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Fame, whose Lion roars Colours, Soot and Ash
Beg one's Sanity to consume his Mane
If Senses apply; Then ***** Rainbows past
Soon bathe in Shades which dull his Time insane
As you dear Mentor let your Honours bare
As Powers denied his Wild Stones restrict
For his Best Interest; Though let his Spoiled Arms dare
Then waive such Counsel as Derelict
Though at Prime I once cringed at your Impress
Then later Opened my Eyes your Wisdom take
Affront Screaming Dames his Muscles digest
Which blur the Difference his Genious make.
And Genious indeed Spoil his Potent Gold
His Rock Star Plans set a Finer Behold.
 Jul 2013
  in the quiet of the
when my fingers feel
     the frost
my bed invites
      these tired eyes
   to tea
   scones and dream

 Jul 2013
-I crave yellow lightning bolts-
*appreciation is a human desire
please don't think you have to like this out of pity - haha
just making a statement :)
 Jul 2013
i welcomed you in
    just to show you
the back door
              - please escape
            before i ask you
we know it's
common courtesy
to fall
but common sense
would catch me
if i fell
     for you
Oh how these Strings wrap our Candied Dreams bear
When sordid Fantasies plead our Wishes real
Though caught by Intent from Good Sages hear
Submit to Heart his Childish Play reveal
Though evident Time and Geography states
And Primping Albums we'd like to Assume
These Spectral Lines think to earn our Best Rebates
Then soon Collapse his Investment subsume
For all his Campaigns ribboned his Image
Such his Craft only forced us to beknow
As Profits and Shares feed his Entourage
And only for Them his True Seedlings grow.
So why the Trap we swallow still Fancy
Restrict potent Friends - and salt Family?
#tomdaley1994 #tomdaleytv
 Jul 2013
For every person there is always a better one
they will all leave until you are left with none
will I just laugh or must I endure
that the love I gave was too pure.
You leave without a glimpse
just carrying not with memory but only with pride
that you left so strong like no teardrop on your eye
yet I still live my life to love and hate
waiting for you to comeback to cry and stay
and will be watching you leave again on another day.
 Jul 2013
Will you let me pour my ramblings into your stream of consciousness ?
Will you follow me to the edges of my milky-way of swirling thoughts
And billion endless little sparks - such shrapnel from my life
And if I explode next to the sun like her golden child
Will you count with me and blink in unison
To miss my spontaneous combustion
When another idea catches fire
Unstable isotopes of the
Depths of my nature
Where Electrons
So excited -
- just a random tornado of thoughts -
 Jul 2013
Sharina Saad
So you are forty-two and I'm only twenty-one,
Age is just a number and you're my number one.
I can give you what no other can,
Trust me baby, I am twenty-one ..
But I am ready to be your man.. YOUR MAN..

I am your man, don’t care if I am twenty one
Try to understand you are what I want..
You were put on Earth for me.
It was written before I was even born ..

You were meant for me.. only for me..
Ohh sweet lady of forty-two.. you are mine
Only mine….
My fate is in your hand.. my heart in yours
Don’t ask me about my body and soul..
When you know it's with you all along..
Even before I was born…I am your man..

Ohh my gorgeous lady of forty-two
I am so crazy for you…
I fell in love with your photo that appeared upon your screen,
I know you want no other, I am your lifelong dream
I see you in my dreams,
In my every waking hour,
Come with me, my darling, let's seek our wedding bower
Age is just a number, distance is in the mind..
Just believe it; I am your man, and you are my woman..
Dont care how old you are!!!!!

Age, does it matter?
Distance, does it matter?
Just a crazy teenager who had a crush on me. Crazy!
 Jul 2013
Denise Ann
Hell is not made of fire.

A lot of people believe that hell is a world covered in flames, with heat that sears through your very being, scorches your soul, and inflicts terrible agony. They say Hell is a place for fiery torment, where fire is a vicious serpent that winds through your existence and seeks to quench every feeling except anguish, but at the same time refusing to let you be conquered by nothingness, keeping you wide-awake so you can feel every blistering sensation.

They're wrong.

Hell doesn't look the same for everyone else. Hell is a multi-faced mirror with countless reflections caging you inside the hollow of a diamond so you can see the glaring facets you refuse to look at. Hell is not always a place; sometimes it's a feeling, sometimes it's an event--sometimes it's a person.

Hell shows itself not only in death. Hell is everywhere--it's just somewhere around the corner of the street, hiding its face behind a newspaper, waiting for you to make the wrong choices. It's just somewhere behind you, an invisible fiend watching your every step, waiting for you to stumble. And once you do, it will laugh at you. You won't hear its sinister laughter, nor would you notice the subtle shift of the ground beneath your feet.

The odds are no longer in your favor.

Hell is cold. Hell is calculating. Hell is terrorizing.

Hell is reaching inside yourself, searching your heart, trying to find out how you really feel--but ending up finding nothing. Hell is opening your mouth to scream but nothing comes out because there is nothing left inside. Hell is the immovable boulder weighing down on your chest, it is the desperate need for the ability to cry, it is the panic and anguish that comes when you realize you can't.

Hell is watching him with his perfect hair and perfect eyes and perfect smile, knowing he isn't even aware of your plain existence. Hell is realizing for the first time that unrequited love is not as romantic as people say. Hell is waiting, waiting, waiting for something you know won't come. Hell is finally getting the nerve to say 'I love you' but only receiving silence in return. Hell is laughing it all away and saying it's nothing, I understand why, all the while wishing you could run to someplace where you can cry and scream without being heard. Hell is falling in love.

Hell is the red mark on your record, the frowns on your parents' faces, the pitying looks on your friends' expressions. Hell is the star you failed to reach, the shaking heads, the consoling pats on your back. Hell is the mocking laughter ringing in your ears even after they've long ended. Hell is the condescending voices echoing from somewhere in the back of your mind, reminding you who you were, who you've been, and who you are now. Hell is laughing at you. Hell is disappointment. Hell is trying and trying over and over and never succeeding. Hell is failure.

Hell is building your life with damning patience, with meticulous thoroughness, with painstaking care, and having it all knocked down to the ground. Hell is desperation, hopelessness. Hell is the blooming rose standing amidst a bed of withered blossoms. It's the touching beauty of life at its most exquisite, the surging anticipation, the reckless triumph, and the next day when you look for the rose you only find a withered stalk. Hell is hope.

Hell is the silent night torn apart by raging screams and flying furniture. Hell is the deafening wail of a child accompanying every insult, every furious, careless word that escapes your mouth. Hell is the empty threat he took as a promise. Hell is holding his hand and realizing it's no longer as comfortable as it used to be. Hell is the sadness weighing on your apartment, so palpable you could wrap your fingers around it and try to snap it--but you can't, because hell is already there. Hell is the silence, the eternal quiet screaming in your ears, as you pack your suitcase, as you stuff in old photographs trapped behind the cracked glass of their picture frames. It's the painful need to sit still and concentrate on breathing because you suddenly forgot how to. It's looking around you, seeing the stripped bed, the empty closet, the unsettling dust floating along the light filtering through the misted windows. Hell is falling out of love.

I could go on about hell forever, and I would never be able to enumerate all of them because there can only be so many words that can describe hell, and there are too many people in this world who see different kinds of hell. I cannot accurately define hell, I don't know much about it. I cannot claim to have seen hell, because I've never been to a place like it before.

But I know that hell is cold.

Because hell is not always made of fire.
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