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 May 2019

1. there’s water in the stars, and when it over flows it rains fire down upon us. it scared you once, and now pink scars run rivers down your cheeks.

2. maybe someday you’ll overflow just like the stars, and hell will bubble out of your mouth and onto the ground. there will be fire all around us and god will say, you have fire.

3. when you fell you reached up and your candle-wax rosaries burned all of time and space stored inside your brain, the records kept for nothing. and god will say, you have the end.

4. i walk miles of sand, half finished mirages in my wake as my heart beats to the vacuum of space. at night, if you look up, there are no gods there. you want him to say, here are the flames and here is the end, you want him to say you can die now. but there are no gods anywhere.
 Dec 2018

1. i want you to promise me that when you fill your veins with ice water you won’t ever forget. till death do we part.
2. im knocking at your door and you’re there, your eyes a peculiar color of green. you hold my hand and fire comes down my arms in waves, it hurts so much but i would never dream of taking my hand away.
3. pulses of white hot lighting electrified your tears. running down your cheeks they seem to glow. this is the moment, you are the moment. paralyzed, i stand in front of you, you are the magnet and i will spin You. together we light up the world like firecrackers.
 Dec 2018
you had oceans in your eyes and stars inside your ribs, they knew that they could never keep me from finding you. a universe in your head i begged for stories of the stars, all i wanted was you. they knew this was coming.

2. they tried to stop me from loving you as a child tries to stop the tide coming in, eventually the waves knock over your sand castle. they tied me up and taught me for a long time why you were not allowed but even i have secrets.

3. when they loosened their grip for even a moment i was free, and freedom tastes like apple hair detangler  and golden spray paint.
your hair held the stories of cities and your lips help the souls of millions, they knew that stopping me was like stopping the earth from going round the sun.
idk what else to say but i think I have a crush on her
 Dec 2018

1. And you can feel it on your arms, in your hair and in your soul. perfect soft light filling the air with a sweet hum.

2. you can remember the feeling but can’t conjure what it feels like. Something you aren’t nostalgic for until it’s happening.
Chase it into the horizon. Never come back.

3. Replace the stars in your head with it. let  it fill your mind with dreams of fairy tales with happy endings and wildflower forests.
 Dec 2018
noun Squeaky clean and ready for life to tear its guts out and use it for seasoning. Ready for the slaughter house.

2. Scared. It’s has seen to much and wants to run away. They all run. Life has left scars that no animal could leave. Prepare for it to come again, year after year.

3. Breathe. It’s over and mist turns into heat. The memory is still there- blooming flowers and the unmistakable smell of blood. Everyone’s favorite time of year leads into another season.
 Dec 2018
ˈpridē boi/

1. The world is not a love poem. When people think of you, they think of all the stars in your eyes. How they want to see space through your perspective.

2. They love you, do they do not know why. You are polarizing but with two broken halves. They feel butterflies of great endearment fluttering in their stomachs, the kinds that strangers might call destiny. the love of the curious for the curiosity.

3. Roses and dandelions. The air smells like fresh milk and lilac perfume. When we think of you we think of Their words, that seem to come through the mist. All those forgotten flowers. What was allowed and what wasn’t?

4. Electricity in your veins and stars in your eyes. Do you miss the wind or do you miss the flames? Maybe we’re all cabinets of wonders.
 Dec 2018

1. Click clack, click clack. Her long pointed fingernails are painted red. silk red, strawberry red. Maybe their painted with paint, maybe their painted with blood. They knock on your door. You know about the poison in her polish.

2. The final end to your books. A period to finish the rambling sentence that was your existence. As we place you in your metal box to rot nobody weeps. The final nail in your coffin goes in sideways.

3. nobody stays for the reception.  as you are lowered she throws a rose. It matches the color of her fingernails. click clack, click clack. We pile dirt onto you. So much dirt. I wonder how you will get out now.
 Dec 2018

1. Watch the wind swirl the ocean waves into big, reaching hands. Only have you ever seen this in your imagination. Thousands dead, cities destroyed. Laugh in the rubble of your apartment building.
You will never recover from this.

2. Taste the earth as you never have before. The air is quiet because it is waiting. your heart beats much to fast for the calm before the storm. Offer the woman lying in the wreckage a cup of tea in what used to be your kitchen. Run, run, run. It's too late.

3. Is it all in your head? open your eyes to find the soil perfectly intact. You'll never know what's real and what isn't. All the people carry their grief with them alongside their umbrellas. It's still raining.
 Dec 2018

1. instead of lipstick drink in the blood and let it stain your skin. Don't tell anyone the purple hue of your lips isn't from face paint.

2. Run in the fields like you have never run before. Gentle, gentle. The brambles will scratch your skin.

3. Return with cuts and tears in your flesh and fill up chocolate domes with the crushed bodies. Lick your blood stained lips and sell your candies to tourists.
 Dec 2018

1. Light up the room, light up your words. flick that switch and watch all candles become obsolete. Turn it off as you leave the room. You don't want it watching.

2. Listen closely. The gentle hum of electricity waits in the dark. tap your fingernails on the delicate porcelain. Wait until you can no longer hear the noise.

3. Yellow. Can light age? Catch it all in your hands and wash your face. Pretend you didn't see the shadows in your room. Pretend you didn't see the figures in the mirror. Tick tock, tick tock. you're late for work. Turn it off.
 Dec 2018

1. Fill your pockets. Can't you help but think it matches the blue of their eyes?
it litters the beaches of your old hometown. Forget about suspicious coincidences and run.

2. the ocean is to misty to reclaim the fruit it had beared. Eat the gemstones like ice. Won't it make you young?

3. They speak to you in the trunk of your car. Remember that not just any rocks match eyes so perfectly. Think Insanity. think destiny. throw out your torn dress and join the sea.
 Dec 2018

1. Promise the wind and the moon that you will be there. They will be waiting. Touch the fabric of your dress over and over in your nervousness. Watch the ends fray.

2. Days pass. Nights pass. The wind and the moon continue to whisper among themselves. Feel the light of the stars. Doesn't it feel familiar? Touch the braids in your hair over and over. What are you missing?

3. delicate. wish for all things blue and white and red. Pretend you can't hear the voices that have come. they are still waiting.

— The End —