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 May 2013
Robert Guerrero
I wonder if you really love me
Or if your using me to have someone
To love you to no end
I can't tak this anymore
I'm wasting my time
Pulling my hair out
Worrying if you're ok
If I'm the person you fell for
Or the ghost you can play with
I'm sorry but it's over
I'm done wasting time
I need to focus on true friends
I was never anything to you
So today you become nothing to me
For a friend that has disowned me.
 May 2013
Bob Horton
The garden served little purpose
It sprawled across the bored ground, despondent beneath the yawning sun
My mother would wail her annual rage
At the snarling weeds that softly smothered the flowers
How I loved those flowers
Rejected footballs perplexed the lawn
Their obtuse hulks spoiling that ripple of green
I found a four leafed clover there once
He poked his obscure head above his brothers: a suicide mission to bring me luck
They are all dead now
I didn’t waste nearly enough time reclined on that jealous cushion
Watching the lethargic clouds wobble on

But most otiose of all in that seldom wandered paradise was the Wall
That Wall was never high enough
I see it from my back door
Squat, depressed, sighing, each dusty clot of red brick seems so lifeless
Doomed to live out the rest of its days as a failure
All flung ***** that compress their rubbery bodies against it will soon vault over
It crudely bookends the busily neat hedge
Simply because that is where the drunken soil runs out
It fails too at its chief instruction:
Be the purgatory bridge between Our heaven and Their hell
But the Wall was never high enough

I remember the other side of the Wall
How I crouched in filth
Needless to be afraid of a cut from a single blade of grass
Impoverished chickens clucked in the squalor
How they survived such malnourishment awed me
The friends I thought I had there cheated me
And I ran from that disastrous place
Where chaos twisted the agonised branches of the hedge we shared
But it followed me like an age old Gypsy curse
Even today, a writhing, mewing splodge of night will sit on the Wall
Looking too fat for its own fur coat
It will viciously attack the thin air for a while
Perhaps accept a stroke but, seeing no morsel, wander home
But I am not spared
For I can see its wasteland kingdom from my window

It is not an evil place
But the Wall was never high enough
Published: 15.08.2012, “Red Rascal Strawberry”, Silkworms Ink E-Anthology
 May 2013
Robert Guerrero
A black rose
Lain across thier coffin door
Pedals are withered
Thorns are dull
Leaves are gone
Blew away on the whispering breeze
In honor of the dead
I present this rose
Death and decay have kissed its beauty
Now even more beautiful
As it slowly falls apart
Like thier mothers and fathers
Crying tears of sorrow and relief
Knowing they are gone is devastating
Knowing they no longer
Have the cancer eating at your insides
Like pirahnas in your viens
Or having to fight a war
Waged for the most redundant reasons
In honor of the dead
I cry no tears
I simply salute them
My friend you are gone
Yet never shall they be forgotten
I present them this black rose
Red still dressing the outlines of satin pedals
Like blood on cotton sheets
In honor of the dead
I'll carve monuments with blank faces
Unknown men and women
Still missing after years of searching
So many have suffered
In honor of the dead
I'll carve my tears in the form of roses
On every headstone
In honor of the dead
I whisper lullabies in the moonlight
Sing songs of joy
Dance with thier ghost
As pedal tears fall from my eyes
In honor of the dead
I present this black rose
Red still dressing the outlines of satin pedals
Fortunate to be kissed by the lips of death
Blessed with the numbing of thier pain
Honored to rest weary bones
I'm getting this tattooed on my ribs.
1 When life as opening buds is sweet,
2 And golden hopes the fancy greet,
3 And Youth prepares his joys to meet,--
4 Alas! how hard it is to die!

5 When just is seized some valued prize,
6 And duties press, and tender ties
7 Forbid the soul from earth to rise,--
8 How awful then it is to die!

9 When, one by one, those ties are torn,
10 And friend from friend is snatched forlorn,
11 And man is left alone to mourn,--
12 Ah then, how easy 'tis to die!

13 When faith is firm, and conscience clear,
14 And words of peace the spirit cheer,
15 And visioned glories half appear,--
16 'Tis joy, 'tis triumph then to die.

17 When trembling limbs refuse their weight,
18 And films, slow gathering, dim the sight,
19 And clouds obscure the mental light,--
20 'Tis nature's precious boon to die.
 May 2013
Robert Guerrero
Jokes on you
I told you to hold tight
Onto this love I offered you
But you abandoned it
One month into it
Jokes on you
I'm not giving you a second chance
I will not give anyone a second chance
So I'm laughing at you
Because you're on your knees
Begging me for another chance
Sorry :)
I'm engaged
I'm not ******* this up
Because she accepts me for me
And hasn't given up on me
 May 2013
Wallace Stevens
This is how the wind shifts:
Like the thoughts of an old human,
Who still thinks eagerly
And despairingly.
The wind shifts like this:
Like a human without illusions,
Who still feels irrational things within her.
The wind shifts like this:
Like humans approaching proudly,
Like humans approaching angrily.
This is how the wind shifts:
Like a human, heavy and heavy,
Who does not care.
And you finally Knew what must be Done
This Copper Sword above the Iron Sun
Threw your Light-Spears to Rio's Promise become
Then Crown this Gold to your Heart's felt as One
As such our Prayers plead to Bless your Name
That once and every Year own your Craft unique
Let your Knights kneel; And Wisdom carry the Frame
To see how Raised Jamaica's Son succeed
For in that Pride - by Health must your Charms flow
Then read those Lessons Bruised yet Shining Bright
Frowned Eyes will Falter; Then see your Strength a-glow
As your Love's Soothing Arms enhance you on Sight.
Now your Oblation - greet that Morning be
Steam, Sir Legend! A Legend you will be.
Blessings bestow on your faved Ruby Drink
And toast to another New Year's Best Sight
You're Growing, my Man; Smiles pour to the Brink
For you to Sip to Earth's Flavoured Delight
Sweets be Candies crushed; Simulations Free
Equal your Gaming Aspect in response
Bequeath your own Growing Theme by decree
Model your Bro's Working Model enhance
Yet Best to your Shape be such Good Advise
For now His Sterling Hand made you Unique
Bearing Fruits of Friends your own Charm will Spice
And cause the Jester flip his Cards oblique.
Enjoy your Day now. That Promise you earned
Dad's Smile on your Face; His Best Morals learned.

To the Enlightened Healer take to Pray
My Swallowed Ego for his Bow to Heal
In his Reddened Mind deny his Best Day
And submit to Therapy his Triceps feel
Ever the More his Circle's Motto adapt
To Reconsider this Two Week's Defeat
A Warrior he is; Such Pool's Walk protract
And make the South brace his Healthy Conceit
But during this Event a Blessing cries
Which the Lone Star Maiden rushed to his Aid
A Few Soft Words; Then a Rub on those Lies
Allowed most of his High-Nosed Debts be Paid.
It was their Time. To heal Divorce's due
A Spectrum appeared; And signalled his Cue.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
If News be Truth, then Prompt those Words with Rage
By all Concepts infect Facts with such Charge
Though cause-admitted did Foredraw the Sage
Despite these Attacks by Support at-large
Still Welcome be my Martyr's Fort allow
Though expect more Rallies and Protests come
To breathe-in Peace; And Peace be Forged below
The Hammer's Soft Skill train the Anvil numb.
And in that Sense must the Doctor's Palms take
To Prognose which Infected Parts must Heal
Subtract the Ruse; As Silence frosts your Cake
Which Dull Recorders use your Prompt to Steal.
Stain your Male with Gold; Best be left un-morphed
Yet Scroll your Bearings; And Direct your Torque.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
But would you Judge the Matter by a Horn
Since they Fail to Meet your Revels, I suppose?
Pasty Rebels do indeed cause such Scorn
Yet Blame them Not for the Themes they Propose
Hence their Names. And just as Proud their Support
Though Blind Praises your Base Human refuse
To Feed the Owls; With Worms their Claws report
Sieve the Trendie and Nottie by your Cue
Our Business, it's not. So banked by your Time
As Circles and Lines define your Scripture
Thinking - how prolonged such Kited Define
To stomp the Sinner yet save his Feature?
Do I speak with Gods? Or Titans less base
Prior to Digress just Salted your Face.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
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