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 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
J Marie
An Icon of a Goddess
Stones of the deepest earth beset
                                          her eyes,
all the gold and fire of a hallowed earth
                                           now within,
Fiery, shy, a gaze like cold iron

A mind of Great Desire,
        timid inflection,
a clouded spirit, awaiting lightning to purge
                              a thunder
She is my alter, my temple, my heart.

With music she strikes my chest
the only reason I walk or care

I am lifeless, undying
She is my Mantra, my word, my reason
This is a poem my boyfriend gave me a few weeks ago, but he didn't give me a title. It melts my heart every time I read it.
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
your fingers would tiptoe across my palms, and it made me feel alive.

the first time you touched me, i figured out what the purpose of butterflies really were.
the first time you touched me, i almost believed you were trying to create an army of them,
    that they were going to break down the maze inside my head
    that i would become some disgustingly lovesick drone

i don’t know why i ever doubted myself

the butterflies don’t visit me anymore,
they’ve done their job.

my feelings are neutralised.
my body is numb.
and you hold me like the touch of another would contaminate me.
your embrace is a cage,
but one i have built myself.
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
Sometimes I'll count the number of scars on my thighs when I'm wearing shorts. I'll also try to count the faded scars on my wrist but I can't because they are faded. Usually I'll look in the mirror and point out my flaws. I can't do that "Say you are beautiful this many times." crap because its not that easy. I've also been clean for 20 days. 20 days of no razor. Ha, why does it matter? I could be 20 seconds or 20 minutes clean. Who'd care? Exactly. Sometimes I'll find myself staying up late on a Friday night debating on weather I should cut. Sometimes I'll think someone will see my scars and ask am I a "cutter" and I'll say no because for one do not stereotype me and two I don't believe in things like that especially giving me the title of a cutter.
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
Kat payne
She was beautiful, but not in the way you would expect a person to be beautiful.
You could see it by the way her dark green eyes fixated on you, like she could
see all your thoughts blooming like wildflowers from your head. You could see it
by the way she held her ceramic coffee cup, with both hands, embracing the warmth
and taking deep sips of that magic black liquid.
Their was something about her, something so... genuinely unique.
You could feel the electric pulse of her aura going through your nervous system.
There was something about this girl, telling, urging me to just say one simple hello.
 Sep 2013 Chloe Cresse
Jade Elon
In the spring
She was a crier
Simple and sweet
She loved to say
"God bless"
She loved to say
"Never leave me"
And hold tight to forgotten dreams.

In the summer
She laughed a lot
At other people's pain,
She didn't understand the concept of tears
Water was water and it had been a dry year

In the fall
she locked her heart in a box
She made herself a small fortress
She let no one in
She knew it was easier to trust
When you're weak
And easier to get hurt

In the winter
She disappeared
She said,
"I'll be back when it's warmer."
She said,
"I'll be back for June."
She said,
"I won't be long."
She said,
"I'll be back for you."

In the next year
The little box she left
Her heart in opened
And it said
"God bless"
"I never left you"
He is beauty
In every way
His walk
His talk
His metal smile
The veins that make their way up his arms
He is imperfect
He is real
Yet he is beautiful
He is shy
The dark look in his eyes
I know he has a secret
& I want to know what it is
His arms
The way he hides his teeth when he smiles
The way he pretends to listen to music
While he's actually blissfully aware
Aware of me
I'm longing for him
& his imperfection
His **Beauty
A small girl came up to me today.
She looked up at me with her big, blue, honest eyes and simply said;
"Hi, can I ask you something?"
She didn't even give me time to respond before asking, quite matter-of-factly,
"What does love mean to you?"

Well, I guess I had to think about that one.
"Trust." I said.
"Love, to me. Means trusting that your love for others will be taken care of with careful hands."
She looked up at me, not knowing at all what I meant. She just told me,
"Thank you miss." and walked back to the playground.

I found myself thinking about what this little girl had asked me. And I found myself thinking, I am so dumb.

Love is a lot of things. Love is a color. Love is a type of dessert. Love is sweet as ice cream, and it can be just as cold. Love is the scars on my wrists, and love is the bruises on my knees.
Love is the way the sun shines on every single one of us. There isn't a person that the sun refuses to shine on, so, I guess love is honesty? I don't really know.
But I know our love was infinite. We lived in infinity for a year and three days. Our love was also tears at 3am, and 9 hour phone calls with no sleep.
Our love was no secrets, we learned to spell love as Y-O-U and never as I-O-U. Your love never owed me anything. My love never stopped giving.
Love is non-judgmental.
Love is blind.
Love is deaf, love is irresponsible.

Second loves, are different.
Second loves are awkward, because they try to fit themselves in places where only the first loves should fit.
He tried to fit his kneecaps behind mine, but they weren't shaped the same as yours. My body before you hadn't been, imprinted. But the first time we spooned, yes, I just said spooned, your kneecaps created crevasses in the bends of mine. So when he tried to fit his fingers in the spaces between my own, I think he found your fingerprints still etched where they should have been washed away long ago.

Love, is a crack in the sidewalk.
Love turns your heart stone cold.
Love loves to see you suffer, and love loves the see you go through all the pain of broken-ness.

Be careful who you give your love to.
Be careful whose hands you drop your heart into, because some hands are too big and too strong and too unforgiving to hold your heart with the tenderness and care that it deserves.
Love will kick you in the stomach, and stab you in the back. Love will twist your words, love will make you lie.

Love is a pen and piece of paper.
Love is in every poem that I write.
Love is words, that sink into your blood and travel through your arteries.
Words that make your heart pump.
Love is your heartbeat.

Today, I walked up to a little ******* a playground.
I asked her, "What does love mean to you?"

And she replied, with absolutely no hesitation.
"Love is how when you fall off the monkey bars, you get back up and try again. Because even though I keep falling, I really wanna get to the other side."
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