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108 · Nov 2018
Online Safety
Jesse Cochran Nov 2018
It seems like yesterday
That we all have a common item
All within our hands
That can give me more
My bread and water
Can turn to money in abundance
In which I prefer
To sell it all

So he says,

"So come buy my product
By selling yours
I deny all disruptions
That would claim
That they're fake

I promise not to scam you
As long as you give me
Your personal info
And your stock
But if you block me
I will give your computer
A nasty virus
As a ransom"

And I said "no,
I have an antivirus
In which I shall combat
Your scam in which
You try to take away
My life from me."
Jesse Cochran Nov 2018
1) Going on a ride
2) Nice weather
3) Convenience stores
68 · Nov 2018
My Second Gratitude Poem
Jesse Cochran Nov 2018
1) My jacket
2) Having clothes
3) Food in the fridge
4) Having a brain
5) Haikus
6) Numbered lists
7) Freedom of speech
8) Money
9) Being an adult
10) Reflecting on my mistakes in life
11) Feeling happy as of right now.
Jesse Cochran Nov 2018
1) The money I have
2) YouTube videos
3) Having good friends
4) Expressing myself properly
5) Retro video games
6) Being approved for Hello Poetry
7) Gratitude bring a form of poetry fir me
8) Loss of anger
I am starting a new trend where lists of things to be grateful for should be a form of poetry.

— The End —