplace "frankfurt"
according to witness accounts
witnesses being her only friend
with her on this tragic night for me,
i was too much like the last guy
376 · Jul 2015
young and reckless
collin Jul 2015
maybe this face
was made for being anxious
and these palms
were made to be clammy
and this stomach
was made for butterflies
and this heart
was made to beat faster
and this bed
was made for us
374 · May 2015
not the thing
collin May 2015
as i search to you
for answers, i find them
unfortunately, it's not what I want to hear
372 · May 2015
bon voyage
collin May 2015
wistfully washed away
i am sanctified in silence
368 · Nov 2016
collin Nov 2016
live in it
with it
inside it
367 · May 2015
collin May 2015
those aren't skinny jeans
she painted them on
just like her smile
and every other emotion she dawns
365 · Oct 2016
collin Oct 2016
will you build a tower in my name
will every step to the top sing to you
will every broken window pane
invite chills down your spine
will you feel the rotten wooden handrail
and brush the cobwebs from the corners
will you see the stars when you arrive
will your eyes meet the ground
will you build a tower in my name
364 · Sep 2015
collin Sep 2015
with filthy, unkept
bloodied hair draping his
gritty, weather stricken face
glaring through frozen
torn eyes that have gone numb
into the punishing sunlight
of the unfathomable wickedness
a question was chained to his
morality dragging it through
nostalgia and the unknown
363 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i hate seeing you
with them. we are good friends but
we should be best friends.
362 · May 2015
collin May 2015
under the stars
we fight
in silent wars
til night's
calmness warms
a light
to morning warns
it's almost done
but not until we dance as one
sleep tight
362 · Dec 2023
white christmas
collin Dec 2023
more beautiful than any soul i’ve ever known
pretty as the sun coming up over snow
praying to a sky that’ll listen when it’s cold
that mine could be the hand you hold
i think this one lacks wit but sometimes cheesy cliches just fit.
361 · Jul 2015
should i be ashamed
collin Jul 2015
i'm proficient in the role
as the one who doesn't care
despite the effervescent fact
that you've always been there
358 · May 2015
collin May 2015
sometimes the words travel
down a necessary path of self discovery
that bends and twist through
mountains of expression
before they are ripe to be picked

but sometimes the quickest way
from point B to point A
is a straight line
356 · Dec 2023
collin Dec 2023
we’ll just read by firelight
feel the warmth on heavy eyes
snowy day, December night
someone I love on either side
353 · May 2015
collin May 2015
to disappear.
lying among the melancholy pages
with thoughts of paradise doing a waltz
in a ballroom called action that's
fighting to keep that name
i rolled over in my slumber
with hope that i would dream your face
cause i have a proposal i've been    
meaning to propose
let me take you away from this place
351 · May 2015
calculated risk
collin May 2015
you about to smoke your life away?
one cigarette at a time, he replies
well at least, he's thinking rationally
349 · Jul 2015
partly cloudy
collin Jul 2015
i guess that's what happens
quick **** then cue the dancing
the game we play
before the sky is raised
i fall back
to my room
and go through
the routine like
i'm supposed to
despite how
close to you
i get keep these
feelings in the eyelet
of my shoes
miscues laced with
dreams of second chances
that won't come true
collin Jun 2015
minutes i'll never get back
have been contracted to a cat
erasing the possibility of being fired
i'm constantly tired and haven't had
a good moment in months
i often reminisce on the days
before i gave away everything
that made me me for a pair
of beige boots and a high fade
memories are usually accompanied
reluctantly hand in hand with questions
why am i really here
was it worth it
will i ever get a return on this investment
i'm pretty good with numbers
but no matter which way i cut it
the answer is on the inside of a magic eight ball
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