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 Apr 2014
While he is sort of an
All-black with a dash of fluorescent
Kind of guy
I am more of a
Dazzling fluorescent with a hint of black
Kind of girl
So, what do you think,
Will it work?
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Blood moon reigns tonight,
Marking time of her leaving,
  .  .  .   Night sky is bleeding.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Abandoned rail tracks,
Night hiking, no forgetting her—
  .  .  .  Largest moon ever.
 Apr 2014
Hey, I think we should stop right now
Wasting precious hours
Building these sturdy
Pedestals for each other
Let's remain in the dirt instead,
Ankle-deep, slipping, falling,
Giving in to the wind, carelessly
Letting our bodies sway
I have a feeling
Life'll be more fun that way
"But he was the only one who understood me. He didn't put me on some pedestal.
He knew that I didn't want to be adored or coddled..."

- Claire Underwood, House of Cards
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Rain, softly falls in old deer valley,
All the woodlands swimming underneath
The steaming fog.  What peaceful sound
I hear, softly rings out of the sparkling
Woods and meadows, chimes like a thousand      
Sleepy bells announcing the rising sun,
Who sings loudest, after the rains.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Why I'm Single

You know men are just plain better
At most things that we do
You may say wait one minute
But inside you know it's true

A man can change a tire
We can even build a house
We know when it's time to talk
And when to shut our mouth

Some woman think we're crazy
So I've been told a time or two
If only they would listen
When we tell them what to do

Well as a man myself I'll tell you
Exactly what you need
I know that you will understand
For your job is just to please

Now it could be that a woman's job
Is much harder then I think
For after all I'm not dead yet
And that still amazes me

I've heard woman say they can't believe
I've been single for so long
Then they shake their head and walk away
I think there's something I'm doing wrong

What could it be,

**Carl Joseph Roberts
...Now before I get any hate mail, this is just a joke on being a chauvinistic pig. This is not at all how I feel.  I have three older sisters and I 100% know that woman can do most things better then men. I admire and respect all woman.
 Apr 2014
pluie d'été

and rain
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
I row beneath you on the ancient lake,
Before sun arrives and after he is gone,
I will still be rowing even in my dreams,
Great yellow hills, my work is never done.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My New Found Fashion Trend

You know I never really understood
Why they wear their pants that way
Pull them down to their knees
And walk around all day

But they say it is the fashion
It's a new trend I should try
That underwear is very cool
And catches people's eyes

So I decided I should try it
I pulled my pants down way to far
Then to show the world how hip I was
I walked through Central Park

All the Children were excited
I saw them point my way
They even told their teacher
But she made them look the other way

Well then two cops they came running
I assumed to see my style
I thought my trend was catching on
But those cops they didn't smile

Those cops would start a new trend
One I didn't like as much
They put my hands behind my back
And slapped on silver cuffs

Now this jail cell seems so small
With this big man next to me
He says he'll be my best friend
And he likes just what he sees

So glad to see this courtroom
Filled with people from the streets
They yell rethink your fashion trend
If you're wearing a G-String

Well the Judge he was not happy
But he would not give me time
He said wear a G-String where you want
No one can take that right

You see the Judge he wore a G-String
Underneath his long black robe
Since he did not find me guilty
A free man I could go

So I walked outside that courtroom
As a free man once again
And became so very famous
For my New Found Fashion Trend

Carl Joseph Roberts
One of my favorite poems, hope you enjoy.
Difference between You
and me is:
You're firm, I'm fickle.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Garden tapestry  .  .  .
Grows with time and wild daisy,
  .  .  .  Sun sprinkles on lawn.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Snow presses with a sorrowful squinch,

And white falls as the sudden snow falls,

We make our rounds in the growing dark,

Walking long the frosty eves with my love.
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