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Clarkia Dec 2022
You broke my heart wide open
Now it's just broken
Clarkia Dec 2022
See that chasm?
Let's jump in.
There is love down there.
Clarkia Nov 2022
All the love I had
That smothered you
Was probably just projection
Of how much I love me
Clarkia Nov 2022
I spent so much time
Refusing to think about
What I saw in you
That I don't really remember
What I saw in you anymore
You are just a judgemental
Cranky old man
Clarkia Oct 2022
No song
And no poem
No self work
No going within
No amount of
Or success
No high vibes
Self purpose
Happy energy
Or manifestation
Brings you back to me
Clarkia Sep 2022
You thought I was desperate
I wasn't, I was in love
Deeply, tragically, in love.
All of your negative thoughts about me
Are wrong
Just like all of my positive thoughts about you
You will never understand what you've lost
Just as I will never understand I haven't lost anything
Clarkia Sep 2022
I suppose
If you choose a woman
With my name
You never have to worry
About calling her Nicolle
By mistake
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