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Claire Ellen Jun 2016
Teddy bear your my ride or die
you've seen me laugh, hear my cry
you've been squeezed and thrown
      loved and forgotten.
How could something so inaminent bring joy an life?
When I was small I picked you up
the snowflake on your sweater was just enough.
Holding my hand, going on road trips,
you've been everywhere with me.
You are my ride or die.
Claire Ellen Oct 2015
I want you to want to dance with me.
I want you to take me up in your arms,
swing me and dip me across the kitchen.
I want you to want me.
I want you to like what I like,
and be inspired by what I see.
I want you to dance with me.
Thats all I have ever wanted,
but its your water to the wicked witch.
Claire Ellen Nov 2013
Uh-Oh... I think it's happening.
These words of deep waters,
they are waving out of my being,
wetting this paper down.
I think it's happening.
These words of shallow air,
they are breezing out of my mind,
cooling this paper down.
I think, IT'S happening.
These ghosts without bed sheets,
they become real and real and real,
goose-bumping my flesh.
What? What is happening?
We fit perfectly together,
Thats whats happening.
These words of cliche phrases,
they are stereotyping my love,
packing it into penmanship on this paper.
I don't care if our love is cliche,
its real.
I don't care if our love is judged,
it holds true.
We can make it through,
If you trust in me, and I in you.
You can't catch me,
But you can dip me,
while we dance this race away.
Waste away time with me,
And something tells me,
we are on to something good.
Claire Ellen Oct 2013
I have stopped looking for you,
because I know I wont hear you come in,
but I know I'll hear you when you sleep.
And I guess you can say, I am tired.
But I'll never be to tired to love you.
The fear in me, can always be relieved,
and in my heart you'll always be recieved.
I guess you can't be too far away,
when I'm thinking about you all night and day.
I wish you'd stop moving from place to place,
So that maybe you could see my face,
and how sad it is when you go,
even for just a week or so.
I can't stop thinking about work tomorrow,
and now I will try to fill it with anything but sorrow.
But oh, the places you'll go,
and the stories you'll tell.
I always love you no matter the distance,
I'll keep myself destracted,
my hear won't be too fractured.
You have inspired me to adventure, myself,
I will have my fill of own desire,
and when you get back,
I'll be the teller.
Tell me which one you like better!! 1 or 2. Or maybe neither. Then don't tell me.
Claire Ellen Oct 2013
I have stopped looking for you,
because I won't hear you come in,
but I will hear you when you sleep.
Long distances don't mean a thing.
I have been torn from your side,
and replaced with a drive,
for adventure, and life to the full.
Truth is I'm jealous.
Your life is free and flowing,
you come and go when you please.
An application, a job always calling your name,
some state, some town.
Yet, I know someday,
You will thieve me,
"Away" can be our destination,
and night can cover our tracks.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
the dark of my room,
the dark of your eyes.
both so convincing and so consuming.
both so safe and so relaxing.
i wish the clounds would go away
and leave us here to breathe,
i wish the sun would shin all day,
and leave us here to see
the beauty in this world is all around
in the homeless,
in the hopeless,
in the wealthy,
in the secured.
everything had a touch
and a smell that is familiar to our forgotten memories,
or thoughts locked away in old rusty caves.
they come out to play,
when you ask what i did when i was young.
i am young-
when i'm with you
in your strong arms
when we are lying in your bed,
whe you are stuck in my head.
my head it sounds like a beating drum,
i swear you should hear it
it starts when your around.
around around this emotional merry-go-round
a shot in the dark
the target was you,
you in the dark with me, always leads to something new.
ideas fly through me,
of running away
or maybe just to stay.
who knows what roads we will take to get us there.
there and here,
home is where the heart is,
the heart is where the mind will follow,
my mind on you
and the beauty in the dark
of this fake wonderful world.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
How can it be that I have,
a lover, a house, a talent, a family,
and I still don't love myself?
How can it be that I feel
pretty, funny, cute, and loved
and still want to look like others.
How can it be that
I am one way outside but not in?
How on earth can I be so materialistic?
How can I be so ungrateful but so privileged?
Pull it together, I say, they have issues too.
But the devil whispers back, they're perfecter than you.
I'm going to start loving me.
Being confident.
Being adventurous.
Claire Ellen Jul 2014
Free or Restrained?
Free from drugs and drinking
Restrained from friends.
Judgemental or judged?
Judgemental for my Christian views,
Judged by the way others view Christians.
Growing or Grown?
Growing in maturity,
Grown 5 feet tall.
**** or played?
**** for 25 kisses,
played by 25 boys.
Rich or poor?
Rich in love,
Poor in money.
Taken or single?
Taken in love,
Single independence.
Claire Ellen Aug 2016
I am a Chaco hiker
Country listener
Colorado native
who paints.
I am a careless experimenter
Reader of books
Wyoming liver
who loves to love.
I am a sleepless lover
Wake up early riser
Coffee drinker
who breathes.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
You told me, before you left,
to do something different and crazy.
Oh, honey... You have no clue,
what you inspired me to do.
I will dive off a tall ledge,
you were always so afraid being close to the edge
in reality its only a small ridge.
I will dye my hair, a deep red
always something I wanted to do,
but, of course you didn't want me too.
Maybe I will even get dreads,
(okay I would probably never do that to my head
but I do like it on other people).
I will pierce my nose,
just so that it shows.
I will pierce my belly-button,
because I know you liked that a ton.
I will dive into the deep end of the pool,
and I will think I'm just so cool,
with out you.
I will run away to a different state,
plan my own fate,
I refuse to any longer, wait.
I can do all this, and have nothing to loose,
its not like I'm ever going back to you.
Claire Ellen Mar 2017
My body is warmed from the shower,
everything is clean, my outside looks normal.
But as the water soaks into my skin
every droplet like an old memory
drying me up.
My insides are hurting
they are sagging and depressed.
"I want to be a mother," I whisper in my deepest being.
"I'm not even trying." my surface level responds.
"What if I can't?", my soul and heart cry in unison.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
Baby, can you feel me like I feel you?
I feel the weight of our love every day.
I feel your weight in my bed. I feel you.
Do you know why I'm around?
Can you smell me when I go?
Because, I know, your smell.
Claire Ellen Jan 2013
my dreams take me to places i want to be.
or dont want to be. but i can be me.
there everything is clearer. the air is free and my worries are lifted. i
dont want to come down. but the 'mares come in,
and take me down, but make me stronger.
like in life when the tides come in
and you want to go,
but your stuck like a crab and moving slow.
you get up off your feet
and you make a beat
to the hearts you loved
and the tracks you leave.
leave the basement of your house,
to find a new world
out from under the romote.
the tv is off,
the music is up,
the windows are down,
and the life is strong.
sometimes things knock you down
but the devil cant go to heaven.
you just got to strive
for the goal,
keep living for the dream.
and never stop till you stretch and
reach for that ultimate high.
get the quick fix and more goes than comes.
people die thats why we meet new ones.
to keep us moving from place to place
just trying to find your worth in this world.
in the rain when it pours down into the mind,
feeding the soul and letting it grow.
grow into a flower to show the passion
and love for another. we are all connected
through someone we see or meet or hope to help,
on the side walk we walk and pass
by the people in need with
no shelter except the box that
we once used to ship our expensive gifts in.
now living in that box no food or drink or government help,
and we judge. we judge the people in the street
we judge the people we never meet.
and who gave us that position? to play chess when the game is
hanging on your ribs
just weighing down with so much stress.
and so we confess
the sins we didn't know where there.
we say things we didn't think,
we do things we didn't mean
we don't like our lives the lives that aren't ours
and the beat of the sirens
following me
i grew up in the side alleys and back ways
of my mind.
i brag
about my problems and my achievements are small
but really i just want it all.
to come back to me for the
attention and scenes that i play.
i have no fear or diseases
or grow near to death, because i have already reached it.
the ****** the end,
the story the middle,
and beginning we read
to get us into what we've scene
the imagination it leaps and jumps off buildings
to high to reach.
i'm a kid and i cant see,
whats up there thats so great for me?
always one more thing that we just cant get passed
to see what we
have is right in front of us.
and we don't have to stop.
because we keep the books we read
and the movies we see
in dusty boxes and call it good
good for who? just you?
judging someone different and new,
like the Ku klux **** who never knew
the people the slaughtered
and abused and embarrassed.
the people keep on fighting
and running toward the pain to prove to the point.
that we all have the chance to
strive and glide like skaters on ice,
till we reach the end of the rink...
getting tired of the circles we run
in middle class
upper class
lower class.
***** the class,
who put a label on you?
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
drifting, drifting,
in the open shores,
i hope i can get lost
looking out at sea.
My mind is gone, gone,
my body is present
from where i stand
physically stable,
mentally insecure.
Blank pages fluttering
waiting for color and me
paint my life,
with color and light.
wheels turning, turning,
like the Kansas highway
and I'm leaving, leaving,
my past behind.
Claire Ellen Sep 2013
Drink you in my tea tomorrow
I dont mind waiting for you.
Even with my boots full of snow,
Baby, I'm yours lets go!
Take my hand,
and just listen to the band,
the sea and the sand.
This ring on my finger,
it never wieghed me down.
I have heard your voice on a payphone,
I have heard your voice in distress.
I have heard your voice
through my tears, and your tears.
I have heard your voice in love.
But never have I heard your voice in Hate.
Claire Ellen Oct 2013
I'm sorry,
but I heard you were talking about me,
at some party?
I thought when you left me,
for another girl,
you said you were basically
gone for good. Oh, ex-honey,
Don't ever talk about me.
If your not courageous enough to tell,
How you left me, so heartlessly.
If they knew, what you did,
You wouldn't have anyone to tell about me.
Claire Ellen Dec 2015
Found my own trail,
Found my new vail,
a life I live to please another?
Please, this life is about me and my Father.
With the view of the city before me,
you can't be the only person for me.
Dont rub it in my face your above me,
certainly don't bring up my past.
Or else I promise, I won't look back.
I've moved on from heart break before,
I can do it once more.
The pressure is building inside m,
while I slowly explode little by little.
If your not what I want,
How come I can't get away??
Claire Ellen Dec 2013
It was that kind of night,
when your nose froze to your face
when you stepped outside.
But we didn't care anyways,
our kisses were warm
and our hearts were close.
Claire Ellen May 2015
Down comforter white,
with you in my sights,
never has life seemed so bright.
Tangeled sheets,
hearing new beats,
my soul has had defeats
lover together, in love apart,
your never to far from my heart,
I will always be able to smell your farts.
Our love is for the ages,
I could write all these pages,
no more, of our minds in cages.
****, breathless, skin skimming skin,
Our love is more than a ***** little sin.
Summers coming and so is Number 24, so jump in!
Come home soon, and take me away,
next time, you'll be able to stay,
Run-away you'll always be,
Runny wild now with a heart in your hands.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
Do you think its true?
The more you open your stiff rib joints,
and the more you expand your cranial sutures,
the more you art?
Anatomy: the study of human art made by GOD.
All I see are colors:
   Yellow for fall and mellow happiness
   Red for desire and flames lit deep.
   Blue for my tender and sweet.
Messy living coupled with coffee,
count me in.
Hair curled with naked back and love?
count him in.
Art in the air of fall, filling the fortress, darling.
Painting, I must expell these ideas in more than just writing.
Art- 3 letters coupled with power to change the world.
Count my hands in.
Claire Ellen Mar 2015
So my knight,
if you are ready for the fight,
Kneel and look up to me
as I bestow my love.
You are sir of my thoughts
running them around on your horse,
You are kind of my eyes,
for who else can behold?
You are Duke of my lungs,
stealing each breath away.
But dont forget!
Most important of all!
Knight of my heart
Knight of my life.
My knight in shinning armor.
Climb off your high horse,
to kiss this little bird hello,
and I will devote each kiss
with a purpose, none for show!
Each kiss will be,
for love of my life, eternity
Each kiss laid on your skin
for passion.
Each kiss to pass by and by
for prof the only flight
in my heart is from your
Claire Ellen Sep 2014
runners usually have two legs,
two lungs,
and two eyes.
Although some runners only have 1 lung.
And throughout this life time, they are looking for the other.
The race is going to be hard with one,
thats why i found you.
My other stronger lung.
Help me through the race, for i am ingured,
and i need a boost.
Carry me to the car, and dance with me in the hotel room.
I will be okay.
Help me when i cant reach the sugar,
and always pull up the covers to cover our faces.
the race is long, and it is also way to short.
if you finish out of breath you have probably done well,
and you make me paint.
if you finish in breath and time,
you have probably missed out on the view.
Take me to Horsetooth,
and look at our city,
we built this place,
and we made memories in every street corner,
and every back parkinglot.
Claire Ellen Jan 2013
Although my soul wanders
Although my heart is searching
Although my eyes are unfixed
Although my breathing is heavy
I will stay concentrated.
The goal
The outcome
The final walk
I will stay focused.
The pressure and stress
Build and build.
The trees of fear
Grow and grow.
The doubt of a cloud
Storm and storm.
Yet keep me focused on you.
Claire Ellen Mar 2013
Mystery of my past,
why to you stay on me like a cast?
Mystery of my future,
I try at you like a shooter
in the fog.
Mystery of my present,
I wonder if I will resent-
What I do now,
and they way of how-
I do things,
will haunt my future,
good or bad.
Claire Ellen Jul 2014
Oh how silly of me to have not chased you out the door.
How silly of me to have actually texted you.
How silly of me to have led you on.
How stupid of me to have continued.
How stupid can a girl be?
When her lover is gone,
and all she can think of is love?
How come I say one thing,
and do another?
Where did the days go where I did what I wanted?
I didnt worry about approval, secrets, or life.
Do I miss those days, or am I glad I am moving on to a new chapter?
A beautiful girl like me lost in this world and sea.
Moving so fast i cant cacth the ground
i cant calm my feet.
I am not floating nor walking.
I am running at my own world pace,
and as it quickens my legs drift into a new world,
while my mind is in the old.
I can focus I can do this,
but there is still so much fear of,
I cant.
Some one hear my call,
someone hear my plea,
I am sitting right beside you on the bus,
I am the girl in the coffee shop, waiting room, stop light,
everyone has problems big and small
everyone has a weakness large or big.
Everyone has secrets deep and wide.
I have a past,
and you have a future together we can make a life time.
I have a passion and you have a yern
we can make a family.
no way to end or begin besides by jumping in.
Claire Ellen Aug 2016
Dear Southern boy,
Please excuse my past behavior.
Please accept my western ways.
Dear southern boy,
You love me right,
move my body in deep slow ways.
You hold my face in your hands
gentle and big.
Dear Southern boy,
just one look at your fingers gives me chills
it sends a tickle down my spine
every time you skim your lips over mine.
You guid me through back countries,
and take me for a ride.
Dear Southern boy,
the way you treat me is so unreal.
your hands-off-love approach does me just right.
Dear Southern boy,
never forget.
Your, Colorado Hippie.
Claire Ellen Aug 2013
Summer days consist of
you and adventures.
Summer nights consist of
reminiscing over those days.
Someday I will spend with you,
and some summer night,
I will reminisce with you.
Claire Ellen May 2013
Summer days consist of
you and adventures.
Summer night consist of
reminiscing over those days.
Some day I will spend with you,
and some summer night,
I will reminisce with you.
Claire Ellen Dec 2013
Do I make me happy?
Do I think I am somewhat pretty?
Is that egotistical of me?
Why does it all matter.
Everyone is different.
How much more diverse would we be,
If all the girls took off their makeup?
How much more silly would we be,
If all the guys stopped hiding behind their muscle?
If you don't like me now,
You wont like me then.
Cant you wake up and see???
Your making foes in your imagination,
that never existed.
Wake up and see, that just because you dont like it,
doesnt mean its wrong.
And just because I like it,
doesnt mean its trivial.
I read your books,
I say yes and no when it is appropriate.
But if you had really known me before,
You would know,
I cant be tamed,
I cant be reigned.
And yes I will change for you,
But you have to accept me,
with my flaws and my foes,
you have to love me,
when I'm clumsy and I fall.
I love you
weather your wrong or right,
weather you dance all night,
or stand by the wall.
You make me happy and you keep my mind working.
Keep your head sane, and your eyes up.
Keep your mouth talking, and your ears hearing.
Marry me, whisk me away, and never ever say,
It wasnt meant to be.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
All this candy is making me sick,
Or maybe iys me thinking of the huge ****,
You really are.
Dont go to far,
Tomorrow I'm running your face,
Into the ground; at my own pace.
Your to charming, to sweet smile,
Now just makes me want to bile.
I promise you, I'll be so much bigger,
And you'll be nothing more than a digger,
Digging for love, digging for lust,
And it will all be a bust,
Because you don't dig for love,
You stumble upon it, you find it,
You never let go of it, once you have it.
I hope someday I see you somewhere,
Somewhere like a state fair.
So I can look at you again,
And tell you how great I really am,
Just do you can see,
How much you really meant to me;
I gave, and gave,
I have you my all, and tore down my wall,
Hell, I gave you every last bit,
And you took me down, and stole my virginity!
But, Sam, I realize I hardly know
Anything about you, it was all for show.
I don't even know your favorite color,
But if I had to guess, it'd be multicolor;
"Multi"- for the two face you wear,
Red for the love we shared,
Blue for how far away I want to be from you,
Green for all the memories I have,
Black for all our physical touches,
Yellow for your immaturity you pegged on me,
And purple for how great you think you are.
Oh and I hope you don't care,
I'm going to party and drink,
Until I just can't think!
I'm going to do what I want,
I don't care if you think I'm a ****.
**** my kiss, baby, while you can,
Because tomorrow, I'll be gone.
It was fun for me, while it lasted,
Now, I don't give a blasted,
Thing you do. Talk to you in a year or two,
I'll stop in, with out notice, "how do you do?".
I'm going to listen to my music,
Sam, your right, we just didn't work,
You didn't try more than a dumb baby with a fork.
Please, don't make another excuse,
For why your not around to make amuse,
Stop with the jokes,
Stop with the show.
Good bye,
I hope you live a long life,
With out me.
Claire Ellen Jun 2016
Kisses tasting like jerky,
summers feeling like country.
Music turned up, your hand on my leg,
I know I'm getting myself into a good time.
I can't tell if we are dancing or kissing
when you spin me round and round this fishing hole.
Straight from Georgia, Straight from Colorado,
we meet in this crazy Wyoming world.
You've saved me from so many reminiscent lonely nights.
I've gone country,
from my cowboy boots,
to my hard Cash roots.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
Dear boy whom I fell in love with in my childhood
I still love yo. I always have and always will.
If you wanted me I'd be with you
I hope you go so far in architecture.
Dear young musician whom I loved for many years,
I've never met you, but one day I will.
I think of you often, and you hold the key to my liberal side
I now cry when I hear a violin play.
Dear anti-manly-man who stole my virginity,
Your not worth the next few lines
Dear man who ran with my heart,
I love you in so many deep and mysterious ways,
keep chasing me, I'll be here waiting for you,
No matter how long it takes.
Don't worry about these past loves
They hold my past, but you hold something far more precious...
my future.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
I tried so hard,
to get you back up,
the world needed someone,
who could show them,
the happiness I knew only you had.
I opened you up
one day at a time;
so you could see
how happy the world can be.
But I didn't know
you would just up and go,
go out on your own,
oh, how I should have known.
You weren't on your own.
Simply with some one new,
Now after the fact, everything I do,
seems so fake and old.
These sad thoughts
pour out of me like time bombs,
give me no time to run
and explode with YOU in my face.
With my tears
wiped with my fingers,
I draw unknown designs,
along my pillow case,
Instead I wish you were here,
to wipe them away for me.
Wait... If you were here,
In the first place
I wouldn't be crying.
Claire Ellen Jun 2013
The tears blur my vision,
but I like it better this way,
I don't see this world,
for what it really is.
Claire Ellen Sep 2013
8 milimeter camera
8 milimeter memory.
sneaking a finger,
maybe two,
with my sister
in the same tent.
Hope no one walks in
to ruin this I love you
Apartments, house, kids
easy as 1,2,3.
But more expensive than a New York Flat.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
"If we were young, we would rise and dance."
spoken like a true poet Daisy,
I always knew you were the one for Gatsby.
But, I have one request,
where is my millionaire??
Do you have some Gatsby to share?
How come my lonely nights,
are never like the stories that I read?
like the snow on my windshield,
the future feels heavy and light.
hooks and threads weave in and out
wrapping my 18 year story into
one pretty bow.
Someday I hope to be,
that green light some "Gatsby" sees
across the ocean and far away-
is where I am going to stay-
until then, I will be a fool,
that's the best thing a girl can be in this world,
a beautiful little fool.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
Snowflakes falling out side
they look so calm and collected.
So light and bright
and here snuggled with blankets and warmth,
I want to be falling with out question or cause.
To feel weightlessness and beautiful.
Having everyones eyes, with no flaw.
God made us in his own image?
He made snow flakes alike.
So different from each other.
   Yet they stick together and create chaos.
To be without worry, oh! how my hair would grow.
How my knots would fade.
Knott being worked by your hands alone,
might not be worth the trade.
Your big romanous hands make me feel light.
Eyes and glances you through my way make me feel
pretty and unique.
How you make me feel knocks me off my feet.
Why do I crave more?
What else could I possibly want?
things you lack often,
but have enough of to keep me around.
Claire Ellen Nov 2014
the park bench,
the letters,
the hands on each other,
the new commitment,
it all ended that Wednesday,
I walking with someone new,
and from the look in your eyes,
I knew you were through.
I have left you before, much like this,
and my dear, I trully regret.
I wonder each night,
what my life would be like,
If I had run with you.
I have eluded to you,
much before in my previous poems.
I love you, and always will
I regret every night, not keeping my focus on you.
I left you with heart fixed to break
as deeply as mine had broke.
I am sorry that I now cant take back what I did.
Now I am stuck, and I cant get out.
But if I ever did,
know that your arms would be,
the only ones to comfort me.
Claire Ellen Feb 2013
i am strong in my faith,
i am strong in my personality.
i am strong in my body,
i am weak in my views,
persuade me easily.  
i am weak in my head,
use me easily.
i am alive in my spirit,
i am alive in the summer.
i am alive and breath air,
i am dead to the world,
no one knows me inside and out.
i am dead in the winter,
the cold shuts me in, leaves the cold out.
i am this and i could be that.
i am sleepy at night, and awake in the mornings.
i love the music when i'm happy,
i hear the words when i'm sad.
i want to live,
but i live with ghosts.
i want to grow,
but i grew my height in 6th grade.
i am a worshiper,
i am a curser.
i do what i want,
and usually dont think first.
but, you still don't know
who i am.
Claire Ellen Mar 2016
Hello big-wonderful-warm-inviting bed.
I was thinking of you all day.
Bed, I want to lay in you and never get up.
But I am sorry motivation keeps pulling me out.
It makes me run and study for good grades.
Actually I guess in a lot of ways
I crave motivation more than you.
Claire Ellen Jan 2013
we hide...
we hide behind earrings and lace
we hide behind our pretty face.
we hide in nature
we hide behind Atomic Bombs.
we hide behind our families,
we hide behind great victories
we hide behind coats,
we hide behind profound uplifting quotes.
we hide behind diamonds and wine.
we hide behind picture perfect books.
we hide behind our steady calm outside,
we hide behind our beating brave hearts.
we hide behind our embarrassing defeats.
we try to hide in corners but dont fit
we hide in darkness.
we hide in big churches with rehearsed songs,
we hide behind shot guns that sometimes fire back.
sometimes we hide from love...
we hide in music,
we hide by running away
we hide from fear and hate,
we hide ourselves in old memories.
Claire Ellen Nov 2013
Oh wild rose tainted
Someone shining a flashlight on you
searching for your flaws and losses,
and your doing a good job of hiding them.
But your not blooming to your fullest,
staying as a bud wont get you no where.
So the flashlight moves on.
And because you didn't open the spot light goes on.
Your name has its own hidden exclamation point,
and your additude is full of sass and class.
Baby don't let the lies of this world
tear and destruct you.
Let the emptiness of this world
fill you, and show you things
that cant be with out your imagination.
Baby, don't get down by the peoples expectations,
because if you do, your own expectations will go out the window.
Be free little rose,
but don't become lost on your road in freedom.
However, my arms and heart are always open for you.
Claire Ellen Mar 2015
With heats so wild
we need cages of bones,
to hold back these wonderful desires.
Slowly I am wandering further
getting lost in your love,
and consumed by your fire.
Windows are wide open
peering in from my heart to yours,
And i have only one small drop
of knowing in my soul.
My bones rattle as I fix on you,
and by far out of my grasp
only your sheets know how
we speak,
and only your love knows
the others heart.
For you are mine and I am yours,
bound not by law, but power above.
To great for this world,
my speech falls short,
done without haste,
I am a drop with the force of gravity,
concerning your love.
Claire Ellen Jan 2013
the walls,
the walls and rooms becoming
harsh cold rocky caves.
warm living rooms
hopeless and empty.
not time to relax and
sit back. Always a constant
nagging- this is wrong,
redo this, fix this,
your late for curfew,
the opposite of egotistcal,
instead a self conscious.
It comes in, and settles deep
deep within the burrow of
my wandering mind with
legs of its own. I can
never let this go...
constant question in my head.
replay and rewinding flipping
and poking fun at my,
every move.
the walls,
the walls. No longer my
safe comforting room,
instead a musty dark jail.
Holding me captive I stay,
with no choice I stay,
with no choice I come back.
Hope is gone from my
starved ribs. The house is
quiet but I'm awake.
House is equal to a sacred
jail, bad locked on the inside,
and good hidden visibly
on the front lawn.
Nothing is wrong here...
except everything, and nothing
to be said.
The walls,
the walls, suffocating
closing, increasingly closer
i will break out and
when i do, no choice for you,
but to watch. I may get hurt-
i can always try. Strike!
Strike in,
Strike me down,
but don't hear me go.
Its okay for you, but
not for me? I laugh at good, and
grimace at evil, it can chase
and sometimes catch
me, who just wanted to be
Alone. In,
The walls,
The walls, covered in writing
of my words gone,
and unnoticed.
Claire Ellen Jun 2016
Chopping my hair gave me the wild back,
coming to Casa gave me the passion back,
sleeping with a southern man gave me the want back,
spoon feeding an orphan gave me the love back,
talking to Brad about everything gave me lightness,
living alone gave me my courage back,
and leaving you, I'll never be looking back.
Claire Ellen Jun 2013
filled with shock and surprise.
****** from the heart and
Flung into the heart
of all things primordial.
This sun-kissed life
with nothing to do,
neither peace,
nor rest, or safety.
All, every moment of life,
for these dogs, "men"
they were savages,
the law of club and fang.
So, She was buried,
screaming with agony,
beneath the bristling mass
of "bodies" women, before.
Wrote this from words off a page in the book Call Of the Wild, By Jack London.
Claire Ellen Feb 2014
Here in the basement of my own
sorrows and pities,
I find no comfort from you.
You say this is my fault; I havent
changed and loved.
Notice that your the reason I'm here,
struggling and worthlessly waiting,
for your approval.
Claire Ellen Oct 2013
Uh-oh... A change.
More than painting a wall
Or hanging new pictures in a hall.
More than new curtains,
Or moving to new lands.
This change is the scariest of all,
And it starts with a huge fall
And it comes from within.
It starts in the mind,
And then it intertwines and confines,
Down to where everything should start,
The Heart.
This change has to do with love,
And it normally doesn't "fit like a glove".
Its a change of lifestyle and words,
It keeps no records.
This change is all inclusive,
It changes the use of,
Your actions.
I'm nervous for the outcome,
I'm into deep to outrun,
Gods love.
Claire Ellen Dec 2015
Sleeping with elephants trampling through my mind.
There comes a time in every baristas life
where coffee no longer satisfies.
A time where the mountains are calling
and her soul ignites with love and espresso.
She often questions, if it will always feel like this.
This kiss left on her lips, till next kiss.
Elephants rumbling old photograph memories
dancin in and out from behind my stressed out worn eyes.
I can take a week of chaos for weeks of paradise to come.
And boy... here. I. come.
Claire Ellen Mar 2013
I am rich in love,
I am poor in money.
I am ***** in cowgirl boots,
I am clean in high heels.
But enough about me,
what about you?
You are strong in wisdom,
and strong in arms.
Your opinion counts,
even though I hate it sometimes.
You can draw anything,
you can imagine even more.
You told me lies,
that I still believe today.
I love you all the time,
but I only like you sometimes.
You are like an old lab,
and I am a puppy.
This poem isn't for a lover,
it is for you,
My older brother,
the one who is annoyingly,
always right.
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