There is peace,reassuring peace
In the quite of natures sound
In the very presence of God himself
Be still and know there God is found
There is peace, reassuring peace
Within the touch of the unseen wind
It washes over ones heart and soul
A peace so true does not offend
There is peace, reassuring peace
In a faith that is bold and strong
When such a faith fills ones heart
Ones heart can only sing a song
There is peace,reassuring peace
When Jesus takes us by our hand
And we trust him to gently lead us through
This dark and weary and fearful land
There is peace, reassuring peace
That only comes from heavens portal
Such a peace so reassuring
Given by God to me a mortal
As my dad is facing loseing his right lung due to cancer,I am praying for peace,reassuring peace,for him and all of us who love and care for him.