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 Apr 2023
You have done your utmost
Somehow that is enough for others
Maybe you have done it all and time to move on?
Why hang in when you are not wanted
Or feel like a used to be
Been made to feel like something or place had
to be created for you
Just to stay?
Take your bow
Say Farewell and Amen
Knowing in your heart you will find other places to be useful
When right now, you feel useless though you did It your way.

 Apr 2023
He is only two but commands smiles and awes
Every word he utters is a diamond because it is pure and clear
His actions are vivid and innocent but wiser than some adults
In fact ,he simply makes more sense than they do
His fascination and joy is captivating
Just one look and he captures your heart and casts a spell
This magical rebel
My Sunshine
He has my heart and gratitude

Ddicated to my nephew
 Apr 2023
I wear my heart on my sleeve
Sorry that you cant deal with that
Stop stepping on my heart
My words are measured and carefully thought through
Just how high and mighty are you?
Stop stepping on my heart
You are who you are
I am who I am
Let's not pretend anymore
Stop stepping on my heart
Tired of healing from yesterday's scars

Dedicated to the guy who hurt me for two years before I met my future husband
 Apr 2023
Walking accompanied by Doves and Robins
Ease on down the road
Watch the syncopation of the rain
Gasp at March winds in April with May around the corner
Be Kind and caring but mind your business
Stay in your lane
Might not be the nicest way to put it but with the world is rotating strangely
Some people you wouldn't want to befriend
If you are lucky, you have a golden circle like mine

 Apr 2023
Social Media has it place however
Please read Books, Magazines, Newspapers
Listen to Podcasts
Tune in but don't tune out
Watch documentaries and different types of News
Choose what you like but agree to disagree
Talk to different people
Visit different places
School is not the only classroom
As an educator I speak from the heart
I wish you peace, joy, and good health
Most important good vibes
Change is the only constant but for the good

 Apr 2023
Don't cry because it’s over
Smile because it happened
No matter the loss of a dear one or something else
Don't just let it go set it free
Keep the memory in your heart
The ache has to subside
It is in its place
You can move on and set it free and yourself

Lost Mom in 2020
One friend in 2021
Another in 2022
 Apr 2023
You don’t want to be a cliche or live like one
Somewhere along the way when there are more thorns
than roses
You have to decide what you want for yourself
Used to think that was selfish but as the caring and giving type
not so sure anymore
Kindness is something to strive for and is my nature
Lately, not sure if the good ones can seize the day
The members of that team are wiping tears away hoping a smile will come through while trying to seize the day
Listen very carefully
Then do your thing your way
Upside down
Downside up
Getting mixed messages
How much common sense and sense did we lose in 2020?
Are we still losing?
Are you still arriving?
Are we writing the truth?
Find a balance between old school and new school thinking
Getting lost in the shuffle
We are imbalanced as it is
Find your balance
Cervantes taught us that living passionately is the best course to follow
As caring and as giving as you may very well be
Seize everyday passionately
Your very own way
Always find time to keep learning

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
For beginnings and endings
For Excelsior, Onward and Upward
For honoring and remembering
For new stars in the galaxy
For marking time and place
Ring them long and loud
Ring them strong and clear
Ring them as you mark your personal victory as a survivor
Ring them so friends and family can cheer
Ring the bells and and let the chime carry you through
So you do the very best you can and more than you thought you were capable of
Ring the bell and listen.....

 Apr 2023
Many said farewell
Part of life
Not like in 2020
As we grieve others are as well
There was no comfort we could provide
We could not visit
That hug that would say so much just was not possible
Every holiday and moment passes
You shed a tear and you remember
So that said
Rest In love
You are not forgotten
Broken hearts mend but never heal completely

 Apr 2023
Say what you mean
Not what others say and think
Think very carefully before you regret what comes out of your mouth
Quiet and silence sends powerful messages very well
There are many hellos and goodbyes in life
Dreams and fairytales come true and with that come troubles
You revisit what works
You cast aside people when the friendship expiration date can't be renewed
You will know the ones to hold on to because they will always be there and vice versa
Just turn around
Be open to new friendships but learn from the past
Choose wisely before they choose you
Letting go and moving forward is not a cliche
You can't stay in neutral or in the past
That is just the way it is
You will find your way

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Are these challenges?
Even if they are not
What do you expect or should you?
Embrace them and enjoy
While you can  and are able
Just show them that you can do it and do it well

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Apr 2023
Rainy days and Mondays no longer get me down
Sorry Richard and the late Karen Carpenter
Snow and ice get me down
They are pretty but get in the way and are hazardous
Sorry skiers and skaters
Naysayers may not apply or get in the way of what matters
What matters is doing the very best possible
Doing the right thing when the wrong thing is easier a taste
that completely disagrees with me
My heart is on a page and one that I author
Some will never open it
Too much has happened
Too many last said goodbyes
Rainy days and Mondays no longer get me down

Title of poem was a hit song by the Carpenters
 Apr 2023
Not doomsday, sorry still have to believe
The future will be different but we will have one
Parties, celebrations, dinners ,vacations are on pause
We anxiously await their return
Perhaps, we have learned just how precious they all are
Just as the family and friends we hold so very dear
We have lost so much and not sure what we have gained
We are all still in some type of mourning
The stages of that all have to be dealt with
So,we deal and no you don't have to like it
Just so you know we are in this together but differently
See long ago, we were taught how to hate and fear
Just like that famous lyric tells us
We need to stop listening to yesterday's messages and find a new today getting us towards tomorrow
Believe whatever you wish
There are many different colors of rainbows after a storm
Sorry, if you are color blind

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