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cjesus Jun 2018
Crusty eyes and shaggy hair,
A pristine beige mug waits to be filled.
Steaming hot brown liquid drips,
The sweet aroma of coffee fills the room.
Your eyes reflect the same brown that my cup holds,
Your teeth glisten whiter than the sugar that my spoon pours,
Your lips sweeter than the drink I put to my mouth.
Waking up next to you is a dream come true,
You are my folgers in the morning.
cjesus Jun 2018
The sun reflects off of your perfect teeth.
Your smile sends shivers down my spine,
Your lips raise goosebumps along my arm.
Your eyes capture my full attention,
They speak to me so loudly I cannot hear
the words that come from your mouth.
I get lost admiring every freckle and mark on your face.
Your nose calls my name and your ears smile at me.
When I’m with you I am blind to the rest of the world,
I am deaf to all but you,
Your voice the only I hear.
Your scent the only I smell.
You let out a laugh and I want to cry,
You sneeze and I want to die.
You blink and I must make myself  look away.
Every muscle you move drives me deeper in love.
I am sinking into you,
Like quicksand you consume me until
the thought of you is all that surrounds me.
cjesus Jun 2018
We sit on the bow of the boat,
The sun glares down on us,
Your skin reflects it’s warmth.
I hand you a smooth shell I found,
We admire its beauty together.
Its round edges and pearlescent body,
You say that you could stare at it forever,
But then you turn to the sea and throw the shell.
I ask you why,
And you reply that its beauty is only temporary.
At first I take your word for fact,
But after contemplation I realize I disagree.
So I dive into the water and chase after the shell,
Not yet ready to give up on it,
Understanding its value.
When I bring it back to the boat,
I smile at you and plead you to enjoy its allure for the moment.
You agree and curl up next to me,
And we resume our admiration.
But not long after you take the shell from my hand,
Again you turn to the ocean and release the shell.
I look at you with a blank face,
Confused by your indecisiveness.
You explain that you never thought the shell was beautiful.
Once more I dive into the water,
No not to retrieve the shell this time,
Instead I swim to escape you.

— The End —