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 Apr 2015
Robert Blankenship
There is peace,reassuring peace
In the quite of natures sound
In the very presence of God himself
Be still and know there God is found

There is peace, reassuring peace
Within the touch of the unseen wind
It washes over ones heart and soul
A peace so true does not offend

There is peace, reassuring peace
In a faith that is bold and strong
When such a faith fills ones heart
Ones heart can only sing a song

There is peace,reassuring peace
When Jesus takes us by our hand
And we trust him to gently lead us through
This dark and weary and fearful land

There is peace, reassuring peace
That only comes from heavens portal
Such a peace so reassuring
Given by God to me a mortal

As my dad is facing loseing his right lung due to cancer,I am praying for peace,reassuring peace,for him and all of us who love and care for him.
 Mar 2015
Robert Blankenship
Why is it we gasp
To take one more breath
Why do we try to stay ahead of the reaper
Try to elude his sickle of death

Why when we are sick
Do we seek to be made well
Why do we try to get back up
When to illness we have fell

Why do we hold on the tightest
When we are at our life's end
Why do we look back from the bed of death
And wish for life again

When dying why do we revive
Old memories from long ago
Why do we call out
To those we love and know

It is appointed to all men
That once each man must die
But even while yet dying
We hope and fight for life

For in our heart we know it is through our living
That our love is made known
And we know when we are within the grave
No more love can be sown

So it is life we seek
While engaged in a struggle with death
To remain to live to love
To take just one more breath.

 Mar 2015
Robert Blankenship
If you possess kindness
Show it to another
If you have forgiveness
Give it to a brother

If you have a hand to lend
Give it to a stranger
If you have courage
Help one in fear through danger

If you have encouragement
Encourage the one defeated
If you can inspire
Inspire one who needs it

If you have a smile
Show it to your neighbor
If you have a willing hand
Help someone in their labor

If you have an adversary
Try to make of him a friend
If you know someone alone
Seek them to befriend

Show grace to all you meet
Treat every person right
Show to all the truest love
Show the love of Jesus Christ

 Mar 2015
Robert Blankenship
My life's book has been good
Not each chapters title has been perfect
Not every turned page has read of what's expected or hoped for
Most have been beautiful
Some very sad
Not every title of every chapter is a title I've wished to read
But each one has been a part of my life
And whatever the title is when the page of the last chapter is turned
I have always made it through to the next chapter
But this new chapter has taken me by complete surprise
It's title is one I wish could be torn out and thrown away
This new chapters title is;
I've only had the chance to read the first few pages of the chapter
And what I have read thus far
I do not like
This is a chapter I would love to pass over
But I would not get the complete story if I did
As if I even can
So I continue to read each day
Every morning is a new pages beginning
Where will the story take me
I do not know
But I shall keep on reading.
My father was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday . This is a road I have never traveled , but like all other journeys I have been on, this one too will be travelled with faith and hope and trust.
I will lift my eyes to the mountains,
where does my help come from.
My help comes from the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth.
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