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Chris Balase May 2017
They say...
That it is foolish to believe
That love would stay through the distance

They say...
It is but foolish to believe
That love would endure time.

It is also illogical
To latch onto someone
Knowing that the wall which divides you
Is both impenetrable, and obscure.

Maybe it is.
Maybe love is...

But everytime I remember
Your eyes looking at me,
I believe.
Everytime I remember your touch that pierces my skin,
I hope.
Everytime I close my eyes, I know that I have closed the distance between us.
And our farewells are long forgotten...


And it is illogical like they say.
Chris Balase May 2017
I am happy
Since you said yes
My days have been brighter
And my nights shorter...

Now I fear
Of spending them without you

I fear of looking at the sky
Knowing you belong to a different time zone.
Far from my arms to hold

I am afraid of losing you.  
Of me being lost.

And this ruins me everytime

Promise me you'll stay.
Chris Balase May 2017
Hush your voice
Which cometh from within
Count the beat of thy heart
And listen.

Pray to God to forgive thy mistakes
As we do the same to our foes... And ourselves.


Close thy eyes
And see
Your deepest wiles engulfed in dreams
For there thyself is free
And there they shall forever be...

Then breathe...
Take them all in.
  Thy faults
   Thy pain
      Thy virtues
        Thy past
For nothing in reality will last
This is thy vocation, thy task.

And before you close the light so bright...
Smile and think of me
Sleep well tonight.
Chris Balase Apr 2017
Uuwi nanaman ako sa luma kong tahanan
Titingin sa mga pader
At kakausapin ang mga sulok
Titingala, hihiling sa gabi at bituin
Na sana mapawi na ang kirot
Na nadarama ng puso

Masakit na ang mag isa

Masakit na ang walang mapaghingahan
At ang tanging tinig na maririnig
Ay ang alingawngaw ng isip

Pipilitin ko umidlip.
Pakiusap, hayaan mo akong umidlip
At manatiling ligaw
Sa panaginip kong ninakaw
Ng mga lumipas na araw
Dahil napagtanto ko na...

Masakit na ang mag isa.
Nothing beats your native tongue
Chris Balase Apr 2017
We are both ticking bombs
Awaiting for its time
To shed the last minute together
And end this passionate rhyme
And the thing that hurts
Is that I know it will surely end
Yet here I am, clingling, holding
Pretending to be a friend
For a fool I was,
And a fool I am now
Giving genuine touches
Giving my soul somehow
For we are but ticking bombs
Ready to expire
Lost in this moment,
In the memory of our desires.
Chris Balase Apr 2017
Sometimes, I look at you
Only to find your eyes
Looking at the moon
And dreaming of skies

Can I be the one you think about?
Unite our eyes and see
That someday I dream
Everything you need is in me.
Chris Balase Jan 2017
It was supposed to be a glance
out of curiosity
of whether how strong I think I have become
and how much distance I have progressed

But I should never have looked back
  for my days of preparations
  my cunning deceptions
  and my untold lies that I have forgotten you
  have all fallen short
the moment

As the memories came
rushing like the wind
and the what ifs
stalk my shoulders,
prancing like a gazelle,
enticing me to try

And yes,
I should never have looked back.
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