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 Jan 2016
Take them off now,
It's been too long since
we've amused ourselves
with those layers of
goofy humour, non-sense jokes,
favourite song, favourite movie,
hell I don't even have any favourites
I just told you to keep
the conversation going, so
I could reach somewhere deep
beneath your colorful veil
and explore the place no one else has
dim and soft and silent and still,
house to your secrets,
your fears and your dreams,
your demons and your guardians,
the dark and the sunny
facets of your being-
take me there,
Disrobe yourself,
of these distracting layers
 Jan 2016
More resistance!
Unbearably overpowering,
Feeble opposition,
Finally, resignation,
And after this,
Sweet, chocolatey bliss.

*Impossible it is,
To watch your weight
Sitting at a table with
Friends who live to eat!
 Nov 2015
Dead lover
Although all poets write well, only those becomes popular who learn to respect the work of others..
This is what my favorite teacher used to say.. " do you know what makes a person's work more important?
the ability of the work to adjust with the reader, and that adjustment is only possible when - you learn to respect the sentiments and style of how all express and that's the way you should write.. "

She died in a car mishap, 1 and half year... I posted this in her memory, because If we see - its not just about a writer and his readers, its about all, about everything in fact..
 Oct 2015
Creeping across the ocean
Like a girl in gray silk
Stealing in after a late night,
Shoes left at the door.
Tiptoes over wooden floors.
Trailing wisps of dreams
With the lightest of kisses.
 Sep 2015
Heartbeat aflutter,
Rhythms skip and stutter,
Slip as if on butter,
It's the end of those days forlorn,
the heart sounds in triumph,
*Crush Alert- ON!
 Aug 2015
Our fingertips touch and the world
Comes to a standstill-

Still as all of nature at dusk,
Silent as the moonlight on a starless night,
Heavy as the gurgling clouds just before it rains,
Blinding as the sun in all its glory and light

Our fingers begin a rhythmic dance,
As if playing the piano, rendering a favorite song,
Knowing the pace, the moves by heart,
Not faltering once, not going wrong,

Then twined together, we blissfully lay,
Content, peaceful, complete.
The moment of oneness cupped between our hands
preserved for all of eternity.
 Aug 2015
I bared my all when
I told you timidly that I write.

When I nervously breathed to you,
That it was time,

To watch me turn unruly
verses into rhyme,

And handed you disarrayed pages
Saying they housed the essence of my life,

My soul, my self, my being
Shone at you in the twilight,

I know you chuckled at my earnestness,
But know, dear lover of mine,

I bared my all the day
I told you timidly that I write
 Aug 2015
Insulated by your embrace
From all chaos and commotion,
I take refuge in your arms so strong,
While the world continues to toss and turn
 Aug 2015
Too much a part of my system,
My being, my thoughts-
Deepest of thoughts,
The shape of all my desires,
Precious, precious love,
When did I imbibe so much of you
When did I weave you so intricately
Into all my innocent and all my complex
Your face beams
At me, through your absence,
Stays with me,
Plays with me,
Leaving me to wonder in amazement,
When did I make you so much a part of me, that
I became you | You became *me
 Aug 2015
Nestled in a cosy little corner,
Blooming out from an old branch,
The newest offspring- young,
slender, fresh, entranced
By something never experienced before,
Unfurled himself in joyous glory,
And absorbed the single sweet drop
That drenched his welcoming body.
The other leaves chuckled lovingly
And the birds chirped at the display,
The entire tree rustled with glee watching
The little one rejoice on his first rainy day.
 Jul 2015
Watch it burn
Stomp on it,
Think it's dead
See it emerge
From the ashes instead,
On fire undousable,
Beating vigorously
With love unquenchable,
Heart flaming
With undying heat.
Start over, in vain,
The infinite repeat.
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