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 Feb 2017
Michael L
I always think


A trait that not all my friends


Yet some find me as sweet as a


When I drink I just take a


Believe me, I am not wearing a


My heart can be snapped like a


But most days I am dancing a


Overall life is a pretty good

just for fun, enjoy :)  - ML
 Jan 2017
Mike Hauser
This is how you write a poem
When you're holding nothing
Find a line and set to rhyme
Until it sounds like something

Settle on a subject
Although you may not know it
You might want to Google
So that you don't blow it

Hopefully you have spell check
So you're not labeled an idiot
If you lack in the vocab
Go back to the Google bit

Do it all for the fun and
Keep those rhymes a coming
That's pretty much how you write
A poem straight out of nothing
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
I live in a world of words
That constantly spins around
A solar system filled with verbs
And planetary nouns

Syllables that hold me down
Like the 3 in gravity
Consonants in and out
Is the oxygen I breath

Adjectives and adverbs
My galaxy abounds
In this world I live of words
That constantly spins around
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
Oh my, oh me
A Bumblebee
Just flew up my nose

And to think
This weird feeling
Has nowhere else to go

Can't hear a word
My eyes are blurred
And my brain it tickles

Stinging me
In my memory
Leaving me with little

From the inside
It passes by
Bumblebee on cruise

Which has my head
Thinking that
All is buzzing loose

Then with joy I hear
Flew out my ear
That was the strangest feeling

I have ever had
Inside my head
Besides my normal daily dealings
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
i put a door on my aquarium
so the fish could come and go as they please
although the idea might be scaring them
it's not like i made it screened

if they just barely open it
that will help to stem the flow
i know the goldfish are all hoping that
the guppies don't treat it like a swinging door

i'm sure they'll get used to it in time
as we all do things in life
and when they do they'll come to realize
above all else my genius mind
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
My hope is one day
I see life the way
My friend Ben the Poet sees life

From the edge of extreme
To all points in between
Taking us and his mind for a ride

Whether in a bubbly boat
Carved out of hand soap
On the high seas of a tile laden floor

Or chasing butterflies
As they flip, flutter, and fly
Knocking at his noggins door

I am always amazed
More than mere words could convey
As his imagination takes us for a spin

Which direction it flows
Not even the mind of Ben knows
As the wind whispers, take hold of his hand

Towing insanity's line
Like that of Ben's Frankenstein
Fresh off the shelf, Abby Normal...don't you know it

Setting all his thoughts free
Every time his mind blinks
Little wonder that Ben is a Poet
I still harken back to the first poet site I joined and Ben was the first poet I read. I knew from that moment on that this would be one crazy ride!
He goes by Ben Jones on here...if that's his real name.  Lol!
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
Tick, Tock
Tock, Tick
You never do get used to it

Tock, Tick
Tick, Tock
Give away all that you've got

Tick, Tock
Tock, Tick
The lines of time will not stay hid

Tock, Tick
Tick, Tock
Sweeping hands on life's time clock

Tick, Tock
Tock, Tick
As memory slips in what you did

Tock, Tick
Tick, Tock
Give a penny for your thoughts

Tick, Tock
Tock, Tick
Passing time the time you live

Tock, Tick
Tick, Tock
Hard to find when time is sought

Tick, Tock
Tock, Tick
You never do get used to it

— The End —