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690 · May 2015
building blocks
collin May 2015
if i could add
to my convulsive impulsive
body of work i would
if words could become
overplayed they would
so no matter how much these words create us
i may be nearing a hiatus
collin Jul 2015
didn't i tell you what it said?
in retrospect
a tiny speck
an insect
of genuflect
didn't they tell you what they heard?
ten thousand pictures
spoken in fixtures
lacerations and fissures
without a line to cast out
660 · Oct 2016
flu shot
collin Oct 2016
i don't want to care
unfortunately, i do
you're still there
i love you, too.
stop saying that
stop calling me pet names
stop saying that
you're the one to blame
stop saying that
stop talking
it's ***** knowing you have to do something that you really don't want to..
657 · May 2015
tug of war
collin May 2015
i really want to believe that it was
legitimately used at some point to
solve conflicts between opposing armies
that would justify so many of my own emotional reactions
collin May 2015
sixteen sweaty sixty-something's
sitting around the sauna humming
mind numbing conversation
clever quips about the weather
whether it's just a trend
or an odd coincidence
tethered to a wheelchair
waiting to die
wondering why
amongst all these sweaty guys
not a single set of sinking eyes
not set sorely on teenage thighs
only mine, wide open and hoping
for something to **** this moment
of *******
no, phil, i don't *feel ya
633 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i love your violet tipped words
and how they could sip a cup
filled to the lip with cheese curds
another night has bent over backwards
seemingly for me but secretly to see
the sun smile at its pain
633 · Sep 2016
4am in germany
collin Sep 2016
tonight i saw the moon
i hope you did too
the world is so asleep
the leaves on the branches on the trees
nothing moving but me
i saw so many stars and so little cars
it falls from my mouth
and breaks into so many pieces below
i drank alone tonight to sleep
628 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i don't believe in reflections
or the poisons that you're mixing
i do, however, believe that hobby
is just a fancy word for addiction
622 · May 2015
collin May 2015
i can feel this rage making its way through the blood in my veins, white hot. incinerating every other thought or feeling my body might send in to calm and counteract this anger before it manifests into something more physically painful. it's too strong. there's too many factors investing in this fury and placing bets on the things of himself he'll destroy tonight. let's go, corona, we have a show to put on. what a shame it would be if we let these people down.
604 · May 2015
collin May 2015
since birth i've been plagued with this brutal honesty
that people beg for but then return
with receipt when they don't like the way it works
603 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
beneath the plastic clacking
i’m laughing. too attached
to girls moving backwards
and making eye contact
they burn with the passion i lack
collin May 2015
i want you to have everything
i want you to have all the smiles
and all the laughs
i want to build you a bridge that stretch for miles
and a bird bath
i want to senselessly steal from children to give you everything you need
and write even happier endings to every book you'll ever read
i want to take from the needy to give you everything you want
and for people to call us greedy for the jewelry you flaunt
i want to give you everything from the east coast to the west
and everything outside of that but only the best
i want to wage war so all you'll know is peace
if my heart was a castle gate i would give you the keys
i want to place you high on a throne of golden bones
to ensure my arms are the only home you'll know
idk this is just something i imagine a person like adolf hilter or kim jong un would say to someone he's falling deeply in love with.
collin May 2015
this world consists
of a contradictory prism
people telling people
what they're supposed to be
because that's what they were
told they were supposed to do
but if a person who is told
to tell you who the right you is
tells you how you're supposed to live
neither of those people deserve to be close to you
583 · Jan 2022
blue aura
collin Jan 2022
the wick burnt out with no more wax to melt
i watch the picture frame go dark and quiet
no more memories and the fire that i felt
was as cold as the asphalt on which i slept
571 · Jul 2015
idle idol
collin Jul 2015
i must be out of my ******* mind
the things you do are just divine
therefor my obsession is justified
*at least that's what my heart implies
565 · May 2015
last place
collin May 2015
underneath the thick layer of lust
exists a thicker layer of something more
i'm not like the others
he pleads
she doesn't believe
she hasn't for a while
she is too scarred to walk through the hallway
and open the door that contains what's true
i don't want to *******
he just wants to peel back the scabs
564 · Nov 2021
collin Nov 2021
i’m still stuck in a bad place
but sunlight crests across the skyline
in my mind
tendrils of hope stretch across my sky
the day presented itself in a new way
i think i’ll be okay
560 · Oct 2016
collin Oct 2016
the last bit of salt
like skin on asphalt
cracked skull
broken rib
punctured lung
busted lip
but you're ok, right?
555 · May 2015
24 hour shift
collin May 2015
ya know the movies
where they look down a hallway
and it's ceaseless
554 · Aug 2015
sleep tight, heartworm
collin Aug 2015
you produced a pocket
like a pint sized puppy nuzzling
into the bed space between my legs
puzzling how so afraid i laid and ran away
all in the same frame
552 · Aug 8
collin Aug 8
it's harder to find the way out
when you don't know how you
dug yourself down.
sunken, so alone.
all alone now.
everyone left you above ground.
543 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
let me just sweat it out
better yet, push it out, let it out
with cigarettes without a doubt
i won't enjoy them as much
this time. i configured my fingers
into a figure eight but leaning
sideways figuratively speaking
now days nothing i say is not figurative
539 · Jan 2022
don’t ignore me
collin Jan 2022
i am the gravel
grabbing skateboard wheels
and skinning knees
539 · Aug 2015
four shades of crazy
collin Aug 2015
i've come to the conclusion
we live a disengaged illusion
there's three types of people
those who have conversation
on social media
those who have conversation
about social media
and those who just have conversation
i'm not sure which one frightens me more
collin May 2015
It's like when you can't tell
if a light is on or
it's just reflecting off another source
536 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
what becomes the light
when the source is so sacred
yet so absent and an absinthe of fright
just beyond the clouds of human folly
volleying ideas off the wall
he trips on the same unanswered questions
they might as well be prayers
532 · May 2015
collin May 2015
this world is a playground
we dance like daisies in a hurricane
and the crazies stay running in place
on the merry go round and pray
and when we sing songs
and swing the sun down
we go back to work
in our little towns
and we're all still so scared of clowns
531 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i hate the word cliche
for every letter and consonant
and vowel and sound as it's
spun around, thicker now
than it was when it first touched
my tongue and leapt to its death
the wet crescent diving board
it ****** upon despising the very breath
with that being said, i shove
aside the notion that i am above being in love
530 · Feb 2014
collin Feb 2014
sometimes i've touched
sometimes i've felt
sometimes i've tasted
sometimes i've smelled
sometimes i hear
sometimes i feel
sometimes my mind plays tricks
sometimes it's real
sometimes you're never there
sometimes you won't leave
sometimes i'm a sceptic
sometimes i believe
sometimes it's blue
sometimes it's red
sometimes i've followed
sometimes i've led
sometimes i didn't have a clue
sometimes i knew
but one thing remains true
it's always you.
525 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
if birds were trees
would they be cannibals
if i won the lottery
i'd invest in danimals
i wonder what kind of
toilet paper the pope uses
let's travel inside the mind of
a man of many excuses
513 · May 2015
slow down
collin May 2015
i'm losing it
trying too hard
this beach house
is overcome with waves of praise and solipsistic rage
512 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
sweat caked skin and lion mane
the barber shops not open on weekdays
at least it feels that way
who takes a two hour lunch break

something's here are so hard to get
******* **** i need a cigarette
507 · May 2015
collin May 2015
we watched a movie tonight
the interview isn't very romantic
but you sat next to him
slithering him who talks to you
the lies i would tell you with brutal truth
over his pronged tongue
502 · May 2015
the village
collin May 2015
there was a quaint town
the bricks laced with ecstasy
burned it to the ground
498 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
welcome to delusion, sir
your seat is right this way
we've been expecting you
we knew you'd be here one day
491 · May 2015
identity crisis
collin May 2015
if i had been abused as a child
i would write about that
if i was a world war veteran
i would share stories of loss and pain
if i was a pirate sailing the 7 seas
i would sing songs of ***** and gold
if i was a **** selling dope by the dime
see "pirate"
but instead it's your guts spilling vicariously through my pen
484 · May 2015
collin May 2015
my binge drinking addiction
blamed for my phalangeal affliction
a panoramic depiction
*that i have issues
483 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
when everything around me is blue
nothing doesn't remind me of you
like riding a bike
or tying a shoe
moments don't go the way you want them to
and i'll whisper your name when they
ask me *who?
482 · Jul 2015
collin Jul 2015
we dwell
under swollen
ocean tides
like molluscs hide
a notion
of insecurity
your purity
like lightning shines
but not the frightening kind
a flicker of hope
where bloated bellies float
til they explode
we'll hold close
to everything we own
for that's all we'll ever know
481 · Feb 2014
collin Feb 2014
and so another night drinking alone
another reminder of a broken home
finding myself like a four leaf clover
i'm so ******* glad valentines day is over
480 · May 2015
oh captain, my captain
collin May 2015
a pale pail
sent through the mail
inside written in braille
the crucial details on a sail
and a crudely drawn picture of a whale
they were on sale
we were derailed from the start
but my next tale will not fail
to impale your ailing heart
479 · May 2015
collin May 2015
no matter how much you talk to him
*you'll always be the pam to my jim
478 · May 2015
collin May 2015
nostalgia is a bitter town
its playground once plagued
with tiny giggling clowns
now swings a somber gold
and sings a soliloquy of untold
stories pinned to a plywood crucifix
the building which housed books
that usurped the position of absent tutors
are now antiquated password protected computers
and the potholes mapped out on my bike tires
are now paved over and the roads are called liars
477 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
there's no time to explain
white knuckled on building's edge
lemon-lime lemonade
pantomime playing charades
chuckling at the ******* name
the line outside sits and waits
you had a plan and we foiled it
just for good measure,
we dropped your top hat in the toilet
470 · May 2015
candlelit dinner
collin May 2015
we had lunch today
popeye's isn't very romantic
but there was candles lit
in every breath you took
the lobby abounding with carnivorous service member
yet we were alone together
laughing at the lynched television in the restaurants corner
462 · May 2015
bitter pill
collin May 2015
i cocked back and swung for the fences
you plunged your teeth into its neck
we would've fought to the death
to keep that sun from coming up
461 · Jan 2014
the world lit
collin Jan 2014
his mind lungs
his eyes, ears filters
purifying the poison
as it takes it's position
and soaks into the pigment
where cancer grows til
the boy dies like a tornado
454 · Jun 2015
collin Jun 2015
i put a dip in
it rips into
the inside
of my lip
reverse sipping
into a red cup
i don't know what
i know nothing
muffled ruffling
in the corners
of the catacombs
of melted bones
osmosis jones
where thought calls home
an old rotary telephone
with the numbers rubbed away
i'll save the fall
and autumn walls
for another sunny day
453 · Jun 2015
bacon and eggs
collin Jun 2015
this one will suffice
but i think i want that one
give me all your cash
450 · May 2015
collin May 2015
and ******* stupid
struck in the ***
*by a **** named cupid
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