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May 2014 · 338
Sky City Central
The fleet were called back to sky city central
looking all confident and pretty
not one ship had been lost
and for the first time, no human cost

Red blue and white flares filled the sky
even for me, it brought a tear to my eye
we have come back with not one scratch
but the enemy, oh we did dispatch

When we finish this victory parade
I will go to my milk maids
in honey dew I will be bathed
all will be smiling in sky city central

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 803
Never Eat Humble Pie
Never eat humble pie
I will tell you the reason why
they never give you commissions you see
most just expect it.. boy they take the ***

Don't go to the Co's like that
stick that in your pocket ,,, your cap
don't you go in too smart
he will think you are a prat

Remember to stand straight
and for god's sake don't look at him
this could be a promotion or demotion
never eat humble pie and don't look at him

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
There is something in the mist
hey Jessie hand me your gun
my wife was with me one moment
and now she has **** gone

There is something in the mist
and Jesus it is ******
bolt the doors pull down the blinds
turn the lights off, if you would be so kind

I am coming to the conclusion
this is not a dream or a illusion
not going out there Jess
for there is something in the mist

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 235
It Get's Awkward
I know how high your shoes are
and the paste you wear on your head
I don't want to **** you off
for it get's rather awkward

I won't bust your rule
so please don't bust my *****
I just want to write, without any spite
for I so don't want it to get awkward

I bounce liken to a balloon on a distant beach
don't care whom you do beseech
I try to come to terms with you
yet, to my sin, it gets awkward

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
I am just a toddler in the sandpit of time
I shimmer slightly in the night
and sometimes sparks fly

I am a mono clastic fire
so hurting with desire
that I will never fulfill

So as the sound of drums beating begins
I stand back on my feet
spread my wings liken to a phoenix
to do it all again

Been broken
but always seem to repair myself
just a toddler in the sandpit of time

Bu Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 328
Twenty Four Seven
If it was possible
I'd for thousand life times
would like to write twenty four seven

When I bang them out in a start
me and my computer never part
together twenty four seven

It's the joy of it
I would not give a ****, if I was ****
I'd still write, twenty four seven

I know some of my durges are pure hell
and others have the promise of heaven
I am such a geek from head to feet, twenty four seven

I know I have said it before
but I do say it again
she is my obsession, twenty four seven

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 584
The Blue Flowered Wallpaper
That day did scare me
I think I was about aged five
that day daddy struck you to the ground
right in front of me

It was imprinted into me
that terrible sight
dad and you had a fight
because he had been gambling all night

I felt helpless and frightened
so I focused on the background
this is why I remember
the blue flowered wallpaper

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 278
This Sweet Obsession
Oh this sweet obsession
this crazy love for you
I am just your slave
so devoted to you

I will leave this world loving you
my heart will always belong to you
you are my light and passion
you are my sweet obsession

I would be lost without you
for you are my temple
in everything that I do
I do with heart for you

May I die on a winters morn
with frost on my lips
and may my last breath be
I love you sweet poetry

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 499
It's a matter of taste in one
in several it's an art
funny don't you think
to be a silly little polyglot

I struggle with one
so why do I torture myself with more
learning slowly but surely
becoming a naughty little polyglot

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
They were the last tribe on this Island paradise
for outsiders had claimed their lands
they had forced the indigenous peoples
to take on their Gods that they did not understand

They had decimated their crops
destroyed most of their wildlife
and now the greedy strangers
now turned their eyes on the last tribe

They hunted them day and night
for by their religion it was right
man woman and childs life's took
in the persecution of the light foot

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 356
Some Of My Babies
I catch myself quoting poetry to be written
and I do I wonder, am I that crazy
are my religious endeavors all in vain
will I have Romans banging on my back door

I know art is my fix
I have nearly done them all
just not keen on pottery
or chipping at marble with tools

I am more of a cerebral man
made of music and rhythm
I write for the love for it
so not just for isms

Oh come my gentile folk
I don't do it for a dime
some of my babies
will one day be sublimed

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
I just found this old poem from 2006 and I kinda liked it ....


Silver solar sails slither
******* slowly stardust
sending slurping syrup sounds
so sensitive so sirreal  

Sunshine slaves
stand static, silent
savouring sweet sullen sweat
sinking slowly sighing slightly

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 217
They Try To Help Me
They try to help me
all these ****** specialist
only God knows how many I have had
yet it only helps for a little while
then I am alone again
hapless and lost

They try to help me
but I think I am a lost cause
I am cursed to this
for it is a family trait
and no matter what when positive
I know I will be dragged down to my living hell

Oh this is not I cry for help
after all these years I have learned to cope
it's just that part of me
that just in times I can't cope
just rather too sensitive
after all that I have seen

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 509
Wash Day Nothing Clean
I am one of those shameless kind
putting out my ***** washing for all to see
I know I should keep a civil tongue
but ****** that
pull my pants down and show you my ***

It's wash day for I have nothing clean
and my preference is to be rather obscene
is this an artistic right
as I always love a good old fight

I am just a bar fly brawler
a gutter crawler
so I spout out and shake it all about
as it's wash day and I have nothing clean

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 293
Concrete And Glass
People are covered in fine white dust
streets smothered in concrete and glass
my city seems to be dying
all I hear is weeping and crying

Has war broken out
way is my city now burning
I've lost my house
and have lost my loving wife

I walk down the decimated streets
the dead are all around
every step I make
under foot is the sound of concrete and glass

This is a hellish vision
how and why comes to mind
were we that blind
to have been stabbed from behind

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 330
A Dark Poet Does
I question my talent all the time
beat myself to death about it
I wonder who am I kidding
my writes are so piddeling

So I do what a dark poet does
I hurt myself to still feel real
my life means little to me
for I only live for poetry

Alone in my dark realms
I can talk to the dead
they ask me to come with them
tell me it would be a better world

Yet I am far to bitter to welcome death
I still have too much to accomplish
and I mean to die when ready
with my silver pen in my hand

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 199
The Drowning Man
He's been treading water
for more then three days
no support of a life jacket
so tied now, fading to a daze

What happened to bring him to this point
where have his ship mates gone
he did hear distant cries a night ago
but by morning there were none

This sleepless torture
trying to keep his head above water
he knows this is it
for he is now going down with his ship

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 378
I am hoping for a better tomorrow
hoping for a better day
waiting for everything
to be ok

Hoping my Earth will heal
hoping people stop the lust to ****
hoping greed is abolished
like your unclean Gods

No way do I bow
not to any
and I hope
I don't turn on you

Let me rest
take my armour off
for if I wanted
I could destroy you all

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 749
Time Folds
Time folds
yet I will never
I am a gambling man
and so never fold

Look I don't age
I just die each day
and in that I renew
like a jurassic shrew

Oh come come
I lived before you were born
and have many empires
glories that keep my name

Let time fold
as my space is mine
and as I fall sideways
so do those knickers of yours

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 326
Do With It What You Will
I so don't care
care not if you wipe you fat *** with my poetry
I don't do it for you
I do it all for me

My name would mean nothing
if I concerned myself with trivialities
like it would touch one liken to me
for I have no soul

I died so many years ago
I just don't know I'm already dead
so do with it what you will
go on take your fill

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 240
To Show
God look I am bleeding
is this to show
what else do you want
more blood

Oh do I love the cramps
feels like dogs are savaging my guts
is this my burden
to have my pups

So I do show
my hands red
my bed covered in blood
just for you to show

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 470
To Stride Free
I left temples in all the places I have dwelled
my word is just the voice of Gods hidden
do you think I could be her glory, really
I am just her big joke

She made me her puppet
she tried to ******* break me
yet I did deny her
and now I stride free

No my sweet glory
no you will not stop me
for I am one of stars
and not for you to control

So now my mother
I do stride free
this ancient creature
now strides free

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 1.4k
Hot Wet Pussy
Goodness she has come in all soaking wet
poor pussycat needs a rub down
oh look at your fur all spiky and trim
god knows where you have been

You come off on my hands
do I have that much command
look at you shake
my hot wet *****

Now no doing the sit down dance
I am not a horse, so don't ride my hands
you are just my kitten you see
my sweet hot wet *****

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 547
The push is a telling time
I must not fall
I must not be crippled

Keep my head together
break all I have ever done before
never to be crippled

Push it to the limit
break you best and do more
hurt to your nearly crippled

Have no mercy
have no fear
run to ground
and never be crippled

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 1.9k
Lemon Drops And Candy Floss
Do you remember those childish days
those warm days of lemon drops and candy floss
days we spent at the fairground
so never wanting to leave till night fell

You smiled so much then
and I hoped you would never leave me
I never had someone love like you did
then when you fell ill, I was heart broken

You told me you was dying
and my world did fall apart
you my love were everything
yet knowing you were dying and we would part

I still sing that poem I wrote for you
as the light faded from your eyes
I could never love again
my love of lemon drops and candy floss

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 522
Star Ducks
They are quacking fantastic
my adorable star ducks
they landed in my garden last May
telling me they were here to stay

They are not like other ducks
just count their legs
for these ducks so wonderful
goodness they have eight

God and they are very versed in quantum mechanics
and light speed time travel
a black hole to them
is just a waste of space

Why they wanted to build a city in my garden
well I have no ****** idea
but I don't worry about it
just don't like their preference to beer

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 379
Doris Daydream
She did epitomize all that was good
her voice was as flighty as a larks
she never had a bad word to say
most positive was sweet doris

She always had that look
like she had greatness within her
she did light up my life
with all the love she gave

Her heart was of solid gold
her smile was kind as a summer day
and if you asked her nicely
Doris would daydream away

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 289
Sing To Me
Sing to me something sweet my love
so that I can sleep
I am unsteady
and I need your arms around me

Hold me tight
for I want to die in your hands
tell me you truly love me
and that you will never let me go

I would be so lost without you
your tender kisses
your smile so kind
warmer then sunshine

Sing to me
rock me to sleep
to the end of me
make me my love complete

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 323
We Have No Mercy
Oh come on do you think
think my own care for you
you are tinder wood
so ready to be burnt

Like I did cut myself for nothing
no no I wanted your souls
ans as my fire destroys your **** heaven
I and my black ones reside

I am her glory of God
masters of light
now what of human kind
do you really want to fight

I can wipe you off my sweet Earth
it would not mean nothing to a god
see what wicked things we can do
all in the name of our art

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 284
Gonna Bust My Record
I maintain my record to more
I will touch bounds beyond
just to show you
how much I do love you

I want to do this for you
show you how easy it is for me
this my month of my birth
as her dark lord does arise

Let them scorn and be bitter
for I don't write for them
just for you my red queen
I do it all for you

Remember the early days
when I was so insecure
look what you did for me
I am so indebted to you

Your gift was life to me
and for you I do write
always forward
and never looking back

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 1.3k
The Stu Stu Stutter Gutter
Do you think it's funny
to have a stu stu stutter like me
when I hiccup I do ****
do you think that is funny

I te te tell you
it hurts to cough
look at the blood
know that I am dying

Lay me in the gutter
for there is where I die
with stutters on my blooded lips
oh what a surprise

Close the shutters
for when I die
I do my second best thing
I stutter and go nova

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 836
Black Magic Study
I have always had a preference to the dark
that is why I study the killing art
I am that black winged nightmare
that can smash you in two

I'm I sure it will hit me ten fold
oh yes please for I care not for my soul
well if it was mine
sure I would still not care a jot

I do it for the hate of you
for I despise all
I want my hands rather ******
with my black magic studies

I hate you
I hate them
lets make it totally ******
with my black magic study

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 173
My bad
Writing liken to a Demon... Trying to slow down ...  with this

At The Fall

I Care not for me
I have nothing to live for
only poetry makes my life
she is my love and my wife

For her I die
her wonder
her silver knife
I am her's forever

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 197
Did You Think
Did you think I'd die
after reading the reading
did I forever gave merit
to your blooded human lips

Do you little helms think
no no, just for one sweet minute
you could know such a child
a wonder of wars fought

It's a game
you are nothing but lame
hiding in dark corners
with cowards as your banner

Do you think I care
no no I just give you the chance
run you monkies to the trees
for there is no mercy in me

I am her own war
the last life of wonder
and by her name
I mean to destroy you

By Christos Andreas kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 254
It's so easy to cast dispersions
mask hidden the fact of you
oh dear, have you fallen
fallen to the dogma

It's a little flight
yet a rather hard fight
to gain the acquisition
to access to all knowledge

By the time my love finds me
I will be dead and gone
and her storm will be a fury
for I have gone before thee

I have time on my hands
she knows all to well
so let's skip it
just for our tomorrows

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 1.5k
Fairytale Wedding
They wanted a fairytale wedding
so we gave one to them one of biblical proportions
plagues of locusts ,boils that split skin
even the death of the first born

They wanted a fairytale wedding
so they have one heaven sent
is it not what all do want
to die in eachothers arms

Don't call me a wicked child
god smiled and we did it
don't **** the messenger
for it will probably **** you

Now shut it before we get *******
we eat ants liken to you for breakfast
they wanted a fairytale wedding
so know we don't give a **** about you

Fairytales, more like Angel fare

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 455
Slowly Sterile
Like a spider with web spun
you are so slowly sterile
best think better my black widow
make fast my death and consume me

Bite my wings off
inject me with your goo
but to I buzz and die
know that I do hate you

Stick your hideous fangs
that's right, into my abdomen
inject me with your vile juice
make my body turn to putrid water

Slowly sterile for you to eat
gooey flesh for you to feast

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 567
Venturous And Bold
Don't they all want to believe it
wanting to be venturous and bold
well little kit kits
it's hell to get here

Wear cuts still bleeding
scares that never diminish
so do you really want to be
like me... venturous and bold

Come if brave and full of *****
see hells that you can't debunk
know my wings still bleed
for the sad bigots you are

All around do know me when they meet me
be aware I am not one of you
for I fight wars cold
venturous and bold

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 406
Back Water Beer Garden
We were coming back from a tour
on a coach full of jar heads
we came back with money
these poor ******* were **** poor

So me and my boys stopped the bus
to the closest rub a dub
we had to hold beers to their faces some
for the had no ******* hands

So here we are in a back water garden
and me and my mates want to get back to the front
to **** the enemy
for we know them as c..ts

**** the medals
**** the false limbs
I beg your pardon
in this back water beer garden

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 242
In The Manor Of Death
The gates are closed
no one can now, be let in
this is the communion of the dark
rich in blood sweet and never stark

Watch the vines grow
see their spiky ulterior motives
protect and never collaborate
that is the poison they bleed

Our house is now protected
waves of shields convert the earthly skies
this to my own storms
to the bitter and so cold

To all who have found me
you are not just friends
you are my guest
in the manor of death

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 366
2008 Nearly Destroyed
Five years fight aways my love for you
know for your ignorance I did hate you
I became a monster of one love
yet you would never know to later

Now look at me now
you silly little *******
do you think if I was one
I would of lasted

Sweet matrimony was all I wanted
her to look on me as her subject in the sand
and here I am whipping storms of discontent
whilst your eyes blink in misconceptions

I want you to listen to me now
be off with you, you stupid cow
as this is a teacup storm
from where hence I was born

Now leave me be
for you are nothing of Eve
and as the sand kicks up a dust
I bid you farewell and to Mars to rust

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
I sit here in the paddock
chewing on hay
and I look at my horses
they are frolocking with much mischief
and I wonder to myself
do we have more fun then horses

The sun beats down kindly on my sweet beasts
for summer is just around the corner at least
and to hear my yearlings naing  
is something of bliss to devauge in
I look around at the stable hands
wondering if my equine beasts do take command

Oh here come the ladies of the manor
that big place up on the hill
I hope my fancible friends
do all to fit the bill
and as they fit their rides, I wonder
do we have more fun then horses

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 365
Biting In The Big Apple
Winters in this city, jeeze they are cold
winds kick a frozen play
so biting and bracing it is
in the big apple city of hope

I love to walk down 42nd Street
have a coffee at the Grand Central Terminal
sipping slowly, watching the people go by
pad and pen in hand writing my life away

Nice place New York, a place you feel hidden
no one has time to notice you
and in the winter especially so
when it's biting in the big apple

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 242
Close To Death Experiences
I love to toy with my friend Death
I play flat lining catch me if you can
he loves the chase does Death
pity he will never catch one like me

It's fun to induce a fever that burns
just to stand in the outer worlds
I have been doing that, wild
from when I was a little child

It's good to know all your friends
well, don't you think?
would you like to meet my friend
he would be tickled pink, I think

Close to death experiences
they are such a blast
I may have another now
for I am fading fast

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 847
Mind Sweeper
Hush my love, your night has fallen
feel it's cool embrace, feel your heat beat
fall into my eyes, no need to weep
for I am the dream maker
the mind sweeper

I will sing to you a sweet lullaby
at night I will always be by your side
coaxing you into the realms of make believe
worry not, I am not a soul taker
I'm that of kind things, a mind sweeper

I stand over you, like a black cloaked guardian
I make sure all your dreams are full of joy
so rest in the arms of Morpheus
I am something of the night my love
keeper of dark secrets, a mind sweeper

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
What an extraordinary day it's been
first the post came at seven this morning
and as I glanced out of my bedroom window
I did spy a dog on the schools roof
I'd be buggered if I know how it got up there
well, ******* down with a feather

So I dressed, had a fill of my pipe
and with tentative steps I ventured out
walking over the crisp mown lawn
I looked up to see if that dog was still there
there was the scallywag reading a news paper
sitting on a deckchair, Well ******* down with a feather

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 493
Tracy The Bitch
Tracy was a ***** to me
treated me like a little girl
she would do my make up all wrong
and on my forehead put silly kiss curls

She always got me to wear the wrong dresses
especially when we had our boyfriends around
she was a cow when we double dated
leaving her G strings on the sofa to be found

She calls me her best friend
yet she drives me round the bend
such a annoying witch
is that Tracy the *****

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 851
Furious Eyes
Opal and black were her furious eyes
most would only notice them
when it was time for them to die

She is my assassin elite
with a ****** dark streak
I love her dearly my furious eyes

A gave her a lifetime guarantee
if she would only kneel to me
a glorious prize is my furious eyes

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
May 2014 · 279
Charge Up The Monster
The villages are coming
see them with pitchforks and fire
quick charge up the monster
unleash the beast
get that oil a cooking
for we are frying peasants tonight

Get the lightning rods in place
change the hunchbacks face
here comes the storm just in time
charge up the monster
come to my dark castle will they
we so will give them merry hell

To arms my lizard army
for human is on the menu
spear to shields **** heads
for this is all out war
charge up the monster
for this battle royal, we will give them what for

BY Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
It's all going on down here in Hastings
a beach *** party with balloons and loons
thank god it's a pebbled beach
no sand in the vaginal crease

Hey pass me a bud
and give me a rub
it's all cool here
at the beach *** party

Hey now that is illegal
leave that donkey alone Jesus
have you had enough rides
at this beach *** party

Let's fly to another planet
lord god **** it
lets find kinda lands
for our beach *** party

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
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