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Chris Balase Dec 2017
What's it like?

It is:
Bitter sweet,
Like sunrise when she's here, but like sunset at the same time, knowing it is but temporal.

It is:
A time bomb
Wrapped around your body
Yet you gladly embrace every ticking second, breathing it in, knowing it may be the last

It is:
The whisper of every shout
The cry of every smile
And the ending to every tale.

It is illogical.
It is love to the fullest whimsical degree.

Chris Balase Aug 2017
Once, we met in our old secret place
Under the sea of stars
You can feel from your back...
the blanket of clouds dancing in the air
the pulse of emotion
captive stories that shouts freedom from imprisoned hearts

That night, the crickets were silent
the trees stopped swaying
I silenced the entire universe to listen
to you...
And on that day, I knew you.

You told me stories of your past
I answered the hows and the whens
the whos and the wheres
your happiest and saddest experiences

I will never forget that night.

When your finger hushed you lips already trembling in cold
And the moment you opened you mouth
The floor you were lying on became a stage...
where you began to sing.
I listened
to the beat,
the beat,
the beat,
the beat of your heart
under your voice as you enunciate your words
of the lyrics of a familiar song
which we had both written
and I listened to your every little word
every little breath
the highs and the lows
In every whisper and every shout
The world was shouting with you
but I listened to no one but you
because I know
that on that night you didn't need promises
you didn't need gifts
you didn't need praises
you didn't need roses from anyone's mouth
or flattering words
I know what you need is a pair of ears who will listen
so I listened...

While you were telling stories about your favorite childhood toy
that one time you cried in a singing contest because you were nervous
about the first love that you had
I listened to you.

I listened to you because
I love you
If you failed to hear it the first time we met
I will say it again
"I love you"
And this is not the same love that you hear from the world
this is the love that is the most genuine of all...
the love that will listen to you

So tell me how you discovered love
and I will tell you how I created love
so tell me how they hurt you
and I will tell you how they humiliated me,
how they beat me,
how they crucified me
and how I agreed to all of this because of a promise
Remind me how many times you were lost
and I will remind you how many times I searched
remind me how many times you failed
and I will remind you how many times I embraced you

Show me that you are ready to trust
that you are ready to love
and I will show you how to pray...

So don't be afraid to tell me

I am listening to you, I understand
because I know what it feels
to be unheard

One time...
I saw you in our secret place
underneath the sea of stars
you can feel from your back
the blanket of clouds dancing in the wind
the pulse of emotions...
captive stories that shouts freedom from imprisoned hearts

But on that night
on that night...
the crickets were all angry
trees' branches were swaying unceasingly
the whole universe was making noises for you
and on that day...
I held you in my arms
but your numb body failed to realize I was there
I said "I love you"
but you did not listen to me
you would rather listen to the world
the world that says "You are ready to love, if you are ready to get hurt."
But always remember this:
Not every wounded heart fought the right battle.

Now there is a battle happening in your heart...
tell me about them...
and I will listen.
Translated from a Tagalog slam poem. Credit goes to the original author: Brian Vee
Chris Balase Jul 2017
The autumn reminds
Me of memories of you
Of days past
And my days of blue.
The autumn lingers
With dreams of fair
When distance was naught
And love was to share.
This autumn will come
And sooner it will be
Just trinklets of you
And shattered pieces of me.
And I really disdain
This autumn so near
All I really care for
Are words you will never hear
Inspired by another Vuetnamese song.
Chris Balase Jun 2017
My love, I set you free
For I am bound in chains
Do not come and visit my chamber
For it will only cause you pain.

My freedom is never near
Behind these walls and masks
So for that I compel you to bid ear
And listen well to my final task.

I set you free, to find your happiness
Though our love has endured its time...
I bid you find someone else to love
For you can no longer be mine.

Plant a kiss to our child, for I can never will
And embrace him in my absence
Remind him to be humble and true
So that he will remember my presence.

I am neither rich or powerful
So I cannot give you gold that shines,
Perhaps I may promise you wealth that you deserve
In another place, in another time

My love I would've given everything
To feel your touch and the warmth of your embrace...
And I would always remember you
Your very nature, your very face.

But behind these curtain of iron I creep
And on this cold pavement I lie
A prisoner of fortune and mishaps
Bound until the very day I die.

So I set you free, I set you free
Now begone before I change my mind
I set you free, I set you free
Please don't leave anything behind.
Inspired by a Vietnamese song about a P.O.W.
Chris Balase Jun 2017
To my darling, I bid you fly
As high as the wind may take.
Where the arrows of thy dreams collide,
And thy goodness becomes not just better, but great.

And seize your every moment
To save this world,
For this is what thy heart desires
So save every morning, every dew drop, every tree,
Thy shall never grow faint nor tire.

But when thy heart feels it needs
A place to be found, or to be free...
Or when the day comes when thy have finished thy task...
Remember that thy heart belongs to me.

And on that day, thy shall find
Myself waiting through the passage of time
Remember this truth, remember this rhyme
Remember that I am yours, and that you are mine.
Chris Balase Jun 2017
To be honest I hate my room too. It is too small. Too smelly. To girly for me.

The only reason why in the past few days I look forward to going back here... is because I imagine you in it.

I imagine our laughter
Over the slightest
I imagine how
We brainstorm
On how to save the world.
And how I can huddle, or cuddle,
Or how I would have a chance
To personally say "Good night"
And "Good morning"

I imagine how nervous we would be
To step out
For others might see
Our little mishap.

Now that you're not here. I don't know what to do.
For this cold night
Is overbearing...
And these walls
Are boxing me up.
When you realize that the scent of someone
Is the perfume you're looking for
Chris Balase May 2017
My woes tonight are unspoken
with wars and storms that rage
within mine self

unexplained they are

I need you to tame them
to hold mine hand
and gaze me with thine eyes
that shoot like the stars

It is unfair for you to do this, I know

For you need sheltering too
from your woes, my dear

So mine lips will be silent
as we hold onto each other

For this is what I need
and you would suffice.
Depression is a traitor.
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