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 Apr 2013
He cuts her with his words of hate
She has no bruises to hide
Her scars are there but never show
She carries them deep inside

He calls her stupid, a worthless girl
It's been that way for years
Some nights she cries herself to sleep
While drowning in her tears

Her self-esteem is all but gone
He's stripped her of her shame
Keeping her an empty shell
Her soul now broken and maim

And though he's never raised his hand
His abuse is easy to find
She sees the world with hollow eyes
As he tries to control her mind

He cuts her with his words of hate
She has no bruises to hide
What we see is all that's left
For a piece of her has died
 Apr 2013
Marco Jimenez
speak to me
for i no longer speak
my eyes are restless
my heart is weak

my life is a realm
which stands at the helm
of the worthless dead
whom live inside my head

do not break in
leave me be
to all that my weary
restless eyes see

let all that my heart
cannot hold back
rise from the death
and corruptively attack

and like gods among the wrath of the earth
let their power free
and cause such devastation
that only devastation can be
 Apr 2013
Marco Jimenez
Valentine’s Day is coming to an end,
And i spent it alone and without my best friend,
So I am saddened and heartbroken to say,
Alone is how I spent another valentine’s day,

Again I got nothing,
No candy, card, or balloon,
I got to spend another valentine’s day
All alone in my room,

I laid alone all day in my bed,
Holding the heart that I most dread,
And again I got to realize and see,
Who would want someone ugly as me?

I’ve never had a valentine,
No girl to ever and call mine,
And I am just another ugly soul
That scares off the young and wards off the old,

But my fragile heart
Has never meant any harm,
I’m just an ugly duckling
On a sad little farm,

No one has ever liked me,
No one I know of at least,
I just feel like all people see
Is an ugly scary beast,

I want a valentine
At least once in my sad life,
Something besides a gun
Or a ****** knife,

So the day is almost at an end,
And today I have no message to send,
Maybe my valentine will come someday,
But for now my lonely heart is here to stay,
i wrote this 2 years ago and it still means as much to me today as it did then. unfortunately.
 Apr 2013
Marco Jimenez
im a person of sacrifice
i put other peoples happiness before mine
i tell the truth
i find no joy in lying

i take hits
so others don't have to
i block fires
so others can walk through

i've done this all my life
i've boxed in my hate since i was a kid
i put it in a jar
and i sealed it tight with a lid

i don't know why
but i don't think im a very good person
or a person that deserves
i try to be someone good
someone that serves

maybe one person can't do it all
so why keep trying
you'll just continue to fall
and keep on crying

its so much easier just to die
because there is no hope
im not gonna say why
because no one is going to help
i won't say goodbye
because not even I love myself
my soul isn't gonna float up high
because im going to hell
there won't be a single tear in my eye
because there won't be one in the eye of anyone else

i just want to be seen
but it would seem
that no one's ever gonna care
so ill die in the despair

if not believing in me is something everybody wants to do
then i guess i will too
 Apr 2013
Seth Connor Jackson
A grey Christmas,
Ash falls from the sky.
Children don't play,
And holiday tunes
Are no where
To be heard.
A sad day
In a soot filled town,
Fires still dance,
But no chestnuts
Are roasted.
Under the mistletoe
No one is kissing,
But there's still
The faint sense
Of cheer that's missing
The families are thankful,
But not for their gifts,
More for the men
Who doused the fires lips,
A holiday blaze
That burned down the town,
If only old Santa
Had put the pipe down
 Apr 2013
Halli Ally Ellis
Really good friends,
or maybe something more,
it's hard to tell if you're walking through the door,
somedays I like you, yes it's true,
somedays I need you to pick me up when I'm feeling blue,
but other days it's different,
I push away from you.

Really good friends
or maybe something more,
it's my turn to walk through the wide open door,
one step forward is two steps back,
at the other end there's something that I lack,
the butterflies deep inside,
when I hold your hand they fly away to hide,
there's no magic,
it's just an old movie playing over and over and the ending is tragic,
help me to see,
together what we could be,
I love you,
I hate you,
let the butterflies fly free.

Really good friends,
or maybe something more,
I'm scared it's true,
of what our love could do,
do I say yes or no?
pay the ticket for the show?
there's no refund this time,
do I let you go?
I'm confused,
I feel used,
and I'm not amused,
If I say yes, I'd love you less,
but if I say no, you'd hate me so.

Really good friends,
or maybe something more,
no matter what I do I can't win,
I don't love you,
You're perfect for me,
in almost every way,
but if it was meant to be,
it wouldn't be so hard to choose what to say.

Really good friends,
or maybe something more,
everyday I give you false hope,
when I step through the door,
so here's the truth,
I'll say it one time,
we're just really good friends,
that both want something more,
but know in our hearts,
if we gave in,
our love would be,
        no more.
 Apr 2013
Be careful with your heart boy,
Tiny Dancer's coming through.
She'll show you a good time,
But she won't fall in love with you.
She'll dance right through your life,
As if she's dancing to a song.
Don't attach - when summer ends,
Your Tiny Dancer will be gone.
Because her dance is one of freedom,
Always ending with a bow.
Don't ask her to stay or love you,
Tiny Dancers don't know how.
 Apr 2013
Mary Holz
Pretty flowers die
Chocolates just melt
Balloons float to the sky
Kisses are only felt
Money gets spent
Cards get thrown away
Perfume is just a scent
Poems are cliché
But if you like that:
Happy Valentine’s Day
 Apr 2013
Mirror mirror, on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
Waiting there, proud and tall

Here I'm stopped in my tracks
Before me now, the mirrors cracked
All the different me's stare back

Smothered by the sight of these
I'm losing count of all I see
Who's the reflection, them or me?

My sanity is wearing thin
Their reaching now to pull me in
Not my fault, but still a sin

How do they all fit inside?
Brought to life with every lie
Am I crazy? I can't decide...

How am I supposed to feel?
My body's what they aim to steal
What is false and what is real?

Each of us wants control
But only one can have that role
If I lose, am I still whole?

Each of them is me in part
All of us were one to start
Somehow I've all but fell apart

So how do I put us back together?
Is there hope for one so severed?
Am I stuck this way forever?

No one can see what's gone amiss
Perhaps there is no fixing this
The real me, I will surely miss

I guess it's not so bad a trade
Someone else steps up when I'm afraid
My mind is more than a little frayed
That's what it is to be a girl unmade
The stinging shards of glass return,
Like midnight oil that begs to burn.
The mocking bird begins it’s song,
To prove to you how I'm so wrong.
The moonbeams shine on wings of fate,
And the world goes on with bitter hate,
You claim to care yet venom flows
From tongues of snakes, and hatred grows
Judge thee not is what it reads,
Yet covered up are ***** deeds.
For blind deceit and prideful ways,
You’ll push too far these troubled strays.
No one will come and, you’ll blame me,
You say, “I”,  am hypocrisy.
They stay away, they run, they hide,
Who wants to take judgmental pride?
It’s very sad for the cost is great,
For those you push from Heaven’s gate.
Love all others is the golden rule
Yet you pick and choose so who’s the fool?

— The End —