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cjesus Oct 2019
I’m losing my mind
Slipping away
Falling into a deep dark place
My memories fade
Truth I evade
Standing in the pouring rain
Happiness and pain
Are all the same
When you can’t remember
What made you that way
Who am I
Who are we
It doesn’t really matter
When we all can’t see
The truths and lies
All feel the same
If we forget them all
Freedom will reign
cjesus Oct 2019
The waters stagnant
The airs gone stale
I want to move
But I can’t
Oh well
cjesus Aug 2019
I’m drifting through space with no direction
Nothing to guide me
Nothing to hold onto
Everything that seems within my reach
Slips away
I just keep falling
With nothing to catch me
No one to catch me
Everything feels dark and cold
I live a nightmare that never ends
Morning seems lifetimes away
I see a light and stretch my hand towards it
Fingers outreached I try to get closer
But the nearer I get to the light
The dimmer it becomes
Until the light is no more
Nothing more than a figment
The darkness consumes me
Loneliness eats away at me
While I starve
Craving  a companion
Any contact to subside the isolation
Anything to fill the void
cjesus Aug 2019
Our relationship
A cup of cold coffee
And left unattended
cjesus Jul 2019
I run
not sure from who
I hide
not sure why
I am afraid
But I can’t escape
Because what I fear the most
Lies beneath my face
cjesus Jul 2019
I"m sorry if I'm not enough
I'm sorry if I'm too much
I'm sorry that I'm sorry
I worry that I give too much
Try too hard
So I pull back
And then worry I'm not giving enough
So I try harder
Like a child on a teetertotter
Never able to balance it evenly
cjesus Jul 2019
My love is like the ocean
Waves of it surge forward
Towards the shore
Pushing and pulling
I grow nearer and nearer
But every time
Right before I'm close enough
The moon pulls me back
I retreat
Deeper and deeper
Never quite reaching my goal
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