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62 · Aug 2021
go, team!
collin Aug 2021
glass on glass
shattered saturdays
past of gladly laying
on the couch, watching football
62 · Sep 2020
ding dong
collin Sep 2020
i felt my legs cemented
in denim, drenched in sweat
vaulting fences in defense
of getting sentenced.

privileged to lay against a bed
when all is said and done
we lay with white linen
reminiscing on the battles won
while darker skinneded children
live in fear for things they haven’t done
62 · Jan 25
collin Jan 25
the wind is whipping against frozen hands
snow drifts dance in snake-like bands
i reach into the cold to grip the flakes
that sift through my fingers and slip away
60 · Jul 2021
collin Jul 2021
treading water
after the alter
i belong to you
and nothing could ever break my bond

something altered
traumatic summers abroad
finding something better
and returning liking different songs

i believe in forever
forever my deepest flaw
in a generation of
believing in nothing at all

he was the something
and i was just the nothing you sought
58 · Aug 8
collin Aug 8
fluorescent orange
sunset soaring
sore and a syringe
stripping bone so cringe
get a grip, kid
puzzle pieces
biting creases
in my lips
until they bleed
you said you love me
so it's cool goodnight
collin Apr 2020
beyond the safe i thought i made
i found a place to ******* die
56 · Jan 27
posted from iPhone.
collin Jan 27
you can’t because you don’t try
you won’t feel the sky
eyes only for ghost lines
the way beauty cries
and wails from the sailing
of the birds and trees
and people in the street
of their lives and tales
they try and fail
and try again and win
the desires within
lovelorn or love scorned
head over heels or reborn
left behind or leading life
brilliant and serene
you dismiss this scene
with eyes of sleet
for a feed on a screen
55 · Jun 2020
terribly lost
collin Jun 2020
i sneezed and my eyes watered
and it felt good because it was the closest i could get to crying despite the demons hiding and flying and the dark clouds colliding
thunderstorms with no chance of precipitation
i want to cry but can’t for the life of me
the faster i run the thinner the air becomes
it’s so hard to breathe and everyday i feel less like myself, a shell and everything i hate is the pearl inside being pressed and designed with hopes that one day it’ll be worth something
i’m jealous of the night sky because even in its darkness, even behind its clouds there’s still stars that shine
52 · Jan 2022
keep the change
collin Jan 2022
i don’t know what i want
but i think i know what i don’t
slowly lowered six feet deep
without a soul to see it

fist to cheek with a bouncer, dodging tabs
or stuck to a cedar stool
eye level with a rocks glass

dimly lit circle of chairs with strangers
sharing stories of some substance
and it’s dangers

christmas  with no gifts
and explaining to my son
why mom and i are taking shifts

these deepest fears feel like reality
and i know my life will lead me
to being slowly lowered six feet deep
without a soul to see it
collin Apr 2020
sticky traction of new shoes on new black top
i felt the pull and my skin felt the warmth
our strongest star kissed both of our scars
as if within its own reaction
leave the wheels on the bumpy pavement
when he falls asleep he ignores irritation
peaking in backyards we reminisce
about a future, we suture and never miss.
48 · Sep 19
chop suey
collin Sep 19
left behind.
by myself now.
pushed aside
everyone who tried
to help out.
i guess i’ll die now
maybe i’ll find out
what’s on the other side
44 · Jul 18
I got you
collin Jul 18
happy as a clam
by the grace of god gotdamn,
you're still where i am
collin Aug 8
you take your coffee sweet
vanilla latte with stevia
you treat me like concrete
as i dream of you biting my sheets

— The End —