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Clarkia Sep 2022
I am so in love with you
I know it's futile
I wish you could reap the benefits
Of the positive changes I have made
For you because of you
But that's okay
I forgive you
Clarkia Aug 2022
You were looking for a perfect love
That never makes mistakes
I was looking for you
We both ended up where we started
Clarkia Aug 2022
I am Darcy
And I am Elizabeth
And you are a phantom
That never existed
Clarkia Aug 2022
I found someone else
When he sings
Awkward and beautiful
When he follows me
Across my social medias
When we find ourselves
Writing back and forth for hours
But he hasn't called me
So maybe not
But he is doing a hellofa lot better
Than you did
You chump
I will always love you
But in that
You already lost me
Kinda way
Which would actually
Make you glad
And that is sad
Someone else will reap the harvest
Of all you had sown
In manifesting me
In inspiring my change
So I could be the best
Lover I have ever been
For someone new
Not you
Clarkia Jul 2022
Dear Graham,
I hate you.
F off.
Clarkia Jul 2022
I finally broke the habit
And let you go
Nearly two months after
When I got a new job
Happy for the first time
In years
You find me on tiktok
Just to block me
We never
Interacted on tiktok
Well I found you
Everywhere that is left
To block you
So you can never hurt me again
Because your move
Sent me spiraling back down
Why would you take
My happiness like that
When I finally succeeded
At giving you what you want
Leaving you alone
There are no avenues left
You can never hurt me again
I love you
Take care
Good bye
For good
Clarkia Apr 2022
You count the days since I last messaged you
Waiting for my love to lapse
I count the days since I last messaged you
Like an addict hoping not to relapse
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