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Clarkia Jan 2023
I miss you
I want nothing more
Than to be in your arms
But I won't tell you
Because of self respect
Or valuing myself
Or some bullshite like that
Jan 25, 2023
Clarkia Jan 2023
You asked me to be careful with your heart
As you dated other women
As you critisized so much about me
As you used my past to manipulate me
As you shut me down in conversation
You asked me to be careful with your heart
But you were not careful with mine
This is why
I had to let you go
Because I am not only careful with your heart
I am careful with my own
Jan 23, 2023
Clarkia Jan 2023
This has never happened to me before.
I am first best.
I am only best.
What do you mean
There is another woman
That makes no sense
I should have known
When you were
Too good to be true
It isn't
She can have you
I don't want you anymore
Have a happy life
I will return to my lonleyness
Where I am safe
From the confines
Of the *******
We call love
Jan 17, 2023
Clarkia Jan 2023
To be my girlfriend you have to do this
And to be my girlfriend you have to do that
To be my girlfriend you have to be this
And to be my girlfriend you have to be that
To be my girlfriend you have to say this
And to be my girlfriend you have to say that
**** it bruh
You have too many hoops
And I am not a trapeze artist
Jan 11, 2023
Clarkia Jan 2023
I'm kind of in love with you
And every freckle on your face
Jan 8 ,2023
Clarkia Dec 2022
Walk through that door
Say empathetic things
Slide me into your arms
Test my resolve
Clarkia Dec 2022
Like a whirlwind
You pulled my emotions
Into the air
But they dropped
Leaving only the debris
Of lost potential
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