Listen up my darling Listen to me, please In the early hour's Do you feel the squeeze Have you found the meaning Have you found your dreams Tell me how are you feeling It's a hard life that is true But you can make it through Look back on your dealings Then tell me Y O U! Have you found the meaning Have you found your dreams?
My inspiration for writing is gone all I do is cry my lip quivers and I sob silently tears falling onto my dress my heart is broken can't you tell? I need someone to tell a shoulder for my wet tear-stained face
Woman please Don't make me mad This day February 14 th Just hold my hand Look into my eyes And try to know me Know me for the man I am Not the man you think i should be for today I am nowhere Man!
Lady supermarket with an apple in her basket everything she has chosen is convientlly frozen thats not even fit for a horse. cat food. cat food. cat food.
Lady window shopper never need to worry with a tin of hurry curry not even fit for a horse. cat food. cat food. cat food.
seams to me, that everything you might hear, will come one day so true.
I marveled at every sunspot, every freckle on your naked body. With my fingers, I traced them as though I were plotting a map, and I had set a course which led to your perfection.
All that i know, is that really me? All that i feel is, that the feeling of me? All that i do is that, the best i can be? All that is time, should it have been? All that i have tried, was that the right way? All that i give up, is me. OR maybe ALL.