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 Dec 2013 Clare
This Christmas
I reflect on the year
God gave me
This year was met with struggle
More than with ease
I sinned
I lied
Sometimes I felt so alone
But I'm reminded today
How I'm never truly alone
God is with me
And he's blessed me
With wonderful friends
And a supportive family
Sometimes along the way
We forget what we have
Christmas reminds us
Of how we're never alone
We were given a gift
Of eternal life
And happiness
That's the gift
That Christmas is about
Merry Christmas
And don't forget
That you're never alone
© Peyton 2013
 Dec 2013 Clare
Sia Jane
I write because
inspire my voice
inspire my words

Sitting with legs curled
under cushions covering chairs
the sound of crickets

The goddess statues
turning and smiling
waving and moving

Glancing to the side
lights flicker through
burning candle light

I never wanted for the
hopeless romantic in me
to fall in love so easily

Daily I would wonder
her holding me tight
her embrace

Maybe it was the words said
or days I would spend
my time wondering of

Maybe a place from home
inspired my spirit
enlightened my heart

Happiness was no longer
a temporary state but
induced by every thought
I would have of

It's always about
she has become everything
nothing less

I sip my wine
I remember I'm in
Nothing can fight this
nothing will lose this


© Sia Jane


― Daniel Keidl
 Dec 2013 Clare
Kitty Prr
Poem a day, day 23*

I wore my pretty dress to work today.
In the past I thought it was too nice for work
But I wore it yesterday, and really liked it
And that made me think.

Why would I be uncomfortable
Wearing something I like?
Am I really worried about being different
Or 'looking silly'?

I'm not fifteen anymore.
I don't have to dress down just because others do.
I don't have to 'dumb it down'
Because I want to fit in.

It's ok not to laugh at a joke
That's just NOT funny.
I don't have to fake it
Even in a team culture environment.

It's ok to be me,
And it's NOT ok for ANYONE to make me feel otherwise
Not even myself.
I need to be me.
 Dec 2013 Clare
nicholas the poet
Let's escape together
No matter the weather.
Just take me home.
I dont want to be alone.

Just take me home,
And tear down the curse'ed walls
Stone by stone.
Stone by stone.

 Dec 2013 Clare
Heart On Fire
 Dec 2013 Clare
My heart feels on fire
I lay in bed and think of you
Tears slowly roll out of my eyes
One by one
Just like it does right before
A thunder storm is about to take place
My tear droplets analogous with rain drops
My thoughts replacing the sound of thunder
How you reeled me in so perfectly
With the way you'd tell me things
The way you'd lie
I always still wonder why
What was the point of making me weak
So weak I'd do anything for you
Making it impossible for me to give you up
You lifted me up so high
Only to throw me back down
So far down that an indention
Formed in my soul
I loved you so sweetly
So genuinely
Isn't that what you want?
I'll never have you
My heart is truly on fire
Burning for the one
I can't have
© Peyton 2013
 Dec 2013 Clare
nicholas the poet
I've touched the clouds,
way up high.
I've rode the sun,
I've learned to fly.

I walk on air
and soar the sky.
I spread my wings
and start to fly.

I've seen the sunset
slowly decay.
No come with me birdies,
let's fly away.
 Dec 2013 Clare
Kitty Prr
Poem a day, day 15*

These are the last pages
Of my first real poetry book.
It's quite an accomplishment.
I stuck at this.

I developed and expressed myself.
I tried new things.
Now this is part of my life
And I have a new book.

I will have good days
And bad days
And it will all be in that book
As they are in this one.

Sometimes I will sound like a poet
Sometimes I will think "I am not a poet"
But always I will write something
I choose to call poetry.

So this is the last poem
In my first book
With many more books to come
This ending is a beginning.

The first of many lasts.
But the only one
That's the last of this first
A distinct point in time, and on it goes.
 Dec 2013 Clare
Kitty Prr
 Dec 2013 Clare
Kitty Prr
Poem a day, day 16*

Second guessing
Unsure of what I'm certain
So doubtful
When I should know better.

Old insecurities
Raise their ugly heads.
Years of growth
Fade away in a moment.

But it's just a moment
This too shall pass
We all have days
Of feeling unsure.

I am a strong
Confident woman
Not the scared, insecure
Girl I used to be
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