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 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
I'm not like you
I'm different
Your assumption that I share the same
Is not for you to ascertain

A different island I have come
Different father, different son
Different accent, different view
Different food, different cue

Don't assume I'll take to you
Please don't see this as something blue
You just need to know there is something true
I'm not the same, I'm not like you
Coming from Northern Ireland I'm culturally different from England.
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
                                                     am the eye
                                               I      see every  thing
                                                    ­  Don't you
A poem in the shape of an eye
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
I am me
I never was your employee

Never was a soccer ball to punch
Never was a joke to make over lunch

The customer is always right
I disagreed with that and never put up a fight

Your wrath was short and sweet
My tenancy left with days to beat

Now I am back to me
I never was your employee
Experience of being made redundant this year

— The End —