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cjesus Jun 2018
I bring you a gift
Wrapped in silk
A scarlet bow
Sits on top
With much glee
You open it
Inside lies my heart
Your face
Does not match
The reaction I expect
You pick it up
Examine it closely
Before dropping it
Stomping on it
You smirk at me
Laughing to yourself
cjesus Jun 2018
Telling old stories
just to feel you
on my lips
once again
cjesus Jun 2018
My heart
Three sizes
Too big
Self control
I lack
I know

I give
too much
to those
who don't
deserve it
I know

Love is
Too limited
To waste
I should
Wait instead
I know
cjesus Jun 2018
My mind
A prison
My thoughts
The guards
My eyes
A window
To reality
Trapped inside
Seeking escape
Keys lost
Years pass
Without change
I will
Die here
cjesus Jun 2018
My hand
Your hand
Our hands

My lip
Your lip
Our lips

My body
Your body
Our body

My heart
Your heart
Not our heart
Theres a line between lust and love and sometimes its so thin you can't see it until it's too late.
cjesus Jun 2018
The love is lost
The air gone stale
What is the cost
Another relationship fail
I say goodbye to you
And walk out your life
My eyes filled with blue
You could have been my wife
cjesus Jun 2018
Stale air
Broken hearts
Left alone
Did you
Ever care?
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