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 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
I'm  Home

I got my own place today
And I did this without you
Turned the key and unlocked the door
And saw the empty rooms

The empty rooms reminded me
That although you wont be here
I'll have a chance to fill the rooms
With memories I'll hold dear

I can paint the walls with colors
Brite and pleasing to my eyes
Cover up past pain and hurt
Now knowing I'll survive

I can look out each new window
Or look in and see the views
And never see a memory
Of the times I spent with you  

I will place my pictures on the walls
Let your memory fade from view
And rearrange my future
To allow for something new

This new place I have will be my home
Where new memories will be made
It all began when I turned the key
As I walked in today

I'm Home
I'm Home

Carl Joseph Roberts 
I tried to show the emotion and hurt and at the same time the healing. I also wanted to stay true to both the physical as well as the emotionaal move.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
yes, Yes, YES!

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
You give me what I need the most
A release from my long day

Your boldness just amazes me
The coolness of your looks
I wrap my hands around you
And gently pull you to my lips

All my friends they wish they had you
They admire what they see
They want to have you with them
When they see you're here with me

Your seduction starts out slowly
Anticipating whats in store
My feeling of excitement grows
And I want you even more

The head you give it wont last long
I'll feel your wetness on my tongue
Then close my eyes and take you in
A guilty pleasure till I'm done

I think about you all day long
But must wait to call your name
And when that moment finally comes
Guinness Draft is what I'll say

Carl Joseph Roberts
It's beer people, just And just what were you thinking this poem was about? Get your minds out of the gutter and leave some room for
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Outside is great cave  .  .  .
Coal mines exploding the skies,
  .  .  .  Canaries long dead.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
She Wants To Have The Talk

She says she wants to have the talk
I know im in trouble now
I try to change the subject
But she brings it back around

The talk she wants is special
At least it is to her
She says it is important
And I should hear her every word

She says she'll be right over
That she can start the talk right now
I tell her I'm so busy
And right now im out of town

She tells me that im lying
She knows that im inside
She's been watching me for hours
Been sitting in my drive

Speechless I dont say a word
Then I hear her at the door
I hide inside my bedroom
Under clothes piled on the floor

I hear her come inside my house
She is getting closer now
She says that she can see me
That I should slow my breathing down

She takes my hand and sits with me
Looks straight into my eyes
Tells me just how much she cares
Has feeling deep inside

She says the love she feels for me
Has grown stronger over time
But she must now move forward
It is time to change her life

I say now wait a minute
I cannot lose you now
I can give you what it is you want
I am ready to settle down

She bows her head and I hear her say
Is this the real you
Are you sure you want to settle down
Is it what you want to do

I say it's what I want the most
My decision has been made
Thats what I want to happen
And I need her to please stay

She looks at me and smiles
Says we can set a wedding day
I cant believe I fell for it
She played me like a game

At the talk she is the master
Of getting what she wants
Now married with three kids in school

Carl Joseph Roberts
Nope, im not married but I imagine this is what it will be I will hide, hide and hide but when that day comes again, if that day comes again, im sure my life will be like this. Umm, without the three kids in school cause im past
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
White face burns in night  .  .  .
Light of moon slides across lake,
  .  .  .  Spot on loneliness.
 Apr 2014
You are my sunrise,
my day,
my sunset,
my everything...
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Small shell of her back—
Slip of tongue rounds breaking mouth,
  .  .  .  Arms surrendering.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Times tackle on the threads.
We beat the strand seahorse
Dashed, unfurl the curling
Toes, your body twists
In the boat, only ribs
From the spirit waters.  
Your fish fins from the net,
My rod pins on the pine
And the hooked meat, your barb,
Reels as it plays the swampy
Moan of the gutted bait.
A maidenly form with goodly balcony:
Chic design of an unrivalled Architect.
Finely balusters decorate her dreamy
Shape--especial from fore to aft.

As the Shulamite's apples in Solomon's
Pleasing courtyard is her love in my
Heart, exchanging thus my flagons
With her berries on the bed of sapphire,

Until dawn choruses enter the day's ear--
Heaven's chandelier beams into the bower.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
My memories burn  .  .  .
Red rose lighted by the moon,
  .  .  .  Cold funeral pyre.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
Loudly oily crows  .  .  .
Craning, walk prehistoric,
  .  .  .  Shining in the sun.
 Apr 2014
Seán Mac Falls
The browned leaves fall swaying,

And meek sun, is lonely peeking,

Black birds drift with indifference,

Morning, a shroud of fallen cloud.
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts

They say that fear's a bad thing
But I know some fear is good
It makes you change the way you think
From the way you usually would

It can make you run from danger
Or stop you in your tracks
Allow you to protect yourself
From what you know is bad

The fear that you will hurt someone
Is what makes you bite your toung
Knowing you can't take back the words
Once the damage has been done

You can fear the future or the past
And not allow your life to change
Or face your fear and understand
You choose the path you take

So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood

Carl Joseph  Roberts
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