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 May 2013
Tonight I promised myself I'd take a picture of him.
(I don't have enough.)
I told myself to wait until it was dark and my chili pepper lights had to come on,
to wait until he was shirtless
his hair was messy
and to wait until the perfect moment-
right after he's seen all of me,
and he's smiling
because there is no outside world,
there is no outside,
the entire universe exists only on my mattress,
and we are laughing because nothing could possibly be wrong-
the perfect moment to pick up my camera and take a snapshot of
the most beautiful guy I have ever met
that is finally shedding his thick skin and letting me see how he has hurt, too.

The perfect moment came and went,
and I was too busy listening and laughing
and lightly tracing his bones with my fingertips and lips
to even think about my camera or remember cameras existed in the first place.
 May 2013
We were very cute
the way we did those couple-y things

those wonderfully cliche couple-y things

We were very mature
the way we talked about those things

those big important things

We were very close
when we did those other things

those perfectly sweaty things

I was very sad
when you commenced those leaving things

those "but it's midnight" leaving things

I like our things
even the not so perfect things
I don't want our things
to change

How can I be so selfish?
 May 2013
It hurts me.
You're all I need beside me tonight.
It hurts me.
I know we can't be anymore.
It hurts me.
I will no longer feel your eyes on me.
It hurts me.
Knowing that I won't get to touch you.
It hurts me.
Your voice lingers in my head.
It hurts me.
I want to be yours.
It hurts me.
You're all I need beside me tonight.
It hurts me.

Simple nothings. I just felt the need to put my simplest and lamest thoughts in such a stupid writing like this. Maybe because I can't cry no more. Just trying to get by.
 May 2013
Sometimes I
I just don't want to do
The things I have to -

My heart's pinned to the sheets
I feel like
I feel 1000 rocks ontop of me

So I
I'll just stay here in bed
Staring up

Finding patterns on the walls
Maybe my heartbeat
Will clear itself up
 May 2013
It's only you,
my dearest, my darkest;
it's only your
soft voice I hear
in the small hours.

These lilac bushes breathe
your name and the soil listens,
remembering everything.

It's only a whisper
of rose oil and
amber, of silk and

Just a whisper.

It's only you
in the small hours.
 May 2013
the first time
you came over
changed right in front of you
told you not to peek,
but my mischievous soul
didn't cared when you did.
the first time you came over
laid in the attic bed,
you held your ear to my chest
as you listened
to my heart fluttering for you.
the first time you came over
whispered for you to kiss me,
you were too innocent
and scared to taste
lips sweet like blackberries.
the first time you came over
we were fifteen
and my darling,
i loved you so long before

that first time
you came over.
 May 2013
I saw him. I saw him there.
I saw him again, standing there.
I knew then, the feeling didn't really go away.
It's still there... was always there.
I guess it will always be there....
here... here inside my heart...
where I keep all the memories we had,
the laughter we shared,
those conversations when I knew that he cared,
the tears I shed for the pain I felt,
those nights I spent for remembering him,
the days I knew I've spent loving him
while hurt
feeling the pain
knowing that I won't ever feel him
beside me again.
He was there, I know, he was there.
I saw him standing there.
He's still here in my heart.
But in my life, I know,
he'll no longer be a part...
There will always come a time when you come to see a person again, or just hear his name from a stranger or friend, or simply remember him because you're in "that" place again, and you just don't understand why you still feel the same way. Nothing has changed. You're still hurt, but nothing has changed...
 May 2013
NATO confiscated my calculator as a weapon of math destruction


Matches to a pyrotechnic cartographer are weapons of map destruction


Moth eggs in the wardrobe are weapons of mac destruction


Nuclear bombs used in warfare are weapons of mans destruction
Three comical one serious
 May 2013
Let me be the razor blade
you glide across your wrist
let me be the bottle
when you long to get ******
let me be the cigarette
you smoke through trembling lips
let me be the calories
You fear upon your hips
let me be the mirror dear
that lies when you undress
let me be the meds you take
when your minds a mess
let me be the phone call
unanswered by a friend
let me be the tear drops
you shed at each days end
let me be whatever
it is you feel you need
coz I will NEVER let you be...

I'll always intercede
Whatever whenever remember you've always got friends on hp.
 May 2013
Lily Gabrielle
And it all comes down to
who goes down on who
because a necklace of bruises
is worth more then diamonds
and words fade faster
then a back full of scratches.
Hands are for more then holding
and sheets serve another purpose;
messy hair tells a far more captivating story.
Because legs are intended to shutter
and sighs that expel uncover
far more secrets then your lips dare utter.
sorry for the content
 May 2013
With a mouth full of bile,
I kiss your rotting lips.
I spew my rancid seed
on your blackened eyes
and know they will soon
be crusted shut, tainted
by my sickly venom.

I am poison.

I seep into
your wet parts and
consume all that is good and pure,
leaving nothing but **** in
your bloodstream, ***** in your lungs.

I am malignant by nature,
malevolent by choice.

And I have chosen you as next.
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