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A closer peek, whilst you dip for a change
Saw her Creeping Eye hunt and strip for yours
That her Morsels be a Morrow's Good Range
And Nike erupt lay her Hand once more
So surpassed was for this Triumph enough
Placed Corks on your Darling Secret indeed
To Sheath her Blade; As Sharp as it was Tough
Print her Mare's Great Passion on your own Steed
And now the Beard. A Mark of your Decide
Rely her Purpose of her Heart in-place
As the Rouse takes shape and Vogue seeps inside
Happy be her Lips inch closer to your Face.
Predictable. As your Plans to delay
Browse your Swollen Medal to the Bulging Fray.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Yet, as many as a Hundred Forceps, yet
Fail to traipse most of my Regrets succeed
Since fuelled most by the Sky's Living Bet
Placed ample Fortitude on me indeed
For since Delusion be mainly the Cause,
A Mask borrowed from Legerdemain's Cell
When lifted - spring the Ghoul in search of Pause
Begging for Alms dressed in Velvet befell
But just like you - a Format un-controlled
Where Germinated Passions do a-rise
Was what Sane Nature calls; Or so a-tolled
Burrow Favoured Moments in your Disguise.
You could just say, and let the Armour do
Weave another Net; And your Certainties too.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Render, and then Pill the Argonaut dead
Was such my Foul Plan most likely to Moot
So dissect I did; And Confess instead
To Tad Boot's Purpose breach this Hurl to boot
Which you, Kilowatt, continue to Shock
Even if such Current flows to displace
You have your Viziers; And your Writers lock
To Salt your Sweetness from such lone Disgrace
Till come to Senses I wired Respect
Which one must detect his Saint's Boon Relief
Or the Aghori - whom out of Defect
Drank morbid fluids from his skull's belief.
Worry not, Sir. Soon my Feisty Tea dissolve
Then let Others flavour to your Absolve.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Must you tangle the Pentagram complex
When it's Design drawn so Fine and Simple?
Mystic Sentients confer by reflex
And peel away any sagging Dimple
If I choose the Fray - the Crowd rotten within
Verify my Assets thus turn my Goals foul
Yet no Signals phase for Directions therein
Save peppered tidbits make Worth for the Soul
Where's the Error then? Despite Morals bade
Reflect each other's Values by Variance
As your Self-Filled Generals lift and fade
Deny a Potent Treasure by Distance.
Yet still I Noticed: A Programme does Flow
One which your Reason placed Biddings enow.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
That Ebony Moss teeming from your chin
Makes Addiction so Good and Lasting Sign
And when this Fruitful Magic vows to spin
Does merge the Ecto-World in Lumps be fine
Feeling as if your due License subscript
Which soon other Breeds qualify your Level
One which Choices birthed; Cast Lots in receipt
Then celebrate the Rarest Flair in revel
For how used thereof; One you found Depressed
As Trenches so deep un-vacuum the Fish
Choose Hour-Born Types bent with Tendons compressed
And finally enflesh this Long-Due Wish.
Perhaps the Signs, owe to Heaven's Respect
Heaven the Author known; His Will I Accept.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
These Deuce Shadows, each of their own Accord
Stood sentry by his Strength's Pig-Skin Compete
Though Deuce-by-Scores less his Expect afford
Acknowledge another Mint Day complete
So she was Happy; As your Mum's inspect
To permit your Crunch for her Time's request
For whatever Purpose; Or Leisure bet
Ensure her Thoughts connect to your Life's Best
Though evident must your Sovereignty come
Least by her Nature lock Braces to your Path
Which - soon Released - a Marathon for Some
By her Method must steer your Geomancy.
A Deuce Day still. Double Joys doubled well
Your Mid-Bro arrives; And asks his Flannel.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
And lovely must these Potent Shadows bloom
To whose Foreign Masklettes we must Remind
That Forceps - or whatever clasps the Gloom
'Tis better to Uplift and Throw behind
So I Noticed of Numb Silences fill,
Be Favoured versus the Pursuit of Wrath
For whose Grapes the Wrinkled Author did spill
And cause those Trenches quake on my behalf
Lessons pile Lessons more. And then by tripe
Sort from which Squares and Sly Spheres do Predict
Which Way is turned; Or Algorithms bite
Bend Points and Sinuses by Derelict.
Still those Shadows stand; As induced by so
Which of your Sexes be the first to go.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
SchaĆ¼denfreude pock less Pimples to his Face
And employ your Pass for his Love allow
From Onerous Programs dissolve such Disgrace
To break his Thoughts free from Shades disembow
But why these Flesh-Templed Bases compose
To wrinkle his Crumpets and fill our Sate
Then - through weeks - wound our Eyebrows be morose
And make his Misery become our Fate
Such Attitude - Un-Canny - Monstrous thereof
Fuelled by our Greedy Investments bid
Of Maps direct - Alien to his Betroth
Will Trample more of his Condiments hid.
That his Purpose - in Full Pie's Respect
Consumed he sees Fit - in all Circumspect.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
This is an Instrument a Verser must have
Without it, we cannot Write with Love.

This Tool, yet so small
Does so many for All.

Ink-Filled Skinney,
With a ball-soaked head.
Passing-out stains of Blue Blood
And creating Words which Read.

People throughout Literacy
Seek for this Sword.
To furnish their own Feelings
And Bsuiness in the Ring.

It all started,
With a large, downey feather
From the Swan's sacrifice,
Dipping the tip with sticky paint,
And scribbling onto leather.

Paper, in progression, was its Factor
Then came the Fountain - Civil Man's writing major.

This Pen does well
And so does much.
Ink goes up,
Goes down,
Though still plans to Blot.

However it may be,
How the Ball-Point was born.
"This is way Better!" People would say
And now - the New Century - is still
Used today.

And because of it,
Production was born
In Business, Literary and most
Of all - Journalism
Was so Progressive.

And so this ends,
This Tale of the Happy Ballpen.
Of Friend's in-take,
Which is needed much in the Open.
The Camargue River Delta does bleed
South of Libertie's Crimson Trident Tongue
Reaching out to all those Fishes in-need
Though absent they are as Toxined become
Maybe Moses his Conjured Plague forgot
This Harrowing Effect crept from the Nile
Much of Life's Salted Earth; And Reeds begot
Purchase those Benefits and heal the Bile
Yet many these avid Tourists attract
How their Lives by Essense would oxidise
Thus cause such Colour; And reveal the Fact
Their Crypted Emotions must Realise.
Still those Tiny Feet run; And cheer the Sea
Touch Sole-to-Sole; And dissolve their Plights be.
As you dear Eminent Sample deserve
The Lone Star Beauty induce your Folks Proud
From your Labours Just and Hard-Earned Reserve
Won this Institution of Trumpets sound
Of this where Marked and Raised Doctors combine
Now spread your Sheet to Write the Athletes prove
And Brand this name - the Name so long Divine
Postpone his Sentiments yearning to Love
I pound no Pillows; Save of Honest Gold
To where this Verser's Promise takes to Flesh
For her Joy's Sake by her Knowledge behold
Draw out their Blessed Strings at her Expense.
The Waters do turn; And turn to Stars follow
Her Spangles must Fly; For they Heal the Sorrow.
Lovely does the Mum and Son's Image provide
As most Evenings cheer and beckon the Day
How your Tired Expenses shoulder her Bide,
Transform your Repute for a Holiday
Though this Moment my Frightened Father must
Aid his caused Liniments for Healing probe
Which you remind to love my own Love's least
As the Lifted Dad placed your Heart on-hold
Meanwhilst. Enjoy. As I consume the Brate
How Honoured and Proud your Prince-of-a-Son
As he to you. The Vessel of his Make
Offered his Generation's Time for your Fun.
You Deserve it. As all Maiden Names do
Though Heartened Secrets are what Defines you.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
So here I am,
Sitting on a Everhard Rock
Minding my own Personal Business
Riveting my Eyes to the vast, distant Grassland
And withered Trees shaking for liveliness.

The Wind, flowing free and gay
Rustling Leaves in every same way
Tornadoes of small sizes spin them round-and-round
Till every last Sheet of them is never found.

As my Sight continues to scan every Natural Being
The Sunlight's spectrum heats my forehead's gleaming.

Summer if you may say,
But I do not:
Breezy Atmospheres, Falling Leaves
Make it all Impossible
And Animals in terms of Dying Grounds
Begin to rot.

In all Sudden Time
I felt quite bored
Maybe if I raised my God-Given Hands
I could sing to your Praise, O Lord.

Then I stood,
Breathing in that precious Air
Filling my tender Lungs with Fresh Feelings
And my Brain with Shattered Flares.

Trot, walk, trot, walk,
There was a Time that I didn't stalk
My Progressive Mind began to accumulate Stoney Thoughts
Something...That involves my Nature
Without getting caught.

My Back felt that forceful Breeze
Thinking of me as one oppressed Stone
And pushed me towards the Lowlands
With its Frosty Whirls that made me freeze.

Herds of Cows mooing
And Cockrels ****
A Menagerie of Sounds
That I never tried to mock.

For in those Sounds
Symbolise Nature's way to auduce
Those Tenacious Vibes wiggle my Eardrums
Making my Restless Heart feel Joy.

My Humiliated Uncle
Always seeks Help
A Thank You is what I get
Whenst helping a Whelp.

Father, my Noble Roots
Dig-up for Space
For our Everyday Food
As we carry them as Loot.

Mother, my Beloved
Cooks for our Family's Meal
And calls us Everyday in Time
Reminding us that Supper...Is perfect Mead.

Cousins, Brothers, Sisters and Babes
Become my Best Companions
Never leave me alone in Misty Loneliness
So they asked me to Play; so I joined
And accept their Loving Tenderness.

These are all my Boons
Of the Mother's Greatest Gift;
Nature: For she is a Mother too
And Family - thank God - do I have one
Which I promised to bond with them like Flexi-Glue.

In this Still Day my Heart sings
The Beauties of our Lord's Greatest Creation
Including Me
In One, Holy Ring.

This Supple Mystery
I haven't known
Since the Final Preface of It
Hasn't shown.

I am content with what God has given Me
In all His Merciful, Holy Time
He made me what I am to be.

I Myself, in very frank Thoughts
I realised are Part to what God has given me
The Difference from Others is that I'm Immortal
Which makes me rich in Everlastiness.

Spitefully speaking
All Things, in Everyone's name must die
There is a Great Beginning and a Despairful End
One which a Soul cannot escape and lie.

We People, even I
Cannot be delivered from Death.
Our Bodies will soon find itself in Decaying Matter,
Leaving our Precocious, Material Wealth.

But Hope,
Will always last long.
Bodies may die in vain,
But our Souls will always be FREE.
Sadness may exist in Triumph
But Joy will still come in Glee.

Nature too, can be called to the Reaper's Scythe
Grass proudly swivering in the Wind cut-down,
Heaven and Earth can be called to Time
But God's loving Hope and Peace can never be called to Death.
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