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Chris Balase Dec 2017
  I did deny that your kisses were shorter
And when I reached out to hold your hand, you would...
Count a few seconds before reaching to your phone, to keep your hands busy.
Or that you would always find an excuse, to spend less intimate time with me.

  At the fact that I chose to stay with you, than to spend time with my family.
I willingly chose to accept your invitation.
Angry at the fact that I could not do amything beyond my time.

  I tried talking and listening to your side.
You said you no longer want verbal and physical gestures of affection
You said that we have to hide our aftections, for others are quick to judge..
And you always introduced me as a friend.
I accepted your terms. Bargaining I did... To make us last a little bit longer.

I was just prolonging my agony. Thinking it was worth it.

  Every night I cried
I have never experienced this much pain.
For seeing you so near to my grasp,
Yet holding you was never an option.

  Give me more time.
Then maybe I will accept this fate,
Of losing the one I loved for reasons unknown, or perhaps, for no reason at all...
With lingering thoughts of you
I wish to smile, be happy for myself and for you...
And say goodbye
Chris Balase Dec 2017
Save me this night
Oh hallows that grin
My fears have gathered
And rebeled within
At my weakest I clinch
And thump my chest
To remind me to breathe
My deepest regrets
My wailing eyes have rejected
The providence declared
And my wounds are opened
My blood has been shed
So I clinch again
My chest has never felt so tight
Please I beg all of you
Come save me tonight.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Chris Balase Dec 2017
The beast and the trainer roamed around
The stage where lights and people abound
The crowd cheered as they each gain, for the beast: respect, for the trainer: fame.

The beast and the trainer, both actors they were,
And the world was astonished as they watched and stared
"Look! The trainer is better than before!"
Everyone loved the trainer more.

For the trainer could do what he wanted to do,
And the beast just followed through and through
They mocked the beast up to their heart's delight
So the beast turned his back away from their sight.

And the beast walked away in shame,
For he was tired of people calling him names,
"What they don't know..." he said quietly,
"Is that I surrendered and sacrified willfully."

For the beast loved the trainer after all,
Tis' the reason why he gave his all.
In every relationship, one will get the glory while the other will sacrifice.
Chris Balase Dec 2017
Thank you
For sharing with me
This wonderful time with your family
For knowing your daughter
For allowing me to take her to school
And cuddling her at night.
For your mom's warm
Home cooked meals
For showing me your dreams
For your once warm embrace...
Thank you.

But I will never forgive you
I will always hate you
For breaking my heart.
When abundant affection turns to absolute pain. Nuff said.
Chris Balase Dec 2017
So it has finally come to this
From strangers to lovers
To strangers again.
No verse can save me now
No vision can direct
No direction can guide
And no guidance can prohibit
the spill... The spill

My ducts are dry from
Its poisonous dew
Which became my companion
In the last few days.

My room is darker
than usual...
Loving and being loved
Was once its light.

My heart beats still
But I can sense a disconnect
From your heart, whereas
Once we were in sync.

It has finally come
Oh death
Carve your inscription
Tear my flesh
In the slowest, most agonizing way

For what is life
But a series of regrets
And a bowl filled
With my shattered soul
And I am too tired to rebuild it
The. End.
Chris Balase Dec 2017
Split between
Your warm embrace and your sweet smile
Is the ever lingering thought of "Will you ever truly be mine?"
When you say you love me
And then say that we wouldn't last long
Is the piercing sensation
Of proving you wrong.
But your intimacy has left
And this pushes me back
I am left to think
That you are at your end... While I am still on track.
But you say you love me
So I give my love still
For it is just who I am,
and what I am capable of doing

So it kills me every waking hour

Let me just end with that.
Too tired
Too many tries
What changed?
Is this who you truly are,
Or are you just pushing me away?
Chris Balase Dec 2017
You said you would listen.
Here I am, speaking.
When your soul speaks
When your spirit mutters
When your conscience breaks silence

This is what it sounds like.
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