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cjesus Dec 2018
Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.  
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
cjesus Dec 2018
I am a body floating in an empty pool
Not moving in any direction
Just floating
You left me here
For some time I have lied still
Content with my idleness
And all at once
I am in a rushing sea
The waves crashing
And water spraying
My body finally moving once again
My surroundings no longer stagnant
I am free
cjesus Dec 2018
From you
From myself
I take this time to learn
To breathe
To exist
I must recreate myself
A version of me with no you
A better me
cjesus Dec 2018
I dive into darkness
Through the unknown
Giving myself to that which I cannot control
Releasing all power I once held
Holding faith in that which I cannot see
Believing in what I hope to be
Praying for something that is more than me
I fall
I fall
I fall
Until I don't
And then I feel nothing
Until I feel something
For the first time
In what feels forever
I feel
I feel
I feel
So much that it hurts
My nerves working on overdrive
I feel everything now
And wonder
How I ever was numb
cjesus Nov 2018
Life came between us
Tore us apart
Now we're back together
But this ain't the start
I gave you my all
You took it and ran
Things didn't work out
Now you're calling again
Try to say no
But I let you in
Ashamed of myself
Because I let you win
cjesus Nov 2018
You have no right to love me
When you chose to walk away
You have no right to miss me
When you didn't want to stay
You have no right to need me
When you knew what you would lose
You have no right to be with me
When you left me so confused
You have no right to love me
But you still do
cjesus Nov 2018
Lips meet
Flesh rubs
Fingers dance
Yet my eyes remain open

Promises made
Plans broken
Secrets kept
Yet I don't feel a thing

Curses sworn
Friends lost
Love abandoned
Yet I stay numb

The one before
******* it all
I am sorry
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