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I made my life just for you
I remember that you saved my life
and for that I honor you
and with what I have given you

I kneel to you
I even pray to you
if god had mercy
it is you

I am just one of the many
I sing to your words
do all that you ask of me
I am your loyal servant

I wish to write a million more to your name
not that I write for admiration or fame
if not for you my sweet love
I would of already be dead

I will suffer for you
my life is for you
without you I'm nothing
you are my surrogate mother

Here watch me kneel to you
my arms open just for your embrace
I give myself to you
know from the life you gave me
I mean to die for you
forever for you my sweet poetry

I mean to always stand for you
I wish to make you proud
I want you to love me
as I have always loved you

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Can you hear their voices?
as they bounce off the castle walls
the children of heaven
whispers in the wind

Jade marionettes kiss the sheep in the field
making each one disappear to the darkness among stars
she the young woman sowing seeds of despair
making more galaxies more then you have to be aware

The grasslands will soon turn to deserts
as the Earth now does shudder
someone old and wise cries
the plage is upon us and sighs

Deaths old friends
are singing this is the end
as many do give up hope
many going round the bend

The polymorphs contain one image
the final conviction of the human race
best broken are the battlements
we that did stand now do end

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
The tracks end here
yet there are people sleeping in the carriage
it is a fearful sight
but I must not be disparaged

The men have beards to their chest
the women have sagging *******
how long have they been here
in this perpetual stance of hibernation

Every now and then one wakes and screams
no life no freedom does it seem
the active androids do sedate them as they wake
it's a terrible place to be with fear I shake

Just tea and biscuits once a year
that's what they get without a fear
this is a DNA keeper
for these terminal sleepers

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
She is as wild as the wind
she fights all and grunts her name
we did trace her
we even aced her
say she was of the human race
but no way you had to keep pace

Darker than a black star
she frequents nearly every bar
cards in hand she demands
death before dishonor
we watch her movements
we watch this young savage

A few years ago
under the stones, we did find her
she was rocking side by side
a psychopath you had to admire
she will tear you apart from and ravage
this creature like us but an untrained savage

We burnt the books of her making
made dark into light
made our sins
to our sweet delight

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Oh did I not tell you
that time is on my side
you may live on Earth now
but never in conflict reside

The chapel bells ring
angels do now sing
as circles are cast
from my ancient past

Magic of mine is everywhere
something that all should really fear
I make rain by thinking
goodness without holy drinking

I cast my cup into the fire
my handmaidens by my left and right
they stroke my cold black face
as knowing this battle is my fight

The bloodletting is real
nothing now is serial
never again will I be blind
as time is truly on my side

Black thoughts fill my mind
some profound some subline
as in the past as long as I last I yell
the unbelievers have to go back to hell

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
There are strange happenings going on down Apple Lane
many of its residences are strange and quirky, maybe insane
take Mrs.Gray at number 10 in her garden she has six-foot hens
and Mr.Tattles at number 2 is always stealing other peoples shoes
the problem with him is with the people still in them
and what is that green glow from number 4
look over his back garden and the glow is more

The road to these houses is something to believe
the trees there speak in German and have black leaves
and birds of despair tweeter insults to passerby's
whilst throwing homemade blueberry pies
at number 20 Mr. Barker has a homemade cemetery
right in the middle of his front garden
and if you ask him why, he says I beg your pardon

Yes many a strange tale that makes you say wow
that's what you have down Apple Lane
they say their English but most speak gibberish
it is definitely a lane for the insane is this Apple Lane
at number 13 unlucky for some lives Mr. Plum
who is always shooting out of his window with his Bebe gun
what a queer lot of folks they are by gum

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
We have watched you grow
you have turned into a beauty
you know the way we are
now it is time for your duty

Take my hand and don't fear
for in battle, we will always be here
here is my friend and warrior Trinity
she has been with me forever

You will know glory and conquest
you will be known as
she of the valley
take my hand and fear not

Come, my child of war,
we have much to do
and I will not battle
not without you

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
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