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 Jul 1
They took my God away from me
Told me I couldn’t be loved by you,
Can you believe it?
Your believers killed me, killed you
And I was to worship the blood on my hands
Instead, to sink in all the shame inside
And take it as a lesson learned.
I’m not crazy just a little unwell
My mind is not for rent, but it sure the **** is for sale
Make me an offer
One I can’t refuse
My mind is for sale
Gently abused
It comes with bipolar, schizophrenia too
It’s got a history,
Forever Feeling blue
how many times can I google The words
Ways to tie a noose
You could say I'm suicidal
Crazy as glue
I’ve got so many problems
Come on
I’ll sale it to you
It comes with roommates
And some ****** up points of view
I’ve got issues and voices too
There telling me it’s over
I’m as worthless as poo
Absolute Mush
My mind is nothing but goo
I’ll sell it cheap
Sale it to you
.I’ll make you an offer
Throw in my dignity too
I lost my mind
It’s for sale
 Dec 2023
Underneath an empty sky
I cry out my loneliness
And pour out my sadness
To celestial beings
Who could not care less

Eventually I stop my crying
And I go to join
The moon and
All her glorious stars
 Dec 2023
The light turns red.

I look over at you,
Eyes pleading for a kiss.
You give in
And the world seems to stop,
As two lovers escape
For a moment of bliss.

The light turns green.
The moment is gone.
 Dec 2023
my darling
i know your heart aches
with a lifetime
of burden and regret,
but the world still turns
the tides still crash
and the moon still shines

despite the hole in your chest.
 Dec 2023
I am so overcome with love
But only when my mind is hazy
And my thoughts come slowly and quietly

What am I so ashamed of
That I can only see you warmly
In the dark

Why is it easier
To admit I love you
When I’m not thinking clearly?
 Dec 2023
strange strange girl
your silence makes you strange
your strangeness makes you forgotten
so be silent and be gone
 Dec 2023
Words I never spoke to you crumble in my mouth,
Forgotten flames destined to burn out
Or burn the life around it

I let my affections die inside me
For I don't think you would understand
The weight it holds, no
I don't think you would be so gentle with my heart,
Cracking like eggshells beneath your careless grip

No, I can't bear to watch you break me
So I blink and smile warmly,
Swallowing my heart and hoping you don't notice.
Is it considered unrequited love if it was always unspoken?
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