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 Nov 2019
It's True no one gets out alive.
The greatest lie however,
is that we come into
and go out of this world alone.
That might be true
if we were Humans
having a Spiritual experience.
But we are Spirit
having a Human experience.
We Have Not
and Never Will Be

 Jan 2019
I always struggled with
and did not understand
Those Buddhist Monks
insistent call to detachment.

I longed to attain
their serene, unflappable,
gently smiling

I might as well have attempted
Mt. Everest's Summit.

Until one day
It came around the corner
and swallowed all my thoughts
& grasping need,
And finally, now
I'm beginning to see.

It's not apathy
or disconnectedness
or a lack of care.

It is release
It is peace
It is a still
empty clear space
Where I can finally

The view from Mt. Everest's Peak
can't compare
to this expansive Vista
that is now unfurled
& throughout me.

I slowed enough
for it to over take
& empty me
And now I understand
Those Beautiful Monks look
of Serene Glee...
 May 2014
Pain is the spice of life.
It's how you know you are alive.
It's what makes happiness & pleasure feel so good.
It's the Yin to my Yang.
It's not to be avoided but embraced with grace.
It's a bittersweet agony that when savored,
flavors your soul and makes us more complete & whole.
It is what rounds us out, teaches us & gives us clarity.
Without our pain, there would be no truth or joy.
 Apr 2014
They say home is where the heart is
But what if you don't have a heart?
What if you don't have roots or walls or a spine?
What if you have nothing holding you together
And nothing tearing you apart?
What if you're a mere echo of a stray soul stuck in limbo?
A lump of atoms,
A burnt match,
A drifting vagabond,
Naked, lost, and numb in this cosmic paradox
Where satisfaction is but a distant memory
I like to think I'm content but I'm completely out of my comfort zone with nowhere to go but here.
 Apr 2014
Shannon Jeffery
I have lost who I am
Or was I just never found
I don't know when this began
Where do I start? Feeling drowned

I subconsciously blend
I'm a natural chameleon
My emotions and thoughts bend
I feel like an alien

Whomever I stand by
Is who I become
I could breakdown and cry
All these influences, like gum

I'm deep down somewhere
Just no clue where to begin
I need a white light to appear
Or forever my world will spin
Lost for who I am. So hard to explain.
 Apr 2014
Shannon Jeffery
My life is like a spiders web
Strand for strand intertwined
An ordered chaos built each day
From my soul this web is lined

Twisted and tangled in a mess
Full of insects which upon I feast
These are the bad memories that I have
Deep inside I conceal the beast

Because of those moonlit nights
My web shimmers like a lake
These are the good times that shine
Those memories shall never break

Some strands of my web
Are sticky and gross
But all in all they stand strong
Because this is just how life goes

A web of unimaginable entanglement
Strand for strand intertwined
An ordered chaos built through time
This web my soul has lined
 Apr 2014
Upon removal of the camel from my eye, I see the shell of life released across the deserts sands.
A spark, a new light of existence is ignited, from the cradle to the grave
A renewal of the Worlds life, cultivated thru evolved states of honor, respect and love
From the new cradle World will spread with a light, spread cradle to cradle    
All form is eventually set free with the breaking of the bodies simple shell, with Life's release leaving nothing lost or left behind
Yet always others must remain in stewardship to the World re-creation, the call to duty that carries the highest form of honer to be had
And what of the first of the offspring delivered to this cradled place, where beginnings have not yet been written?
With these children come the creation of a new species, born in an unknown world just re-made, each being the only of its kind in existence
The combining of this original energy forms the perfect purpose, creating the path to the heart of this place of second chances.
 Apr 2014
A man-made cave of brutal grey
Damp and dark on sunlit day
Void of what it used to be
Yet a thousand souls I seem to see
Oppressed I felt I must escape
So through narrow door my way I make
A few steps more on grassy knoll
To sit, and breathe, and take control
I stare across the open fields
Wide and flat, and Poplar healed
I want to write
Yet words won’t come
For in this place all words are done
Upon this knoll, one long past day
Were penned the words of John McCrae
So instead I ponder field’s banks
Fresh turned earth in neat trim ranks
And watch the flowers bob their heads
With diaphanous petals
Of deep blood red.

RD © 2014
Today, my wife and youngest daughter are on a school trip visiting Ypres.  About five years ago I made the same trip with our eldest daughter. Amongst many places we visited was the Essex Farm Dressing Station and I admit that quite soon I found it’s atmosphere oppressive and so sat outside about 20 feet away on the grass bank of field, where Poppies were growing in newly ploughed earth. I tried to write something then, to imagine, but no words came. So I took a photograph of the closest poppy instead and it was only when I was walking back to the coach that I saw the inscription that explained how John McCrae, Canadian Army surgeon, had just failed to save his friend in the dressing station and came outside to sit awhile, where he wrote “In Flanders Fields”  (3rd May 1915). And I knew all the words had already been used for this place.
 Apr 2014
Twisted & Turned
Inside Out
I’ve become one entwined,
carefully woven piece
of a beautiful
intricately thrown pattern
the infinite tapestry of life.

Expanding to eternity in every direction,
all at once without end
across the endless expanse of existence,
with a reach
that can never
be exceeded.

Who could ask for more?
 Apr 2014
These Randomly Specific People
Wander Through
my life

Their tests upon
my limits lead
to newly found extremes.

cuz what I see in you
is what I see in me
A mirror of halls - reflecting endlessly

that’s ever been
and all that’s yet to be.

Peering through the Looking Glass,
delivered & returned
to a place
I’ve never seen,

In finding You,  
I find Me
a glimpse beyond
the veiled realm
that otherwise
is blind & gone

In your eyes is Clarity,
I want to Know,
I Have to See
that which lingers, hovering
A waiting destiny

Only to be found
by those who stare
the Deepest Mirrors

Standing Strong
and Brave Enough
to find
Their Own Pathway Clear.
 Apr 2014
Days gone by,
in my mind,
lost in time

I see you in
my passing dream
long away from me, soon to be found

You survive and complete all my songs.

In your eyes,
I see a summer gone by
beautiful tears,
lake so blue,
Searching for me,
I’m always looking
for you.

Girl you make me love,
you make me true,
in me, in you,
all I know

You make me full,
swimming your river so deep
I’m up to my neck
in You.
 Apr 2014
Monsters with many faces

Lost in so many Places

Where has it all gone,

In plain sight

Where am I

Where are You

It all slips away today,

Down down deeper I go

The further I travel the less I know

Inside Outside its all alone

Nothing left, the beginning all over again

Look to the left, look to me

No matter which way, You’ll never see

A place that exists never to be found

You run & walk but only cover the same old ground

It’s all sad, it’s all true

Nothing old & nothing new

Look at me, can you really see?

I’m lost I’m found, but never sound

No matter where we go the same is always found

I’m up, I’m down, I’m all around,

In the end it all comes back to me.

I want to know, I want to see,

Thru the mist enshrouding me

Left & right, I struggle, I fight,

Surrounded by the darkest sea & night

Thru the mist I strive to be

The monster inside that fights to be free.
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