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 Feb 2017
I can't sleep at night
So I see you in my day dreams.
Insomniac on a mission
Projecting visions on a big screen
I spot an opening to your heart, in my dream analysis
Want to enter but can't move
I guess that's sleep paralysis
So I stay where I am and just focus on this visual
Convinced it's not real, though I can feel the residual
It's embedded in my memory
This dream has got the best of me
I pray that when I wake, you'll be sittin' right here next to me
But if it doesn't come true
If I never come to
At least here we exist
All of me
All of you
 Jun 2014
You don’t need to be deep to write. I found you can swim for hours through the depths of the most shallow person, so long as they’re honest.

There’s a simplicity in honesty, that’s what captures people. Not navigating through mazes of big words and made up metaphors that don’t make sense.

When you write, write lightly. Let your honesty leave the impact.
 Apr 2014
I wanted my passion back..
This was who I was, and I wanted her to visit.
Even for a brief moment, so I can kiss myself on the forehead upon my return.
And actually say goodbye when she decided to leave.
I wanted her back.
My passion.
I wanted my poetry.. Back.
She fled from me.
Lost underneath the city sky, with false illumination from street cars named desire.
There was no North Star for her to follow, no way for her to venture back to my heart.
Like a turtle needing the moon to be led to the sea, I doubted she would ever make it back home
Extinction was the roughest of all possibilities but to mourn the loss of a love held selfish tendencies
I only missed her cause of how she made me feel not because of who she was or who she could have been
The manifestation of my pent up frustration came to set me free
Just pull the trigger
Nobody will miss her
Oh say can you see- what I am saying?
All I wanted was my passion back.
And it wasn't until I found G-d that I heard three knocks on the door saying

I haven't written in a while. When I put pen to paper again.. This is what came out.
 Mar 2014
It’s scary looking at someone that has every element and characteristic that you’ve asked G-d for in your most intimate prayers…

There’s something so nerve wrecking about looking someone in the eye and loving every piece of them without them even opening their mouths.

Realizing that you’re the ultimate side piece for it is from his side that you were created. He assures you of your position when he whispers, “I’ve found my rib” in your ear and takes your hand while he makes a vow to love you… And love you…
And love you.

And when they do, you stumble hand in hand 6 feet deeper into graves set in juxtaposition because so help me G-d not even death will do us part.


How was this made for me?

When did you do this G-d?

Did he ask for me too?

I don’t have to, sit by the window anxiously awaiting a package anymore.
G-d delivered, my exclusive mailman. 

Shipping was free.

I just had to believe.
I haven't written in a long time, hope you all enjoy this.
 Oct 2013
I hate finding myself staying up late

waiting by my phone

for a call you’ll never make

I hate you


before I sleep

I taste your name on my lips

followed by the words

I miss you
 Oct 2013
he wasn’t expecting my lips to be so warm

nor my heart to be so cold

he wanted to go by what he felt

and not believe what he was told
 Oct 2013
Nobody ever misses me right away.

I have a tendency of making my way into parts of your life that you don’t notice until long after I’m gone.

You’ll think of me in the laundromat, when someone three washers down has the same fabric softener I had just washed my clothes with the night before our first date.

You’ll think of me at the coffee shop, when someone ahead of you in line asks for three sugars and two creamers, like I used to.

You’ll think of me when your sister shows up to your house wearing the same nail polish I did the first time you kissed the back of my hand.

You’ll think of me when you’re in the car alone and you realize you don’t turn on the radio anymore, ‘cause our silence used to be better than whatever was playing.

You won’t really realize it until it’s too late and I’m too far gone.

Until I’m so deeply embedded into your memory and intertwined into your everyday life.

You won’t miss me immediately.

It’ll take some time.
 Jun 2013
last night
I came to the conclusion
every time you leave, I
die a little inside
I don’t want to tell you
if you knew
I’m not sure whether you’d
stay in effort to keep me alive
or if you’d
keep on leaving until I’m

 May 2013
one day

you will realize

I am everything

you never deserved

one day

I will realize

I am everything

you don't deserve
 May 2013
this morning, at 3:17

I was laying on your chest


listening to your heartbeat

and I realized that

it is no longer my favorite song

 Mar 2013
I would write you a poem

to tell you how I feel

but when you left

the melodic flow that

passionately pieced

my words together

followed you



 Feb 2012
Paige Walker
A daisy haunted by sunlight
A painter of shadows    
Under the moon shining bright

An audience that follows
Eyes weary  
Like those of a barn swallow

Promises stretched like a tightrope
I'm an acrobat
On a slippery *****

A writer with aching hands  
Cursive amongst the draft  
Before it takes a stand
 Oct 2011
The They
I had to smother this lust and aggression
But I found my enemy was my mode of repression.
Suppressed, depressed I watch them dance around
Regressing, listening to the music’s throbbing sound
I find myself sitting here in a lonely stupor
Disengaged languishing in this torpor
The sound of pouring: a dreadful mass
But I still won’t fail to drain my glass!
Bourbon is best served -contrary to popular belief- straight and neat.  If you want whiskey on the rocks drink scotch you pretentious nut!

— The End —