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 Apr 2011
I watch the tree outside my window,
As it's bark seeps out some sap.
I watch each drop, so slowly,
Roll down the rough tree branch.

This tree, is alive, its crying,
Tears of sweet, thick, sorrow.
This tree, is slowly dying,
It's what this sap, does show.

You have lived a gracious life,
Provided shade for a child, husband, and wife,
But now you've reached your times end,
So I, will end your pain, my friend.

I will take you down, with a few hacks,
Of my sharp, and heavy axe.
From there you will live on,
Til I, too, am gone.

You've lived your life, with me,
A hundred years, as one grand tree,
Placed right outside my window,
Oh, it hurts, to see you go.

So as your bark to ashes, turn,
I here too, with you, will burn.
There is no lesson to learn.
We live together, we die together.
 Mar 2011
Jessica Hughes
The brass trumpet sounds
In the dark, where weeps aloud
And hearts are made of silver
To match her necklace that slithers

As a snake which tangos
When their bracelets dangle
No one seems  much surprised
For  her dance, the cobra rise

To greet the man on the street
As he is poisoned head to feet
Shake the jeepers, I'm telling you
If not, may your spirit be cool

She is definitely a piece of work
And drunken whispers offer jerks
But, they do not have a clue
This woman moves to voodoo

Wiggle... Jiggle.. Lady Dancer
You  eat them like a malice cancer
Wiggle... Jiggle... Lady Dancer
Tomorrow,  you will have to answer.
By Jessica Hughes ©2010-2011
All Rights Reserved by Author
 Mar 2011
Patrick McCombs
It all felt so cold
All lifeless and desolate
The words erupted from the mouth
and fell dead on the floor
Blood flowed forth from them
blood black and colorless
Your face look liked stone
Emotionless cold and composed
as i collapsed onto the floor
In a fit of rage and confusion
I looked up you were gone.
Just like that.
Trying Free Verse out.
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
They hide in the shadows
always whispering
waiting for darkness
they lurk in the periphery of our vision
but when we look their never there
the brain says its imaginary
but in our hearts we know the truth
 Feb 2011
He breaks her, and degrades her,
Her pain makes him smile.
Though only for the shortest while,
For he isn't sure that she won't get up,
And it's his job to make her feel stuck
To this feeling, she's worth nothing.

You're a *****, you're a *****,
And you're always wanting more.
You get what you deserve.
Girl, you've got some nerve.
You live, you eat, you breathe my air.
You know **** well it isn't fair,
Cause it's all mine. You've had your share.
Take one more breath, if you dare.
I'll choke you with your own **** hair
And toss your corpse, right over there.

You're not worth the time to burry,
In fact, I'll forget you in a hurry.
The main thing I never gave;
Was a **** for you, or what you could do.
 Feb 2011
A bullet speed impact,
Down he goes,
Death approaching.
Copywright of Fluffy at and Sam Gregory Publishers
 Feb 2011
You were taken,
You're gone forever,
Never to breathe life again,
Taken away for someone's sick pleasure,
Lying in a shallow grave,
It's so sad that you couldn't be saved.

The second victim,
Locked in the barn,
Trapped in the dark,
Stabbed in the heart,
Dying on the floor  as she cried out,
But nobody heard her,
Now she's stuffed in a freezer with her insides cut out of her,
It's such a shame that nobody could save her.

Third victim,
The captive now has serial killer status,
Disgusting pride in that freaks cold eyes,
First he stopped her breathing,
Resuscitated her,
Then proceeded with beatings,
Causing painful internal bleeding,
Just think of the demonic laughter the poor girl was hearing,
The last thing she ever heard.

Fourth victim,
I think you get the picture.
Copyright of Fluffy at Sam Gregory Publishers
 Feb 2011
I've started a habit, I ignore the best of advice.
I see the gold but I can't reach out and grab it.
My chances lost, thrown away, life doesn't suffice anymore.
Just shouting at the god that has ****** me!!
**** it!! He strikes me, smites me, I can't fight back and he bites me.
Self belief burned and buried, self esteem shot down and slowly drowned.

The power I crave is unteachable, untouchable, unreachable and unbearable.
I have such foolish ambitions and desires.
Never to have greatness and my helpless soul is on fire.
Duck, drop and roll, send me to the poles to freeze, please!!
Reduced to begging, I'm a disgrace, you better take that ugly grin off your face.
I'll continue to flow It like a poet so that you feel my self loathing.

I turn on the TV and look at the news, It's not good apparently.
The whole world's becoming a zoo, It's so true.
And guess what! The sky's not even blue, It's red!!
No wait; thats just the pain in my head, pain from exaustion, or maybe just hunger.
Life's a mess.
I need to get this crippling weight off my chest, can you help me?

Force the world off my chest, then I'll carry it on my shoulders.
Gonna live like this until my fragmenting fragments are broken.
Copyright of Fluffy on and Sam Gregory Publishers
 Feb 2011
Heart frozen,
Mind broken,
Soul stolen,
Agony in the open,
A life suffering for others.

Unbearable fear,
Scared every day,
Scared every month,
Every year,
Scared every second of my worthless existence,
Scared for other peoples wellbeing,
Scared of losing those that I hold dear,
Scared of being left alone for the rest of my years,
Sat in my cell of darkness,
Drowning in my own tears.

Chained up,
Locked away,
Kept in the dark,
Self esteem torn apart,
On fire!
Burning in my prison,
Starving flames adding to this pain,
This is how I feel,
This is my daily torture,
And I am my own executioner.

My reflection provokes me,
Chokes me,
I'm ugly!
Which ******* invented the mirror?!
I might as well be dead,
What could Emz possibly see in me?
I know what I see,
And sometimes I want to gouge my own eyes out,
I'm a freak and I can't stand it!
I sentenced myself to a miserable life because I dispise myself,
Only Emily can keep me alive,
She's the only one that can breathe life into me,
She's the only one that can set me free,
Please! Please help me!!
Set me free from this prison of self loathing!
I hate it more than I hate myself.
Copywright of Sam Gregory Publishers
 Feb 2011
Patrick McCombs
I lie here in the dark
Your inches away from my face
Its 1AM  in this park
and were staring into space
In the darkness there is calm
You can hear the hum of the earth
The trace of your fingertips on my palm
Its an endless cycle of death and rebirth
We breathe in the silence of the night
The crisp air rejuvenates our hearts
We stare at the flickering street light
 Feb 2011
Hoarfrost lipstick
Touches not-dead-enough lips.
She's limp and entangled in branches.

Unfeeling fingers
Snap newly-formed buds
Breath puffing and gasping, he glances.

"Pretty... pretty cold doll!
See how the snow on her dances?

Almost...almost finished.
Just need the rest...
That last one got covered in scratches..."

Bone-numbing cuffs,
Can't scream from the gag.
She's trembling and sobbing in snatches.


I just need your arms...
such pretty white limbs!.."
He picks up his shears, and advances.
Still tweaking the  rhyming.
 Feb 2011
Amanda Jean
He sees her now, merely a stranger in passing.
Disposing the past that led up to this.
It only takes a glance,
Their minds battle.
They are released.

Two demons.
One love.
An addiction to the addict,
A desire to be desired,
Two demons.
One lie.

She sees him, merely a stranger in passing.
His once soothing face now stirs up rage within her.
Her smile distorts, with only intentions of mocking him.
He receives her smile and replies with a menacing chuckle.
They break out once again.

Two demons.
One passion.
An overdose of emotion,
The pleasure of pleasing.
Two demons.
One mistake.

Two strangers cross paths,
Glaring straight ahead as if they are trying to penetrate everything before them.
No soul knows what they know.

Two demons.
One loss.

Hauntingly, they fade into the crowd.
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