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 Apr 2023
Crying into the wind
Screaming into lined pages or computer screens that listen and don't judge
You can reexamine many things but once you are grateful things get lighter and easier
The flashbacks,memories,and nightmares don't leave you they just go away reappearing every now and then
My loyalties and kindness remain constant but in those
silent moments my confidence and caring remain as pure as my heart

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
No matter what you listen to
Embrace and enjoy it
Laugh at yourself
Enjoy a joke
We are too sensitive at times
If we don't come together soon the chasm will widen and spirit will fall through
Dance and enjoy life
For tomorrow is promised to nobody
Even Republcans
Travel down the musical road and lock up Donald and  his cronies
He can't sing or dance any way.

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Wish you had showed me about family
Told me of them
Welcomed them
Had you let go of issues and taught me about our ancestors when you were here
Those I have come to know wish we could turn back time
Grow up together
Know us as children
Been there and around us when you were taken from us so early
We have a large family
It is time for me to know the people you never shared with me
The reasons no longer matter
You would have turned 95 tomorrow
With your children,sons in -law ,grandchildren, great grandchildren,and  your cousins' children
Mom is with you now and you are no longer alone
August is fifty years since you left way too soon
It is time to celebrate you and what is
C@rainbowchaser 2023
In memory of our Daddy
Happy Birthday in Heaven 3-9
 Apr 2023
Waiting for you to call
Picked up the phone too many times
No long distance to Heaven
No visiting hours
We will tell your story
Share photographs and memories with your great grandchildren
Third Mother's day without you
August will be three years since we bid you farewell
We wanted you to stay
So much more to do and say
You had to be on your way
Daddy was waiting for you
So were your parents and others we said goodbye to
You had to go and be on your way

Happy Mother's day in Heaven
 Apr 2023
Something beyond us is working in this moment
Respecting the beginning and moving it forward
Old School has its place but some disregard its worth
Its worth has meaning and value
Treasure it and capture it
Adapt it if need be
Don't deny it
Doing whatever is necessary to honor it in the pantheon of thoughts and words not leaving it in the past

 Apr 2023
It is the Ides of March
The cirrostratus, cirrocumulus ,and cumulonimbus stratus were
all bunched together in shades of white and gray with a touch of silver for good measure
Some were tired of their admirers in helicopters and airplanes
Even a dove on the roof of a  tall house seemed to take notice
How they wished that humans would stop saying rain,rain go away and blame them for that and snow
Out of their control
So their friend the Sun noticed the day the clouds cried
How she wished she could dry their tears without burning them

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
You put it to bed
You move on and forward
For good or bad doesn't matter you just do it
Then Friday the 13th comes and you get a call
Cemetery rates have risen
You have to step up to the plate again
No winners or trophies
You do the right thing again even though they didn't
You tuned into a better life while they tuned out
Happy that narcissism won't touch you again
You moved on with your adventure
Still walking in the rain

 Apr 2023
Too many cliches
Hyperbole and reality got mixed up
Where is peace and calm?
With all people and things lost
Why can't we get found?
There is so much more for all of us
Do we still have time to get it right with all the wrong surrounding us?
 Apr 2023
Get or take a test, or don't come
Two hours before an event?
Vaccines and boosted not good enough
Show cancelled because cast had Covid?
Best friend here and been two years since we have seen each other
Caution and careful
Staying home feels like walls caving in
If this was your holiday you are not it alone
We have had enough
WE have been more than mindful and extremely careful
Listened to Dr. Fauci and all of his colleagues
Happy 2022 and may this Grinch finally depart for good.

 Apr 2023
Takes one person to change a life
One moment
One day
Even if the darkness befriends you
When you never asked it to
Some people are Sunshine
Some are rain
Very different and sometimes the same
You cant always take them with the proverbial grain of salt
There is so much to gain
It is nobodies fault

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Was going to use the word poor but for alliteration only
See there is nothing poor here
Just missed and for the time being that is the way it is
Somebody noticed that I give to charities and never take anything for it
They give you free treats which others might want or need
You only see the surface and never really know what is going on in another's world
Wearing one of my beloved Care bear masks, I heard someone say she really is a Human Care Bear
Still speechless, I am reminded that I am rich in family and friends
My poetry always by my side
A lot of Love and simple pleasures that make me wealthy
Doing good makes me happy even now and always
You do the very best you can and sometimes more when others are not looking
To that nasty lady that called me a do gooder and said never trust people like her.
You don"t know me and others like me
 Apr 2023
No reason
No rhyme
May not come tomorrow
May not come today
You"re on your way
So much for you to do
Not too much to say
Alot more than trying
It's living completely not dying

@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
I am the Teddy Bear Poetess
My Right or Die know who tbey are
The very best people that ever happened to me are Howie,
Names not familiar to you but resonate with me and make my heart proud to beat
Reminding me why words and poetry are my art
So the pen and paper are never far away when the keyboard isnt
I am the Teddy Bear Poetess longing to be Mrs.

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