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 Oct 2010
Kathryn Houghton
Cavern mouths spill
waterfall words
and they all end up
pooled in one place;
in that place little
fishy thoughts grow
and they slip down
other waterfalls and
grow again in great
word pools filling from
waterfalls flowing from
messy cavern mouths.
 Oct 2010
Destiny Hicks
pack up your aspirations
because when you wake up
i'll be long gone by then

like one last cigarette
i'm a five minute treat
and i get burned out quickly

i'm heading for the stars
see you in the milky way
if you ever manage to catch up

there's no delay in the heavens
and i like my instant gratification
so if you're willing to wait for me--

i'm willing to come back soon
This is just a little blurb that spawned from a stream of consciousness.
 Oct 2010
Kim Keith
Dawn stretches and yawns
in yellow, poking fingers
through vertical blind slats;
into my horizontal eyes.

like an ice cube slipping down spine,
painful and exhilarating
at the same time and maybe

I’m not ready to shove myself out.
Let me be metamorphic for awhile,

lie back in this brightness
and soak it in; let me radiate
warm throughout the morning,

cheerfully light at noon
and erode to dust in the night
so that it all may cycle again
like moon chasing sun,
serpent slurping tail
or a dog whirling circles in the dirt.

I want to swirl, right here
in comfortable cotton, nighttime
peace and the wreath that early Dawn
weaves into me.  Let me be centered
in the centrifuge: the stone in the storm.
First Published By: Halfway Down the Stairs (Sept. Issue--Beginnings and Ends);=237
 Oct 2010
Black Swan
Right about when eternity starts to become old and weary and
Time has begun to lose its elasticity just as it has finally come around to reach
Its end and found its beginning;
The uncountable fragments that make the vast cosmos will congeal to form again
That we may be made whole once more;
Matter will become ultra-dense,
Compressed almost to the very brink of oblivion until critical mass is finally attained then
With unimaginable heat, fury, and eruption,
We will be violently expelled and propelled into a cold, desolate, and expanding unknown;
Scattered and dispersed to become the pieces of a ****** firmament;
Cast without mercy into the black void, we will be forced to restart a journey along
The long and circuitous route that has been called forever.
The structured laws of random chaos will dictate when it is that
We reach the first stage of a cycle that has neither origin nor finality;
There reorganized particles will germinate and initiate the process of renewal
Creating entities that will manifest in myriad ways;
Each nascent reality holding within itself the same promise of creation
That is as natural as dying and rebirth, as constant as motion and change and
As normal as the universe’s transformation from being the composite of all things
To becoming the totality of absolute nothingness.
Black Swan © 2004
 Oct 2010
Sarah Ellis
The gnat upon my letterpress
Truly cannot sense
How far apart the world it knows
Is from gods and men.
It sits upon my novel
Walks across the page
The words of Charlotte Bronte
Have become its stage.
And yet it knows of nothing
More than eat and sleep
But it crept across her knowledge
And now is in her keep.
 Oct 2010
Melissa Vance
I'm not the kind of girl that you meet every day.
I'm unusual and I like it that way.
I don't like being normal. Where's the fun in that?
I am who I am and there's no changing that.
So like me for who I am or hate me for what I'm not.
That's really your choice but at least give me a shot.
I took the time to get to know you.
So shouldn’t you do the same and get to know me too?
Just remember not to judge by what you see and hear—
If you follow my word then what you think will be loud and clear.
I don't know what will happen as time goes by
And the only way to find out is by giving it a try.
So put yourself out there; take a risk and say hello.
Just by doing that you could be getting more than what you know.
Right now you have the chance to make a new friend.
You just have to make a choice-- what will you choose in the end?
My wrists will never have scars
for they will never be chained
I will always be able to fly
with my wings of fire
no one will put me out
I will not let them
for I am free
My soul is stubborn and my will is strong
I'm not one to be told what to do or how to act
I fight for love and I fight for truth
I will protect the weak
against those who are filled with hate
I will stand for a reason
and open eyes
and I will always be me
for I am free
I'm not so sure about this one.... **Faded Fate**
 Oct 2010
Say you want a cat. A dog's too easy,
would wag when wag is inappropriate,
and slobber on the guests. You'll take the cat,
so different and strange, it drives you crazy,

its shiftlessness, its ins-and-outs, its chi.
You call. It does not come. Is this a pet,
this Dharma ***? You say you can't accept
its vacant gaze, its scorn, who yearned to be

at home with feral grace, with all you're not.
But you're a Body safely locked from Mind,
that Problem no Mind solves. This point's defined
for you by ****, who's not the pet you thought

but Otherness, one owned by God, or none.
Cat sleeps for hours, wants out. A job well done.
 Oct 2010
Matthew Cannizzaro
My children will ask questions, “Why’d they stay behind?” I’ll tell them they liked the desert and had always hated white Christmas'. They’ll laugh. I’ll smile but stop after I think about the baking streets and buildings—the emptiness.  Every day for the last 200 years the news’ doomsday clock counted down.  Eleven billion people ignored it.

Burned inside their homes
knowing life had lost meaning.
Trapped forever.

Three quarters of the world watched instead of digging, building, saving, living just a little bit longer.  We had time, help and everything we needed to build The Underground.  But they said there was no point hiding from the horsemen. Life went on like cinema in fast motion— there was love still fighting behind the madness and dawning doom.

No flowers for you.
A feather to remind us
how birds used to sing.

She had striking wit and long blonde hair that made most people jealous—everyone cut their hair short because of the heat.  Today, it was announced that at our latitude, sunrise tomorrow, the surface will be too hot for human life. We held hands as we waited in line to enter The Underground and watched the sunset. I kissed her forehead.

That was the last time
It was only beautiful,
and stars would be seen.

As the last ray of sunshine touched her locks of golden blonde hair there was no sobbing, no weeping for we knew Earth was finished.  It was lost before the Sun gave up, to billions of bright galaxies glimmering so far from home.  Hope had hid somewhere in the vast void between our worlds, frozen and dying with every scientific discovery.

My children still laugh
and my wife will smile
just a while longer
Open to suggestions :) If it was bumpy somewhere, let me know!
 Oct 2010
Francis Scudellari
He peels an azure rind
sure to find click-clack gears clocking
tin-men's timid-toed steps

But these clouds conceal gut-
taut strings rain drops plink, teasing out
hours of palsy-foot jigs
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
it was a special day.

We were all there,
some by force
of the buffet,
some by force
of mothers.

And suddenly,
my dog
feeling the force
of Mother Nature,
left a piece
at the feet
of my Aunt Kate.

My dog,
now obviously
the reincarnation
of my Uncle Ted,

may he rest in peace,

caused Aunt Kate
loudly to dismay,
"My God!"
 Oct 2010
Alex Crockett
Time is something that wonders by,

meaning nothing, but for our lives.

The great expanse,

the truth untold

It’s all eqations, so I’m told.

Time is someting I’d like to conquer,

in my body and mind,

I’d like to know what Einstein saw after Newton,

In Time.

I’d like to beat the fates at their game,

reveal Plato’s world of ever lasting.

Time came, it went and it’s coming,

it’s now and then and will be – but not forever, at least here.

it conquers death, and life.

Time after all is not  concerned.

So time,

in mystery and rarefied symbolism,

Are you real or just conjured?

Parmenides had you for nought,

Explain the passing moment from now till then,

The change from what is to what isn’t makes the sense your illusion,

maybe you’re static and we’re just pasing,

percptions’ lie and conscious deception.

But, if you really do have dimension,

let it be revealed,

let me turn your hand to my creation,

and make what I haven’t from past sensation.
 Oct 2010
Christina Gillam
To the exotic fisherman
who may stare at
the silver-scaled fish
in wonder--
this shall be your new catch.
With souls like nets,
and pure-blue eggs that hatch
new ideas in a flash!
Savor this fish as
it flicks its tail in a splash
to return home to sinkship hollows.

For you detect no
like creature
precedes or follows.
Understand the implicit meaning?
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