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 Aug 2013 Claire E
Sir B
I just read
Our old conversations
Before becoming bff's
Before even knowing each other
It's just
Such a warm feeling
To know you made it
So far
Home base.
I had nothing else to do but read our old conversations (I talk to lots of people so I read a lot for a day) it's beautiful how you transform!

Sir B over and out.
Smile without the care in the world.

(Kinda long note, sorry!!)
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sophie Herzing
I let your lips touch mine like church wine.
Just a taste,
my legs around your waist
you led me to the bed.
I saw our silhouettes reflect in the mirror,
you standing there
hands upon my face
running softly along my hair
you laid me down just so you could stare
at how bare my body was and how beautiful
it looked in the hold your eyes had on this moment
where you could trace your fingers along my edges
just to feel how soft it was when you pressed upon it.

It's not always like this.
Sometimes I hate you when don't respond
to something so honest,
but the way you lay your head into my neck
and just breathe
without using your eyes
our bodies
our own little infinity
that I can't even fathom beyond being there.

This was our goodbye.
This was you saying
"I don't want you to wait around for me,
because I want these next four years to be you
doing everything
you've always told me you wanted to do."
This was because of me loving you.

A year made a circumference around my brain
when I was baring myself naked to you
it lapped my skin and touched my lips until I was frightened
from speech and just kept breathing
seven heavy sighs of separation
until I convinced myself that's what it would take
for me to get back to you.

I've been here so many times but not like this.
Not like this where there's no more chances.
Just the shower running and my head on your chest,
just you pushing my hand down when I resist.
But you were slow and gentle and made it feel alright,
and I shouldn't have been crying
but it was so beautiful and this was so beautiful and you
are so beautiful

This was our final moment
one last night,
here we go,
I loved you always

This was our goodbye and let's face it,
a big part of me knows
that it won't just be a year until I see you.
You're never coming back, heart attack
against the realization that once you're gone "for now"
you're gone for good.
So I kissed you like our lips were magnetized and would stay together
even 1,619.9 miles away.
I kissed you to erase the picture of the map in my head,
from point A to point B
and from the start of a journey to its end.

The morning when you leave for the airport and I'm getting dressed alone,
won't be our goodbye
not even when you leave the key and drive
not even when you kiss my forehead
or promise to call
or I'm falling to my knees.

This is our goodbye.
This is our
I believe in you
I'll love you always
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
If words were arrows
My heart would have too many..
I am in some serious sad moods these days..
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Jamie Horridge
He was like the first time my ears ever perceived a perfect song
I put it on repeat and never got it wrong
His lips moved towards mine and I never fought it
He threw his heart at me once and I should've caught it
His teeth and our lives were so out of line
Yet every time he smiled everything was fine
I would've kept him forever
But I couldn't make him mine
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Jamie Horridge
I'm a monster with no feelings,
but somehow I still love you.
I can't swim but I'd build a boat.
Sail to you.
I want to.
I miss you.
I miss you.
Do you hear me?
Will you ever?
I'm screaming louder this time.
Can you hear me any better?
This empty whole,
It aches for you.
This darkness,
It shakes for you.
Tell me, what more can I do for you?
What have I to do to show you what I see?
Every moment awake is a tragedy entirely.
Without you.
This soul,
It takes for you.
This heart,
It breaks for you.
Can you look at this monster and feel compassionate?
At least ******* look at me, *******.
I'm sick of it.
That stare at the ground won't send you to hell any faster.
I ******* love you, what's so ******* hard about that you ******* *******?
These holes, they are here because of your absence and presence.
See you were here before, but notice I said that in past tense.
Now your gone and these holes,
They only ******* get larger.
Tried so hard to fill em with... god knows.
But I'm running out of supplements for armor.
**** it.
You hate me,
I hate me.
God knows.
He made me.
He made you, too.
But I guess God doesn't build passion in twos.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
She was a lover of augmented volume
To muffle her thoughts
She was a lover of alcoholic beverages
To drown her thoughts
She was a lover of casual ***
To distract her from her thoughts
But above all
She was a lover of not loving

The most unfortunate love of all
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Nicole Pierson
You made me insecure and unsure of who I am
You knocked me down like I meant nothing anymore..
I became breathless
And I stopped everything because making you happy use to be the only thing I cared about doing
Well no, not anymore.
You're nothing
I cried, I died, I even  tried..
But it was nothing
You told me how you "really felt"
And walked away, matter of fact.
didn't even look back..
And now I realize
You were never anything
I mean I could lie and tell the whole world "I'm not okay"
But I really am..
Your words are nothing
And your life is a nightmare
And I'll just sit here and watch as everything falls down around you..
And when you reach out your hand
For anyone
To help stop the pain
Like I did months ago
No one will be there
To understand
To love you
And tell you "You're amazing"
Because I won't be that person anymore..
I used to crumble at your feet
Because I was scared that I actually loved someone..
But I didn't
Love is weakness
And maybe that's why it was so easy for me to pick up the pieces
I'm happy that you're gone
Because it was only a matter of time before I left you
You're a horrid monster that sooner then later your "boyfriend" wont even pursue
I am the happy person I am today because well I left you
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Have you ever woken up one morning
With an overwhelmingly existential anxiety
Surrounding the inevitability
Of loneliness and dissatisfaction
With love as society has made it out to be
And the reality of the meaning of the word?

Nearly every single one of us humans,
If not all,
Dub ourselves "alone"
While simultaneously and obliviously relating
To each and every man or woman
Who has and will ever exhale
Into the earth's atmosphere
Unaware of each other's potential and ability
To connect with one another.

Our breaths conjugate
As they are ejected from our mouths,
As our feelings should,
Yet it is not as simple
It is not as simple as an involuntary respiration
Though it should be
It should be!

Why should I,
Another breather on this planet,
Feel as though my emotions
Are much too obscure and unfathomable
For a breather much like myself to comprehend?
Meanwhile in the other room
A man is breathing in the same air I am
And he is feeling the same way I am
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Lexi Cairns
I miss the cold air penetrating my lungs,
Bringing me to life.
For once feeling cut off-
Completely free.
Its empowering
That feeling of freedom
"Just one last cigarette."
Repeated a thousand times
in dreams, on long highways,
at the corner buried in snow at midnight.
One last sin
And again
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