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cjesus Sep 2018
Doors open
Songs are sang
Trust broken
Alarms are rang
Love taken
But not for free
I'll get you back
I gaurentee
cjesus Jul 2018
I walked through the garden of Eden
I smelled you before I ever saw you
You’re scent sweeter than even the freshest of roses
This aroma more delicate than any I’ve ever witnessed
My nose led me to you
And when my eyes spotted you
I knew that it was the beginning of the end
Deep inside me it was clear it wasn’t meant to be
You were a forbidden fruit of which my lips were never to touch
My tongue prohibited from ever learning of your flavor
But how could I not try a bite
Like Adam and Eve I had to learn for myself
just how sweet life could be
I couldn’t resist reaching for the fruit
But the moment I put the sweet delicacy to my lips
it was already too late
The color drained from my face
And my stomach sunk
I fell to the ground shaking
The life leaving my body
I took a chance with you
And it made me colder
cjesus Jul 2018
In front of me is a switch.
If I pull it all sanity is lost,
All hope of normal gone.
To pull it is to set fire,
To burn it all.
A choice that will not be forgotten,
Nor forgiven.
Do I pull it?
Do I pull it because insanity calls my name,
Or because I want to watch the world burn.
The switch smiles at me and begs for my attention,
I know its power,
I know that my actions have consequences.
The outcome could be devastating,
A chain reaction that would change everything.
To pull the switch is to end the game,
But rules are meant to be broken,
And switches are built to be pulled.
cjesus Jul 2018
White dunes of sand expand over the horizon,
Cold waves of sapphire crash against the shore.
The sun heats the grains of the desert,
The sea spray is raw and cold.
I sit in a limbo between the two,
The comfort of the beach calls my name,
But the darkness of the riptide pulls me in.
I fight it and move myself towards safety,
But the warmth seems miles away.
I throw myself at the white,
I run and chase after it.
No matter how hard I try it is out of reach,
I feel the radiant sand between my toes,
And then I am pulled away.
cjesus Jul 2018
I’m playing piano in an empty ballroom,
Dozens of unoccupied chairs scatter the floor.
My fingers glide across the surface of the keys,
Rhythmically striking black and white.
As I pound away a stray cat enters the room,
She hears the gentle chords and comes closer.
The loneliness of the room fades away,
With the company of my feline friend.
She rests her head on my lap as I play for her,
The cat purrs to show her appreciation for my music,
This feeling of purpose fills me with euphoria.
As I begin to play a new song,
She gets up and walks towards the door.
Out of fear for losing my companion,
I start to relentlessly slam on the piano,
Playing louder and louder.
She stops and hesitates in the doorway,
Ears perking up she looks towards me,
Giving me hope that she may come back.
Lightning flashes outside temporarily illuminating the room,
And in that moment she is gone.
Once again I sit in an empty room surrounded by nothingness,
Nobody to listen to me play.
cjesus Jul 2018
Somebody give me a map to my mind
Because I am lost
And scared  of what I may find
I wander the labyrinth inside my head
Looking for answers of some kind
For hours I search and come back empty handed
I feel lost and desereted
All by myself Im stranded
cjesus Jul 2018
You are the shell
Of a girl I once knew
I no longer recognize
The words you speak
Or the way you move
Behind your eyes
I still see the old you
Trapped inside
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