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 Feb 2012
Tyler Dolch
Do the words that you rhyme still matter over time , or do they fade into the abyss like a memory you miss?
Do they fade away from you, like every friend seems to do. Not because of choice, but because of a voice,deep inside your mind, you search but never find.
Do they fill throughout your brain and exist with every pain?
Does the daylight contradict , what your nightmares constrict?
Are you afraid of today, because of what the past used to be, or fearful of the future because its a lock with no key.
Do you walk towards the light and see it in your sight! Or does darkness follow you, the light to never breakthrough?
Do you think of what could be ,if your mind could be free, Or does the darkness begin to ensue like a storm beginning brew?
Does the pain go to your brain, coursing every vein, you question if you are sane! Is this what life is to be , or is this only for me.
Do you question every thought, every sentence, every answer that could be. Why? Why do these nightmares happen to me! Is this what my life is to be ?! Or I have simply lost my balance and this is what I see.
Turn off the lights so then you can see, the darkness of a mind,
when that mind belongs to... Me
 Feb 2012
Tyler Dolch
Many in this world will become wolves and even more will be sheep.

It is the few who become shepherds that protect the sheep from being populated by the wolves of hatred, fear, and willingness to appose such on the sheep, that are the true protectors, heroes and great leaders that young men and woman should strive and wish to be.

The way of the wolf is one that will turn your heart black, your back to your friends, and your back to the world that will cause your mind to become all that is evil, wrenched, and destructive on this Earth.

Become the shepherd
Drive out the wolf
 Feb 2012
Chris-Tyler Young
Turn out the lights.
I want to dance in the darkness of my sin.
I want to let down my hair
feel its length run wild down my spine.
I want to feel my arms reaching out into the nothingness,
want to feel the touch of the shadows
as it burns my flesh.
Turn out the lights.
I want to dance in the darkness of my sin.
I want to hear the silence of my solitude, hear it screaming
at me from the pinpoint horizon
I can't actually see because I
turned out the lights so I could dance in the darkness of my sin.
I want to feel the void
at the very center of my being
shaped like the soul I sold to a devil disguised as angel
disguised as man disguised as devil.
I can't tell anymore. Even in this
darkness, it hurts to keep my eyes
open. Even in this darkness I can
see the outline of my nakedness shining
like a beacon out to sea.
But this is not the beacon calling
to lost ships like mothers call to children.
This is the beacon that blinds my eyes
and reminds me of my imperfections.
So again,
turn out the lights.
I want to dance in the darkness of my sin.
Please, just turn out the light
that burns within me. Cut out its source
and let me fade back into the darkness.
Turn out the lights.
I want to dance in the darkness of my sin.
 Dec 2011
Holly Anderson
"Help me," I cry

My monster is watching.
No one hears your screams, you know. Except for me.

I beg for mercy, but he tightens his grasp.
Every part of me wants to fight back.
But with every swing I take, I'm wasting away.

How strong are you now?
He continues to taunt.
Hold on, I dare you to.
The monster knows my pain.

With one final push I open my eyes.
It's eating me alive, I can feel it.
It's destroying me from inside.
By now I'm gasping for air,
But I keep getting pulled back under.

This time, the monster laughs.
He knows I'm through.
His fist is wrapped around my body,
Ready to crush me.
My journey was made long and torturous.
For cruel entertainment.

I start to give up.
The darkness is sliding back over me.
It won't take much to shatter what I have left.
I'm already broken.
I relax, ready to welcome death and the comfort it brings.
One last breath I take, and my life becomes
A flat line.
This is actually written about a relapse, but I tried to make it kind of like a struggle, or a fight between two sides.
 Dec 2011
Holly Anderson
God, he was so beautiful.
His smile would light up the sky,
His eyes sparkling like water.

Until the smile faded,
Happiness traded for worry.
The shine in his eyes became teary.

And to see him lying there,
a victim of his own demise.
His own monsters, the demons inside.

Is this what was meant to be?
What he used to have, who he was,
Traded for this,
This ******* cruel irony.
 Oct 2011
Vishal Dogra
Now, the Sun is again setting;
with fading beams a frenzy knight who shone & lit the dark with awful might
That shine is now punning and the Sun is again on verge of setting.
Shall the dark win the light?
Shall thou live in the night?
‘O’ Sun don’t forget thyself truth of fighting the dark to bring the light

Why leave hope?
thou sow those seeds and reap that crop
that Sun again shine – the purely white
who can win over the night;

So the Sun may again set in
 Oct 2011
Paula Swanson
Sweet death, have me tarry not,
greet me, for comes the morn.
Cheat the sun, that I may sleep,
complete as if ne'er born.

Entreat, do I, your embrace.
Defeat my heartbeat this night.
Meet me mid a last dreaming,
secrete this soul from sight
We're all human here, right?

Why, then, is my side, most human,
Something bidden I hide?


Mockings chant their mocking things,
Swinging from the hinges of reality.
While, sneers and jeers born from,
Overgrown fears,
Leave small ****** in my ripe heart -


At the door, my mind assured me, go,
And my feet, those dumb things, did listen.
Went right into havoc,
Wreaked solely by tragic,
Souls, so pathetic, I can't even stand it.

Who's ripping up my soul so darkly,
Save, me and the audience I've made?
Surely, the swift-sounding people,
With valiant battles to battle -
Are too busy to waste time at the gallows.

You dug the hole,
And jumped right on in,
I merely picked up the shovel,
And finished it.

Though, now, my heart aches,
So red and opaque,
Curse you,
For doing you in.

© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
 Jul 2011
Timothy Mooney
Bite me, Baby.
Take me down
Into your viral, hungry Limbo.
There we'll eat
The noisy neighbors
Wander through the streets
All night.
Naked but for
What cloth hangs on
To our slim decrepitude.
Bite me, Baby.
Hell don't want us.
Heaven's iffy
We won't need no shoes
Or money
 Jun 2011
It is the time for me
To make an old enemy,
My best friend.
Until the very end.

You're such a disgrace, and have a foul taste,
But I can not face what tears me apart,
So a relationship with you, I will have to start.

Let me forget, all of my regret.
Drown me in my own sorrow,
And I will pray to not wake up tomorrow.

You can't leave me
Like everyone else can,
And if you can't help me,
Nobody can.

Slowly you will begin to ****
The part of me I can't let out.
Negative thoughts will begin to fill my brain,
So drain me and my thoughts of death,
Or help me, by taking my last breath.

Fill me up, for I am empty.
Fill me with courage o plenty.

I will drink, as I sink.
Until I reach the bottom.
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