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 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Each And Every Day

I try to see the man inside
When others turn away
They all pretend that he's not there
Each and every day

I bring coffee in the mornings
To help warm his inner soul
We talk about the life he lives
How his day it will unfold

I give advice on where to go
When the weather gets to cold
Knowing that the words I say
He hears but will not hold

I check on him each morning
And make sure that he's alright
Hoping that he heard my words
Found shelter through the night

He tells me that the bottle
Is what keeps him warm inside
I know that he will not let go
Of the comfort it provides

I try to see the man inside
When others turn away
They all pretend that he's not there
Each and every day

Carl Joseph Roberts
We wait to make the moment right
and kiss gently
as we say goodnight.
I hold her tight as she holds me
so gently,
gently kiss, and we
no longer two
but one,
go on.
Lady,lady,lion mane
growling down on Dalston lane
weaving here and in your hair
weaves that weave the morning air.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Life of a single man

Sometimes we *** in the shower
And we hardly ever make the bed
We clean ourselves with shampoo
Using the lather from our heads

At times we wear the same old socks
That we wore the day before
And dont even get us started
On how long jeans last on the floor

When the bed gets made we sleep on top
Then just straighten when we get up
And do we really need to wash the sheets
If our skin they do not touch

We drink milk from the carton
Eat fast food way to much
We have pizza pie for dinner
And eat leftovers when we get up

We want the house to look real clean
So there are rooms that we don't use
When we can write our name in dust
That's when we grab a broom

This is the life of a single man
We just do what we want to do
It is very hard for us to change
When we meet that someone new

So dont try to change us overnight
So far we have made it through
But if by chance we fall in love
We may just change for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Compared To Many Others

Do we ever really stop and think
Of how good a life we have
Compared to many others
It's really not that bad

We go to work and say things
Like how much we hate our jobs
Complain about the hours we work
Or the time we must get up

There are many others out there
Who begin a search each day
To try to find a job like ours
That comes with decent pay

Insurance is a big thing
We take for granted till there's a need
While those without a job at all
A doctor they wont see

We eat our dinners every night
Pay our bills and go to sleep
No worries for the ones outside
Who are living in the streets

So today I will just stop and think
Of this good life that I have
Compared to many others
Its really not that bad

Carl Joseph Roberts
This was written on a challenge I gave to Mike,  on how we see a typical day.  I have already made my concession call as Mike has already posted his master poem to stop any future challenges that other poets may have...LOL. Yep I may not have won this battle but I have just inlisted all other poets to challenge you   I will win the war and wear you down my friend and one day I will take the crown..This is my master plan.. crap.....I have given my master plan away. crap.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Sometimes Something Happens

Sometimes something happens
That makes you stop and think
Is this the life I planned on
Or is it just the life I need

Is this life I live a good one
Have I done enough to help
In the end when I look back
Will I be happy with myself

Sometimes something happens
Makes you take that one step back
It reminds you of what matters
Or the good life that you have

It gives a new perspective
Shows a different point of view
Creates a feeling deep inside
That somehow changes you

Sometimes something happens
That makes you change your mind
Allows for new beginnings
Let's you leave your past behind

Well today that something happened
That did all the things above
It gave me what I needed most
A new chance to fall in love

Sometimes something happens

Carl Joseph Roberts
December 2013
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
I Saw Perfect

Today I looked in
And I saw a perfect face
A smile that lit up the room
When others looked your way

There was this calm about you
As you looked around the room
Knowing just what you want
And who is right for you

You looked my way and smiled
And I wondered who you saw
Not realizing it was me
That you searched for all along

I felt this calming peace within
As your eyes peirced my soul
I saw the inner beauty
That I knew was there to hold

That perfect person in the room
Was there for all to see
For that perfect face that I saw
Was in a mirror in front of me

Carl Joseph Roberts
This poem is about finding yourself first. Seeing yourself differently and knowing that the way you see yourself, so will others. Believe that what you have to offer is what others want and others will want what you have to offer. (Wait I see a future poem in those last few
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