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 Jul 2013 Claire E
Sir B
Have I done anything
To appear in your dreams?

Are you positive?
I remember late might talks
My mind telling me
You dream about me
I have protected myself
From girls who like me
Because of my style
Not because of my personality

Personality equaling
True sense
My inner laughter
My real thoughts
Not my fake smile
The real me
Is known
To few

Not someone
Who would
Flirt and be thrown away later
That's not me
I am better
I can decide
You girls
Who will be unnamed
Don't you dare
Try anything
I know what love is
You don't want love
You just want fun
I don't
Leave me alone
And let me be
If I need someone to love
We shall see
In due time..
My friends know about the unnamed girl,
I feel this poem is better than the first one
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Alex DeLarge
She makes herself present when you need her most,
not to boast, but this tasty delight will treat you well as she continues to host.
She doesn’t give herself away too much,
****, if it was up to me I’d cop more than a touch;
A squeeze, a whole late night session, to indulge in her taste of imperfections,
Eat her up til I obtain a dental infection.
Not my intention, but her silhouette alone breeds thoughts of sin,
what I would give, to have her all to myself, wouldn’t know where to begin.
Undress her slowly as she teases me,
And repeatedly, she teaches me to treat her with care and show some decency.
But I can’t concentrate, she has my mind in a figure-four,
I'm a carnivore, but she exposes her flesh and I want more and more.
Its all been done before, but in this moment I’m in bliss,
I reminisce, as I write this, and continue to lick her residue off my lips.
She brings so much variety, all of them eyeing me,
Which will I give into as I inspect each of them quietly.

Sometimes she comes bittersweet, sometimes she’s a freak,
But most of the time she’s in a bad mood cuz I just wana beat, or rather eat.
Our relationship is never bland, she always keeps it fresh and new,
If it gets monotonous she won’t even hesitate to bring a friend or two.
She keeps my hands full, and that’s no easy achievement,
But she brings so much to the table its hard to not fiend it.
My favorite color on her, has to be green, not to be obscene,
But I’d tear her up as if though she was in a different team, knowwhatimean?
And after that delight there wouldn’t be much of her left,
Not to be greedy but Im not sharing until I know there’s more to come next.
If not, I’m vexed, I mean, I’m not addicted but I wouldn’t mind another round,
That’s not being spoiled I just want to know what other delights could be found.
Don’t be selfish and sadden me,
give me a taste so I can eat you up casually.
Oh miss candy, you’re just too fancy,
let me get a grip and I’ll put you on the walls like Bansky.
Like a scarecrow he stands there,
His legs bow backwards,
Only a tad,
And he ponders what the air would taste like,
If we could all sing the song of rising suns,
But in the corner of his bloodshot eyes,
One bead of blue forms,
And it ran down his cheek,
Onto his arm and off it,
To land on his black jeans,
Whose threads were so tight his feet felt fuzzy,
But he did not care,
This was the pair,
She kissed him with.

The salty ocean air bit his ears.
He went inside.
And slept.

*It’s just not fair.
tell me what keeps you awake at 2 am
whether it’s the girl who took the knife of her absence and stabbed it into your sternum
or the loneliness that swallows your skin

play the one song which releases the floodgates in your eyes
and let me listen to it over and over again
until i find which line makes your heart drop to your stomach

describe the story of your body to me
tell me of the invisible scars too
and with each detail you describe
i will make a map
so i know which road bumps to avoid
or which holy sites to fall to my knees and kiss the ground of

remember that
i wear a mask brimming with self confidence and an armor of words that are both easy to tear for they were thin like tissue to begin with
i am sensitive
taking to hurt the way a sponge absorbs water

do not hide me behind closed doors or keep me entrapped in bed sheets
when you walk past me, do not pull your hood over your head and avert your gaze
i need you to look at my eyes as if they illuminated the entire world
and kiss my lips as if they are what allow you to breathe

open the door.
bring me flowers.
because the only boy who did either was my 5th grade boyfriend

be willing to meet my family and friends
for they were the ones who created the marble statue whom you marvel at today

take note of how my heart is a reflection of myself
how she is too kind and will kiss the same man who tore her in two
so please do not say words which will make her wings flutter
if you are not ready to be the nest she flies to

let me know that me, as myself, i am enough
that i do not need to be a chameleon
dipping myself in new colors each day to please you

remember the little things about me
like how my first phrase i uttered was shut up to a man in an elevator or the delight i take in handwritten letters and mix CDs, or the significance of my first tattoo
because everything about you is being etched into the walls of mind
so that i can never forget

trace your fingers with a loving tenderness over my scars from the times i transformed my body into a crucifix
pinning my hands and feet onto a cross out of habit
thinking love was a word synoymous with self sacrifice

you must learn my language
know what zips my lips into silence
know the difference between when i want to give up versus when i will actually do so
and be there to hold me when the seams start to unravel

if you want me to love you
know that many have tried and failed
that people like me are not meant to be soft
if you want me to love you
know that to me
love is not a word you spit out of your mouth and juggle in your hands
you need to promise that our love won’t be like an hourglass
for my body has been disfgured enough from the times my chest turned inside out from the pang of abadonment
if you want me to love you
reaffirm my body is a kindgom, my heart is the treasure, and that i am your queen
paint pictures for me in what you do and say
telling me i am worthy to be loved, worthy to be kept, and worthy to stay

but if you really want me to fall in love with you
tell me what you see right before you close your eyes at night to fall asleep
and if you tell me it’s me
i will fall unfathomably further for you than i already have
 Jul 2013 Claire E
I am, by all rights, a city girl
from Dublin to Riyadh to Birmingham
and now lost in London's whirl.
Anonymity is the city's gift,
a reward for braving the worn streets,
that bitter-sweet protective lift
as you fade with the passing of your feet
and compression leaves you caressed
even on the streets alone
as the buildings are tight pressed
because millions need a home,
because the city is a beating heart
a pulsating, convoluted mess
with chambers for every kind of part,
for every type of face and dress;
the city shows how small we are,
each one star blinking in twinkling galaxy,
removing the pressure to run so far
because in a wink the city will have forgotten me.
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Deana Luna
you are all i want to write about
you are all i seem to be able to write about
that is simple
you are simple
(yet so complex? we are so
yet everything is simplified
with you
with us
i can ramble
will you stop
me can you stop me
stop me before i keep talking
talking with my big small mouth
i won't shut up baby
stop me before it's too late
you are all i want to write about
you are all i want to write about
baby baby i can't stop can't you
see i'm on a role here baby you are all i want
you are all i want to to to write about about about
i like simple
simple is nice for a change
i have dealt with mazes and
puzzles too big for my brain
too long for my patience
all of which led to dead ends
but you are no large
you are complex
yet simple
you are epic
and beautiful
and i want to get to know the insides of your mind
and i want to get to know you
you are all
that i seem
you are all that i seem
to think about
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Moons & Stars
 Jul 2013 Claire E
Oh, God, this ache,
this sacrifice;
the hunger burns like a torch
carried from ***** to ***** by my crawling blood.
I envy the others their easy lives
I envy their books of subtle hints
of words so easily changed and ignored
because there is no power greater than permanence,
no substance harder than the diamond
used to carve the words into my soul -
I would pay the Earth for the luxury of ignorance,
would give all to not know of power
to not know of fear
to not know of belief;
God, I just want to eat.
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