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87 · Jan 2021
grandpas dead
collin Jan 2021
it’s the discomfort
in the comfort drenched in sweat
i find so relaxing
86 · Sep 2023
collin Sep 2023
blackout drunk and wrecked
a heartbeat felt in texas
a text, a match, a fire
a speck of ash that met an ember
and burned the whole casket
86 · Aug 2021
49 days
collin Aug 2021
layers of lapping ocean
papier-mache mask elapsing
insecurities, the ****** scenes
the dark and dirt and gritty ****
86 · Jan 2021
childhood sweethearts
collin Jan 2021
split lip
chapped like cracked pavement
seeped blood over statements
like a pact. in fact, the same cave
in which we saved the game
a new chapter
the last page stained
84 · Feb 2021
v day 2021
collin Feb 2021
the least appropriate
cornucopia of emotion
smothered in gestures
less love than lust
and gusts of envious
rust shaken off these robot bones
i guess it’s not for everyone
collin Apr 2020
broken glass
never tasted
so **** good

on air i once
felt so **** pure

but now it burns like ******
collin Nov 2019
She’ll never know
The soreness on knuckles
The bite marks on fingers
Anger dispersed upon two by fours
Through veins she’s never felt the pulse of

But she is so beautiful
The stabbing of deeper grey shades
The moon she’s so proud of
The girl I’m so proud of

She’s never been more gorgeous
To me, than seven months
And scribbling on canvas

I beat the **** out of door frames
I bit the hell out of my own hands
I loved the soul out of a woman
And wasn’t even the man I wanted
And honestly, she might just think I’m a ****** for doin so.

83 · Jan 2022
collin Jan 2022
i’ve been daydreaming of you
a dark cup of feeling enthused
your soft lips on mine making me
awake at night when i should be
sleeping, maybe it’s meant for us
maybe i just don’t get it
maybe i’m still alone
83 · Oct 2021
collin Oct 2021
“i never meant to hurt you”
her words like a lit cigarette on my wrist
smiling into this crochet mask i knit

“it’s been far too long
since your knuckles bled”
she said with her actions instead
collin Jun 2020
tingling toes tell the tales of my woes
so self aware with my laser set to stun
i’ve always known, it’s just the way it goes
under the gun and staring into the sun
i thought i won but i’m the first one drunk
on spider webs weaved and spun
my mind as stagnate as the wind around the sun
my thoughts have begun to run on my *****
hunched over failure or lack there of
with nothing left inside my lungs
82 · Feb 2022
studio audience
collin Feb 2022
these conversations make me feel less distant
but hours later, i’m left dopamine deficient
if only I could shut the **** up and listen
i’m digging spurs into the feeling i’m missing
82 · Dec 2021
collin Dec 2021
the impairment without the drunk
unconscious and subconscious all at once
a fleeting in-between of clarity
and feeling floated in a fog
in this space i meet the things left incomplete
and all their less familiar friends
like marbles underneath my feet
82 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
i’m walking a pitbull
upstream against my feelings
it’s easier, neon contrast to my dull
sense of being human
off alone
collin Aug 2019
ice against a lad’s legs
last mistake a crass shake
knees buckle and you’re *** quakes
81 · Apr 2021
collin Apr 2021
disingenuous nonsense
i feel rotten
since when did solemn promises
become candle wax and ash?
81 · Dec 2021
collin Dec 2021
you are the candle lit at the center of the room
dismantled the scent of the plentiful womb
you tried to displace the sins with a broom
swept against the grain, the ending soon
credits rolling like dust on the moon
mountains sang the songs that you swoon to.
every bit of energy diminished
and every little memory lived in
you felt that way once and again
attempt to live in it
but bones settle like dust
as you wish to turn back the rust
collin Jan 2022
it’s only when a stranger starts picking
pulling bark and sap starts running
desperately retreating to the warm comfort
of the mud around those buried roots

it’s only when you let down defenses
the brick let’s way to picket fences
and discomfort displaces the sun
of a summer day

am i a clam laboring away at a precious pearl,
or just a broken boy turning my back on the world?
collin Nov 2023
tendrils from my brain
sick and twisted
sinister things that grip
and bring pain
disassociate, i feel a sweet wave
of relief, relax and this pain
starts to recede
i’m vacant
whatever misshapen
false sense of relief
decides to retrieve
the fragments of my grief
it’s his to keep.
finders keepers
collin Oct 2021
there is this strange,
soft buzz in my vision
static words waft across
the canvas of my consciousness
devoid of connection
roots stem into branches that die
any lie i’ve told might as well be truth
this disconnection starts beneath my tooth
i try to relate through a slate of grey
but every shade is skewed by rain
i have not had a true friend since i was
77 · Oct 2021
collin Oct 2021
i will ice these bones
while you feel at home
77 · Nov 2019
no title to speak of
collin Nov 2019
sepia dust fallen upon
the lost and all creeping
relinquished the desperate
some simple lamenting beyond
whatever is cemented in
happy, green lawns
and illuminated lights to celebrate the holidays
being composed on any tier is sentimental
77 · Jan 2020
Golden Guilt
collin Jan 2020
his screaming, dead, grey
cast iron eyes were strong
petrified by conjured up lies
bent over and built with bronze

burnt and glazed
like candle wax upon his own lips
everything grey was turned to
spent silver bullets

all the shell casings dropped into a hot tin
the last remaining platinum lips
the metals that still haunt him
i’m a smith of my own demise.
77 · Feb 3
collin Feb 3
i hear the whispers of you in everything.
every grey cloud bullying the sun and every stray sound echoing its hum.
lying bare beneath the trees of sleep and waking to an itch without relief.
i believed knowledge equaled belief
but faith was a dry and dying seed.
how can you water what you cannot see?
77 · Aug 2021
collin Aug 2021
he split the bones in my shins
and broke my nose
broke skin
to avoid a social,
hey how are you
collin May 2021
dim lit violet flowers.
split the domestic silence
into orange slices,
divided and dispersed
amongst the children.
all responsibility for
psychiatric casualty
no longer your own.
free to fill the glass
with half-full happiness
while the litter are splintered
with fiber glass from sandbags
and burdened shoulders.
76 · Nov 2023
a place to call my own
collin Nov 2023
it’d be a shame to watch this burn
without dancing around the flames
after all the things i've learned
i still turned out just the same
another year spent wishing
i was anybody else
another night spent living
in my own personal hell
76 · Dec 2021
collin Dec 2021
i felt the earth shake beneath me
a mass immobilization of emotions
masquerade music plucking at the strings
of my stone harp heart
i feel awake and liberated
you will never again play me
the way you did before
75 · Feb 2022
collin Feb 2022
we are static from a speaker
on the radio in the dashboard
my trough met your crest
and we both lay, flatlined on the shore
75 · Sep 2021
something unattainable
collin Sep 2021
**** these hands
that demand a hand to hold and
this heart that folds for nothing more
than something slightly more than cold
74 · Jun 2021
born ultimatum
collin Jun 2021
i want to be in love again
the necessity of morning coffee beyond
head spinning drunk and madly grinning
devious shifting of hips and hops cementing
nights that never end until the
sunrise starts ringing

i want to be in love again
or just a little bit closer than only talking
when you want to or when it’s not too
74 · Jan 2022
crystallized Mess
collin Jan 2022
as i define the muscle
and chisel the truths from stone
the sediment leaves chalk words
on my heart that imply my ill intent
gritting my teeth i repent
that true beauty lies within
because if i can’t change what i hate
then how can i deserve to live?

broken knuckles
holes in walls
blistered palms
battered soul
no answers for a man in pain
no silver lining to clouds of hate
everybody i love hates me too, dude
74 · Oct 2021
collin Oct 2021
even darkness is asleep beyond my window
everyone but me, **** of the joke
i felt warmth once
and maybe this will feel like that
every word in every poem
inside my mind is growing, swollen
my knuckles glowing white in anticipation
of the credits rolling
74 · Dec 2021
not cool
collin Dec 2021
i can’t drink enough to live the way i want to
lamenting everything i left inside my youth
74 · Jan 2022
optimistic owl
collin Jan 2022
there was a very, wise owl
and one day he spoke to me
he told me that approximately
350,000 people die daily
and today, you were not one of them
so shut the **** up
72 · Apr 2020
whispering secrets
collin Apr 2020
would it be sincere
this endearing
list of words
when no ones hearing

catching breath
just beneath the crest
of a sweater vest
better words i’ve said
are always left unsaid

they will only bring you pain
they will only leave me sane
they are always left to rest
unsaid and feelings still remain

talking to a wall
because the windows would be appalled
71 · Jun 2020
two cents spent.
collin Jun 2020
love’s faded
waited days and days
placated misplaced rage
displaced into this place
ran out of disk space
to save the memories

like pencil lead on scratch paper
scratched that but a tad later i
stenciled dad or divine savior
pancreatic cancer for hard labor
****** barracks room and beatsaber
keep safe in states
united to sleep with cheap skates
carolina reaper states the heat flavor
all my dreams on a piece of paper
scratch paper..
70 · Apr 2020
collin Apr 2020
my only solid words
sketched off stencils
when my speech is slurred
whiskey wicked wisdom
stupidly obscured
my favored company’s absurd
lips like lemonade and pure
i like my friends like i like my friends
69 · Jun 2020
Larry’s Wax Friend
collin Jun 2020
all this time
and all i got

it’s all i am
not what you thought
but what you bought
not what you sought

i was meant to be something else entirely
but i forgot.
69 · Jul 2021
evil soil
collin Jul 2021
foundation giving away
i am surrounded by dirt
falling helplessly grasping
reaching out for roots
and getting nothing in return
but worms and soot.
sometimes the ground we stand on
would rather swallow every foot
68 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
when you wake up in the golden hour
sunlight turned the drinks all sour
put down that cue and head for the door
too many nights have i felt the power
of an evil that loves nothing but to devour
a broken man with both knees on the floor

i remember hiding by a garbage can
while the paramedics checked my fathers hand
one broken deadbolt and blood on the frame
i wear my scars like a cattle brand
this dysfunctional family is who i am
i will change myself cause i cannot change my name
68 · Sep 2021
cold blood
collin Sep 2021
coffee beans
ground into
making me feel like me

wet grass as summer retires to fall
i feel the falling temperature
anchoring me
i’m more comfortable in cold weather
67 · Feb 2022
don’t ever run again
collin Feb 2022
liquid gold
licking the skyline
picture perfect
your eyeliner
sticks to your bottom eyelid tonight
67 · Oct 2021
wolf pen
collin Oct 2021
the rogue would often glow in effervescent separate hues of gold worn only as a mask. unknown even to those of his own home. holding tight to hide moments and nights long ago, evident in his possession of a nostalgic playlist entitled “emo.”
66 · Sep 2021
trick candles
collin Sep 2021
breath expelled
cake sales excelling
on this day
and an old flame ignited
shock and awe in the faces
of patrons, warranted excitement
is stained by stagnant relationships
in places spaced by millions of paces
miles and miles away
65 · Aug 2021
late night dreaming
collin Aug 2021
settle in and set the kettle
the refs meddling deserve a medal in
the sport of *******
discontent with leveling
the mantle piece, a beast displayed
is causing weather in the living room
we never win
when all we know is heaven sent
disregard for the malcontent
the ones whose hell was heaven spent
content to feel the breeze against the heat
like ice melting on sweet tea
something about cps and being of divorce and childhood with big brothers and loving every minute.
collin Sep 2020
a foreign feeling
a stranger lurking
myself in my own skin
my own evil smirking
64 · May 2020
collin May 2020
boxer briefs

not boxers
not briefs
barely reached
the space for *****
call of duty
winnie pooh
oversized stained gray tee
shirt from an old team
maybe even summer league
half pint
ice cream
and an entire bottle of irish whiskey
64 · Nov 2023
collin Nov 2023
you may never know about the love we made
but i hope one day you know the same
shiver down your spine
at the sound of your lover’s name
63 · Aug 2021
moving on
collin Aug 2021
sold all of my ****
at least in my head i did.
i want nothing to do with it
cause all of it feels like you

i’ll play make believe
at a pawn shop on university
i feel like the slate is clean
and now i don’t know what to do
63 · Jan 26
collin Jan 26
this unyielding winter
splintered but inured
for the cold that reached inside me
is something i’ve endured

this unrelenting snow
blows shivers in my bones
but let this chill go thirty below
it’s a pain that i have known

spring will bring a harbinger
of warmth and sunny glow
but i’ll remain frozen in places
to thaw all on my own
In the words of a great American poet, “i got this icebox where my heart used to be”.
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