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 Sep 2012 C M Johnson
D OKane
I'm glad to say I'm not William Blake
Cuz he's dead you see whilst I am wide awake
The MPS only covers me for medical liability
But perhaps someday I too can join the Dead Poet Society
MPS is the medical protection society
When you walked in
you made my eyes sin
just by a little peak
my knees went weak
i start to fall
and try to stall
but i can't even
give you a call
my nerves freeze
as i drop to my knees
your body is a tease
give me a taste please
so if our lips met
you wouldn't regret
give it a go
just one try
if you don't like it
i'll say goodbye
it's not like
you're going to die
don't be scared
i'm just a guy
take a chance
if you dare
no other woman
could compare
no one can
make me stare
you're the reason
life isn't fair.
I want to
bash your head
into a brick wall
until your blood
paints my fingers
a shade close to
the one the wall wears.
 Apr 2012 C M Johnson
E. Pan
But then that's kinda the funny part
we were so innocent.
We just went for whatever we wanted.
 Mar 2012 C M Johnson
I stood in the sun
and thought of you
and of my junebug heart.
It clings on, unshakable,
even after it’s death.

And you like that about me,
my junebug heart that is.
You think you have one too.
I know that you don’t.
Yours is fleeting.
 Mar 2012 C M Johnson
Angie Sea
it's 4:00am
my life is moving backwards
now if only time would do the same
 Feb 2012 C M Johnson
Allen Fream
Walking alone on this desolate dirt, surrounded by blackness and despair
A warm breeze floats by and the dead leaves whisper my name
I feel so cold and lost in this cold empty forest
Then I feel that chill, as if your there watching over me
Like an angel gleaming in the darkness
A smile comes over my face because I know its you
Even though I cant see you, I know you're there
I walk these empty streets hoping you know what I feel
Hoping you can see the truth beneath all this pain
My heart was yours from the very beginning and my heart will always be yours for the taking
The bond we share, invisible yet so strong
I know that even if you were 1000 miles away, your truly standing right beside me
and my soul shall do the same until our hearts meet again
I know im never alone, and in spirit we will be together forever
Posted by techman93 at 7:31 PM 0 comments
 Feb 2012 C M Johnson
Number 8
It should be easy

     just letting each other go . . .

so why is it not?

Words are hollow.
Eyes are deceiving.
Thoughts are far fetched.
Illusions are broken.
Looks mean nothing.
Expressions can be fake.
Emotions are assassins.
Senses don't work.
Heart stops beating.
Light turns into darkness.
Does this mean I am dead?

— The End —