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 Dec 2011
JK Cabresos
Cold, unfold
with just a second
I taught myself to crawl,

Pure, uncured
with just a minute
I learnt from every war,

Tears, unshared
with just an hour
I forgave, but never forgiven,

Found, unsound
with just a day
I appreciated life like rain.
© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
Your name,
still stains my brain
like it had never been before,
you took me higher
but then again I touched the floors:
we have drifted away
(you were the one who decided),
and now, it is too late to be back
from those words you said.

Your lips,
still intertwine on my days
as you kissed goodbye,
it has been dreams faded ---
and lost with those myriad times;
you turned each night colder,
unbeknownst, and will never grow,
and chasing those memories,
somehow, is all that I can ever do.

Your eyes,
are still blinded,
that you could not see me through tears,
a broken heart from a broken smile,
and it will never be eased again;
you have thrown all the chances
far from usual things,
so what am I supposed to do
than to break down and cry?

And now,
you showed me the worst,
yet I will still miss you
throughout these lonely years,
I keep on bleeding,
keep on fixing these shattered pieces:
and I have no choice
but to accept every details found,
to understand everything
to be brave, then believe
and to chase those memories
by walking apart ---
apart from your grave.
© 2010
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
Stirring some cups of coffee of thoughts
     from ocean of ideas rose above through the sunrise;
I am a poet not, I am just a kid with boring words,
     critics are everywhere, how do you find my poems?

These graffiti on my mind hanged along the walls,
     are trying to convey who literally am I used to be,
with points of view, questions, which sometimes *****!
     But if you can only utter empty phrases, then shut up!

Do not judge me, I am no superman, am not that strong,
     I still bleed upon countless things people spewed out,
there is nothing wrong if I am drawn to pen my words,
     there is nothing wrong about poetry, right?

I am only a beginner, without fruitful thoughts,
     I am poet not, I am just a kid with boring words:
out of style, lack of knowledge towards once philosophy,
     so, how do you find my poems? My poetry?
© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
There's no
other remedy
for love
but to
love more.
© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
With all these words
     I'm trying to utter right now,
With all these words
     I'm asking deep inside my heart;
With all these words
     I really want you to hear;
With all these words
     that come from
     the highest atmosphere.

I'm missing you,
     do you miss me too?
I need you,
     do you need me too?
I care for you,
     do you care for me too?
I love you...
     and would you hug me
     and say, you do?
© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
'Tis end of the world...

                   ...after ice and fire collide.
© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
Empty words from empty tongue;
empty thoughts from empty minds.

Your eyes doesn't convey the phrases
you're trying to speak;
you're talking so much without understanding it,
and you're just playing safe.

Your actions are torturing me.
From being imprisoned of that loud silence.

Even if you kneel for forgiveness;
even if you say thousands of apologies.

(It's fin'lly over!)

Each story of yours seems so unsound,
and I'm done accepting you (over and over again).
You left me hanging with no regrets,
guess what?!
I'm sick and tired crying bottles of tears.

Stand up!
Just burn yourself by the coldness of the ice!
You can do noting now,
when your sorry is not enough.

(It's fin'lly over)

Leave me alone with
no arguments,
no questions,
for I've given you already so many chances before.
This poem is for the people who felt cheated (especially girls). You just can't hide! Let go! Even if you have loved him/her so much on your deepest dreams. What's the sense?! What's the point of loving so much if he/she doesn't love you back?! He/she doesn't deserve you anyway. Remember, relationship is all about "GIVE and TAKE". DON'T LIVE WITH ******* ON YOUR HEAD! Let them recognize their mistakes. It's not your LOST.

© 2011
 Nov 2011
JK Cabresos
Our hearts were filled up with marshmallows
and I never noticed, I was drawn closer to you.
With my head on the floors,
my feet on the roof
the day we met was a volcano.

Our shadows crossed;
our noses breathed each other's air:
it must have been love, but it should be over
(for I chose to bestow this heart of mine to someone)
then blow the candles off before everything will be burned.

(Sorry for the cries you cried for me)
(Sorry for the smiles you smiled at me)

I couldn't easily be entangled in your life
for someone already owns my days
and my nights
(someone who where there in times I was sad)
and now, this friendship we built is enough.

It's already proven, being with someone is my best resort,
no matter if I'm the fifth among the four.
I can't really afford to lose the only one I have
I can't be with you today, maybe till tomorrow
(friendship is enough).

(Thank you for the cries you cried for me)
(Thank you for the the smiles you smiled at me)

I'll be glad you'll be moved on also
to someone else's arms
for I wasn't able to hold you from any storms.
We should make it all set and done, somehow
and I am happy that you are happy now.
© 2011
 Jul 2011
it is my unseen lover
it caresses my dreams
and weaves beauteous nightmares
my closest friend, it walks with me
our hands entwined in better days
and cradles me tight against its breast as I falter
though feared by so many,
it is comforting in its consistency,
in its dependability
always there, it never disappoints
close enough to feel its cold breath envelope me,
it feels like home as it moves like fog through the cracks in my soul
And my heart can almost feel whole in its bitter embrace
©PrttyBrd 14/08/11
 Nov 2010
Breathing Ice
You told me once  that you've  never loved
anyone like you love me. You also  told me
that you woud love me forever and   never
(ever) leave my life.  That   you were   here  
to  stay.  You  
said I looked
like an angel,
like  an    Arabian   princess,
Angelina   Jolie-esque  and  
simply  eatable.  Your love
for    me   showed   all  over
this   perfect
face of yours,
you   know...
And   though
my poor eyes,
heart,    and
hands    belie-
ved every eve-
ry lie,    every  
*******   *****
lie,    I   know
better    now.                             **UCK YOU
 Oct 2010
Breathing Ice

Oh yeah. You  were
all I ever wanted...
Huh.  With your too
sweet     lips
and    your    
painted lies.
****,   you
were so dra-
matic about
(all the ****-
ing time too)
but the way
   your fingers    
played with
my hair and
the way you
said I   love
you    was   too  good,  
too **** ******* good.
                                                 But   you   know    what??                                 DON'T
 Oct 2010
Breathing Ice
And we did.
     I swear we did.
          I showered in your scent this morning while you
              read to me my own work telling me I was foolish to
                 write such dark poetry. That you would love only me
                                                                ­                                                                 ­        forever

And we did.
   We made love and had long dialogues
       like grown-ups. Talking about politics and
           global warming and my left big toe and your
              fantastic way of explaining what our romance
                                                         ­                                                                    means

God, we did. I could  
    ******* swear we did.
        My body is naked from the knees upwards
            and my imagination runs wild, even faster than
               your thrusting hips and your spanking hand and
                      ugly words. My soul is drunk tonight and I wish it
                                                                ­                                         sobered up        
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                                       *never
 Jul 2010
The familiarity of helplessness
Thrice-fold upon return
Has churned up the sleeping trolls
Now dancing on the nerves of the lost
A happy dance it is they do
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/01/2009
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