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cjesus Jul 2019
My love is like the ocean
Waves of it surge forward
Towards the shore
Pushing and pulling
I grow nearer and nearer
But every time
Right before I'm close enough
The moon pulls me back
I retreat
Deeper and deeper
Never quite reaching my goal
cjesus Jul 2019
Stuck in an infinite cycle
Like a song left on repeat


Despite my ultimate demise
I always get up
Just to fall again
cjesus May 2019
In my grave I’ll rot
For those who won’t come
For those who aren’t worth it
For those who don’t care

In my grave I’ll rot
For those who don’t love
For those who don’t miss
For those who don’t remember

In my grave I’ll rot
Those who were there
For those I touched
Of those who I influenced

In my grave I’ll rot
cjesus May 2019
I’ve dug two graves
For us my dear
There’s nothing more
For me to hear
Right here
Is where we’ll lay
All it cost me is my life
For eternity we will wait
It’s not much
Considering the stakes
With you I cross me heart
And hope to die
Without you I’m not alive
Together we will be
And that is all I see
cjesus Apr 2019
I breathe slow
My mind moves fast
My feet guiding my body
Pacing up and down
Back and forth
Like a metronome
My thoughts click
Until I hold my breath
And my head clears
Now absent of everything
An empty space
That was once overfilling
Like a clock
I reset
And start again
cjesus Apr 2019
I grow jealous of the wind
It picks you up off your feet
And flows through your hair

I envy the rain
It runs down your body
Getting closer to you than I ever will

The ocean mocks me
As it hugs you
Fully engulfing your body

I wish I had the moons eyes
So that I could watch over you at night
Sharing my warm glow

Instead I lie alone
Asking the stars
Why I wasn't enough
cjesus Mar 2019
Happiness is a friend who left me on read
Purpose ignored my snapchat
Complacency blocked me

I found new friends
But I don't like them much

Loneliness tells me jokes, at my cost
Sadness cuddles with me, but her touch is cold
Humility points out my strengths
and my flaws

I want my old friends back
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