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 Jun 2014
A laugh says a lot
A smile tells a story
A frown shows emotion
A crie tells your fears
Yes they all are alike but
They are different somehow
A frown and crie show how you feel but
A smile and laugh hide your true feelings
So yes the are alike they all show something
One is just the truth and the other is a lie
 Jun 2014
Your told lies and expected to
Tell the truth
We say we rather have the truth but
We can never handle it
We say lies tear us apart but
Truth can more
We lie to protect so
Maybe secrets are good
Maybe life is better off with
Some lies but too much
Brings us here to the horrible world
We live in now
 Jun 2014
I hope for things that cant come
I dream for things i cant reach
I wish for things i cant have
But when laugh
I laugh at
The little hope
The pointless dreams
And the stupid wishes
But when i frown
I frown at the lost chance
Of my hope, dreams, and wishes
So when i hope, dream, or, wish
I laugh
And frown
 Jun 2014
With each memory a piece is shattered
The past slowly walks inside
And leaves disquised as tears
Tears that slowly rush down your face
And leaves you with no emotion
But most important tears that prove
Bad memories dont fade
 Jun 2014
Here I sit in tears
Here I live with regret
Why did I do it ?
Was it worth it ?
Maybe Yes
Maybe No
Either way **nothing can change the past
 Jun 2014
I trusted you
And you showed me off
To your friends
As they laughed at me
I told my friends despite their remarks
That you were my everything
You braged about my body as if I were
A trophy
A simple object
You played me
And I was too stupid to know
You didn't care about me
Yet I was giving you every part of me
I did things for you
I wouldn't for any other
But you took my trust and abused it
Now when you look at me
I feel ashamed
**And now you win
 May 2014
My love for you**
Is greater than any love
There is
 May 2014
There your body hung
And all you left was a note
And all it said was *I'm Fine.
We are NEVER okay. There is no such thing as "I'm fine."
 May 2014
Make m e  beli ev e
I'm b e a u t i f u l beca use I b elie ve I' m n o t
Regretting you g et in side my h e a d wit h eve rythi ng you e v er sa id
Regretting the th ings I di d to cha nge m yself
Ove rt hin kin g; A nd
Reme m ber ing eve ryt hing I we nt th rou gh
He made into a monster
And there are cracks
Because the many times
I've looked at myself
 May 2014
there are no kisses and hugs
no missing or love
were laughs become screams
and tears become streams

nobody dares to speak
for we are all too weak
and afraid of what should be loved

as my mum comes near
we all stand in fear
wondering who will be next
to be pulled by the hair
and get given no care
only painful kicks and stares

I tried hiding under my bed
for sooner or later I will be dead
we're all just living in dread

I can no longer take the pain
there really is no gain

because things are just different in my house...
it's not very good but I guess it's something...
 May 2014
Listen and
I** will tell you
Excellent things and make you believe
Some of it was true
 May 2014
Some poets say "My poems are just poems."
"It isn't like it's really how I feel."
But the pain has had to come **from somewhere
 May 2014
I** like to
Make believe  of
A world so magical
Gracious and beautiful
It exist
No matter where, just
A world
I can escape to, somewhere
Over the rainbow, somewhere
No one knows exist
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