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Jul 2014 · 968
For My Dear Friend Sally
cheryl love Jul 2014
The oceans between us
are nothing
just drops of blue
The sky between us
is just a flight
We are so far
yet so very near
because Sally the
friendship we hold is dear.
Like the rushing of the wind
I will be there
Like th rays of the sun
The cool of the snow
when winter's begun.
We are so far
yet so very near
time travels fast
yet seems so slow
My thoughts every day
are with you Sally
I am as far as a stone can throw.
I am around the corner
sitting at the bend
I shall be your friend forever
untll my very end.
For the rest of my life
I will be a loyal friend to you
never ever forget me or lose me
That is something I will not do.
We are so far
yet so very near
Sally this is for you to keep.
Jul 2014 · 424
cheryl love Jul 2014
] do  hope that I have not offended anyone after reading my poem called childhood.  If you have been offended then I sincerely apologise.
It was not my intention to embarrass or offend anyone.  Thank you
Jul 2014 · 335
cheryl love Jul 2014
There is something special
Precious, vulnerable, loving
So innocent.
We all go through it,
it is childhood.
A beautiful young life
curious, wonderful and special.
So intelligent
absorbing information
left, right and centre.
Good information
stored on th shelves of a brain.
Funny moments, exciting moments.
These little people, so beautiful,
watched by a caring mother.
Protected, loved and cared for.
So why oh why are there people
on this planet that want to spoil it.
Wreck memories, invade their space,
abuse and frighten children.
Let them be children, let them play.
Children are our future.
Children are special.  They deserve to grow up in a safe environment.  To learn to play to love.
Jul 2014 · 643
Old Lace
cheryl love Jul 2014
In this heavy pace of life we lead
Footprints hardly leaving a trace
No time to think, thoughts we need
Memories hanging like bits of old lace.

Tattered and torn, we laugh out loud
Or should I say LOL, like one should do.
Our histtory of which we should be proud
Flipping and turning our pages of life through.

Old lace from a dress from a bride
Stuffed in a suitcase wrapped in a silver thread
Guarded by a golden spider beside
A white, glistening immaculate web.

Old lace on a night shirt from years ago
Pulled over many a wrinkled, kind face.
Something our old loved ones would not throw
Because it was adorned by bits of old lace.
Jun 2014 · 386
And The Wind Holds Secrets
cheryl love Jun 2014
Blowing through every nook and cranny
Through gaps unheard about
The wind has secrets that would make the
best of friends fall out.

It hears things, remembers and saves
each memory stored
Each era, each decade, each month,
hour, minute adored.

It can tell tales, give things away
through breath made of ice
No reminders, no knots in hankies
does not need telling twice.

Cold air trapped in pockets
where tissues dared to dream.
Memories blown away forever
on a daydream downstream.
Jun 2014 · 437
Music To My Ears
cheryl love Jun 2014
Is it music to my ears?
Definitely not as it appears.

Your voice is sitting on the border
The right notes are in the wrong order.

I would love to say your voice could pop a balloon
that would be if you were singing the right tune.

Now I am no expert nor a good disc jockey
but then you are not a singer a Pavarotti.

Your voice croaks when you sing along
everything seems to be coming out wrong.

No do not start singing yet, if you please
I have to stuff my ears with bits of cheese.

I know it would be better if you had a voice
But then wouldn't we all if we had a choice.

Lots of splutterings, clearing the throat
What came out was a perfect, beautiful note.

The voice of an Angel, well ******* down
Now he was wearing an upside down frown.

Sing of sing for me, let it be revealed
Turned out it was a crow singing in the field.

Music to my ears.
Jun 2014 · 535
Heavy Load
cheryl love Jun 2014
He carried a heavy load
worries and plans rolled into one
Such a problem for a toad
Weight on his back weighed a ton.
Wrinkles tell him about them
more lines than a writhered old log
He has such major worries you see
and he's not sure if he's a frog.
He doesn't know the difference
or indeed if he even cares.
But he does his worries hence
he thinks to this nothing compares.
Bumps and lumps, fed up counting
the more he has the more he screams
often ending up with himself shouting
in his sleep and his dreams.
Such a heavy load for a toad (or frog).
cheryl love Jun 2014
Give a smile, go on
You know that you want to
It is the right thing to do
Smile and the world
Smiles back at you.
cheryl love Jun 2014
"He talks too much
All day and every day"
He said to her.
"Got more teeth than most
much better than mine"
She said to him.
"Do you think he will stay"
He said to her.
"If he does it will cost"
She said to him.
"To what degree, that's the part
He said to her.
"It's the first bite out of the jam ****"
She smiled at him.
Jun 2014 · 297
Getting Old
cheryl love Jun 2014
When my skin needs ironing
along with my clothes on my thin frame.
The black bruises on the back of my hand
When I'm old will I still be treated the same?

When my eyesight is not so good,
and I am having a job just to see.
There will be black bruises on the back of my hand
and a couple of them will be on my knee!

Will you still love me, will you still care?
Will I annoy you to make you get up and leave?
Will you still be there for me every step of the way
And even when I have to wipe my nose on my sleeve.

My droopy eye lids will cover my face
My hair will be grey and I might be fast asleep
Will you still love me, like you do now
Or is it time for me to go and time for you to weep.

Please tell me now, I cant wait for thesse to occur.
Will you still love me, or will you grow to hate me
These things I think I ought to know
Because time is runnng short if it's time for me to flee.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
cheryl love Jun 2014
Remind me that
one day
I will visit the planet
Where sleepy people
parade in duvets
instead of clothes.
Good morning
to them means nothing.
Sleepy people come from Zog.
Is it where rude animals live?
That make a mess with
food in their dish
oh sorry they eat
off the floor.
Spend their time
distributing hairs to
every corner of a room,
Then they go in the
shoe cupboard and
choose the nicest shoe
and goes to the toilet on
the sole of it.  Nice.
A dog comes from Zog.
their one purpose in life
to spread eagle on your car window
with a shcoked look.
Or drape themselves to the grill
on the front of your car.
They come from Zog.
The postman that looks
at the address on the envelope
looks at the number on the
front door.
Do they match?
No they do not.
It is next door's mail.
But hey ** just for the thrill of it
it goes in the letterbox.
That postman comes from Zog.
The teaspoon from the cutlery drawer
having its daily laugh.
Refusing to comform
wont go with the rest, oh no
It stays in the washing up water
and tries to abscond down the plughole.
Teaspoons are from Zog.
Here endeth my rant.
Jun 2014 · 632
Respect - a repost
cheryl love Jun 2014
Mr C Penguin the head of the house
Wears a uniform and listens to Strauss.
Seals plonked by the door as a draught excluder.
Chimps are taking tea in the parlour Room.
Judging how many cakes they can consume.
“Get a brush Foxy and sweep up those crumbs,
I will be charging them double when the time comes”
Mr Badger making endless trays upon trays of cakes
For the ignorant posh chimps and the mess they make.
“Bag the goose and send the felloe to me,
I will give the chimps something to do for free”
The penguin cracked his knuckles and gave a cough
He had told the chimps he had taken the day off.
“The goose is here” half smiling “the goose is here”
The chimps shook, gulped and felt a trifle queer.
The goose frog marched in and the chimp went limp
“Right you posh lot, eat nicely is that clear chimp”
“I’m not old fishy pengy” he snapped straightening his wing,
“no hanky panky on my watch, nothing, no anything.
“I run a tight ship chimp, my rules old chum.”
The chimps heard right and put an end to the fun.
“Respect, respect,” the goose patrolled his little space
The chimps now ashen with a worried look on their face.
It is all about respect
cheryl love Jun 2014
Sitting relaxing to a perfect moment
Moments like this were made in Heaven
Sitting here appears to be an accomplishment
and all my fears and tears have been forgiven.

I hear a voice, a gentle voice, is it a voice of an angel
A cherub, a holy angel sent from above.
And my hands now appears to be scented with  gel
I am being shaken, A voice says "Come on, wake up Love".

A dream, it is a dream, and I thought differntly
A deep sleep late in the afternoon I am afraid
But it is back to reality ever so abruptly
As my partner thought it best to come to my aid.

"You were snoring your head of" he exclaimed
"and you were saying something about a dream"
"Something about this and that and who you blamed
and that the clouds were made of ice cream".
Jun 2014 · 186
The Fish Is Blue
cheryl love Jun 2014
Swimming around,
                                  and around,
                                                       nothing else to do
                                                                                      just wondering
                                                                                                                why he is blue.
        He saw another fish,
                                            it went around a dish,
                                                                                  on a high shelf,
                                                                                                             rather like himself.
                    That was white,
                                               de did not know what to do,
                                                                                               as he is blue.
Jun 2014 · 255
If I Were A.........
cheryl love Jun 2014
Interesting, isn't it
That we sometimes long
To be someone else
Whether its right or wrong
That is the case.
Whether it is a scarecrow
strapped to a wooden frame
A dancer in a pretty pink dress
The dream seems to be the same
In a manner of speaking, I guess.
A champion swimmer,
A footballer scoring the goal
A hero saving an important soul.
A doctor, a driver, a diver
Photographer, artist,
A special person, a survivor.
We all think the same. but at the end of the day
We are ourselves, you are you, we all play
we all work, sleep, no matter what colour
skin we are sitting in, we are the same.
So join hands because if I were a me
I would want to be me all over again.
Jun 2014 · 433
A Touch Of True Love
cheryl love Jun 2014
A Touch of Love

Silently without thought
He slides his arm around her waist.
Brushing her face with his finger
Her soul feels embraced.
Nothing needs to be said
It is written across his face
The love they feel for each other
Could never be replaced.
But there is something
Buried deep inside his head
Something to which she cannot access
Something which she will always dread.
There is a frown that passes his brow
Each time he looks lovingly at her
It rings alarm bells in her mind
An emotion she would transfer.
Does he love her? I am sure that he does
He stays with her so that is clear
A shiver runs down her spine
And now she have everything to fear.
The grip tightens
She looks at him as if she’s under review.
His icy blue eyes smile and he whispers to her
“My darling, you are my life, I do love you.
Jun 2014 · 397
A Crazy Time
cheryl love Jun 2014
”Oh my dear, what is this life
Is it a crazy, crazy dream?
Are we two lovers trapped
Trapped in a world of fun.”
“What!” a ******* up face said
I have only come to borrow tea
I’m not your man, my name’s Fred
And put some clothes on so I can see.
The neighbour had his spectacles
In a right old steamy way
He only fancied just a cup of tea
Now he is too embarrassed to say.
“Come here my prince and grabbed
Him by his thin choking throat
Tell me how much you love me.”
The neighbour drew close his coat
“What I know is I’d love a cup of tea.
Don’t get me wrong I like you just  a bit
Think you have got the wrong end of the stick love
Now let go of my throat before I have a fit.”
“All mine until forever more.”
She has gone mad he thought, whatever next
He edged his way towards the door.
She half smiled and sat down and said
“That will do I think, its cool.”
The neighbour kept his beady eyes peeled
And realised she had been rehearsing for school.
She laughed and said “thanks” and flopped on the couch
He flopped also and she wriggled a bit and thought.
Maybe he likes her after all, maybe he didn’t
Maybe he fancied his chances for once to be caught.
What the heck, they held hands and he got his tea
She got her man, he felt a fool
She played her role, he denied it all
They are both together now which is cool.
Jun 2014 · 306
He Who Counts The Cash
cheryl love Jun 2014
He Who Counts His Cash

It was morning, a miserable morning
One that was over in a flash
Suddenly without any warning
He decided to count the cash.

This sent him into an instant flap
He fiddled nervously with a saucepan lid
This was definitely some sort of trap
Wondered what the outcome would be if he hid.

“Young man, come here” the Manager shouted
Something appears to be missing.
His crinkled lips was now pouting
And his throat had started hissing.

“He does not trust me” he thought
After all the things I have done for him.
He was frantically hiding the things he had bought
And envisaged the situation looking grim.

A stash of cake and jam, lemon curd and honey
Silver nice things that he liked to buy.
He was not used to handling money
So he had a day practising how to buy.

It is not his fault if he spent the lot
He thought that they had loads more.
The amount he had spent had been forgot
Well his investments were banked offshore.

He did not want to upset his ten year bond
And his thousands were doing very well.
The extra noughts of which he was fond
And his shares he did not want to sell.

He was never aware of his wealth
Obviously did not know about being poor
He never worried about money or health
But alas the Manager was now crying on the floor.

His greed was now not nice
Maybe he should come clean and reveal his stash
His greed had definitely made him pay the price
He offered just five thousand and the rest of his cash.
Jun 2014 · 307
Deal Of The Day
cheryl love Jun 2014
As the butcher writes “sale” with his chalk
The shoppers watch with eyes like a hawk
In a queue
They all flew
To get their half price special buy pork.
Jun 2014 · 526
Uneaten Cake
cheryl love Jun 2014
Utterly terrible.
The cake would say.
The trouble I’ve had in the oven today.
Blasting heat, smashing my tin
Which the goo is sitting in.
Tapping to see if I have got
A soggy bottom. If you please.
If I had, I certainly would not
Broadcast it.  Keep it clean.
Scraping the bowl,  oh I would love to do that.
Fingers sliding over the goo ooooh.
Magic box of tricks
That cake mix.
No one has touched me
Not been anywhere near me.
Not even a try
I wonder why.
Jun 2014 · 585
Dancing In The Dew
cheryl love Jun 2014
Following the trail of the shiny slug
Clip clopping past the black and white bug
Getting down to the underground beat
Me, the radio and my two left feet.
Getting down with the sound of the day
Jiving, spinning like the beetles, type way
Frog marching with the ants, and there are a few
Get with it baby, as we dance in the dew.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
Me And My Little Rowing Boat
cheryl love Jun 2014
It is my legs
My shopping bag
my companion
My float,
The two oars
My extended arms
Parting the water
In my little rowing boat.
We get there eventually
There are complaints on the way
But we ignore those and soldier on
Loweing the drawbridge in the moat.
Tricky I grant you, in your best frock
No man to help, just me, and my pal.
Keep calm, our motto, or we do rock.
Frothy waters jet up our way
Every now and then
It is like the rivers lets rip
Pulls out its cork to say "when"
Turbulance, oh yes, it is a scary time
The boat behaves like it's on the Irish Sea
Stiff talkings to and patience then it is fine.
We sail to the bank oh its a stone throw away
We disembark like a liner on the ocean
I tie it up to the nearest tree
Walk off through the wood in time for tea.
Piling the two carrier bags on board
It is chocs away into the moat
Back to the castle we go, my home,
To rest, me and my little rowing boat.
Jun 2014 · 2.1k
Ruby Cornfields
cheryl love Jun 2014
Driving down a dull grey road
A road leading to nowhere.
A road that has ruby ribbons
attached to it.
Ruby cornfields in a sea of yellow.
Splashes of hollyhocks and pink
Poppies, amongst the green,
Under a brown bridge, blue drink
flows to and fro, side to side
with stripes of white inbetween.
Ruby cornfields in a sea of blue
Lavender, mauves and scarlet inside.
An English countryside waiting for you.
Jun 2014 · 314
If You Are Happy
cheryl love Jun 2014
Quite a broad spectrum
of feelings.
it depends on the circumstances.
Is it a joke,
a short span of smile
Do you have to wedge
two lips upwards with
matchsticks to smile?
Is it side splitting humour
Holding your frame jiggling
up and down, cant stop.
Or is it pride, in your family
A certainty knowing how safe you are,
a new baby, a new spouse,
a new car or a new house.
If you are happy, the whole world
will smile with you.
Smile and you get a smile in return
Frown and you get nothing in return
Just a creased face, which need ironing.
Tears of joy
for a new girl
and a new boy.
Happiness, when your luck
runs into thousands with the
gamble you took,
A smile teeth as white as froth
in your expensive coffee cup.
A new key turned in a lock
the engine's revved up,
the money reflected in your eyes
and you are happy, safe, and well.
Good health and happiness go together -
not necessarily, depends on the weather.
A wheelchair user, happy as Larry
in the rain, cant do unbrellas.
not able to carry
such posh equipment.
"But never mind the weather,
never mind the rain,
here we are together"
and we are happy again.

If you are happy-
for whatever reason.
Celebrate it.
Jun 2014 · 711
Sweet As Sugar
cheryl love Jun 2014
Cherries topped with cream
strawberries dripping with sunshine
Sweet as sugar, ruby red juice
Let the glory be mine!
Jun 2014 · 1.9k
cheryl love Jun 2014
O Lord, I made a mistake today
A mistake which I am ashamed of.
I would give anything to repay
those that I have done wrong against.
O Lord, today I was very selfish
I put myself first instead of others
My head is bowed, my heart is heavy
With shame against my sisters and brothers.
Dear Lord, help me to see the error of my ways
help me to put the right words forward.
Help me, oh please help me, for I am scared
in case my path turns messy and awkward.
I will think of others, before myself in future
for who am I to put myself first.
Just a lonely old soul in the darkest of depth
with hunger and a raging thirst.
A passio to do what is right
A desire to please all that I meet
A wanting to help all that I can
a need to be perfect and complete.
All that I want lord is to be loved.
All that I need Lord is the desire to fit in
therefore Lord, I am not a selfish individual
But a person with a want for the good life to begin.
Jun 2014 · 303
He Made The World Smile
cheryl love Jun 2014
Rik Mayall, may you rest in peace
He did make the whole world smile.
He just oozed talent together with Ade
They both stood out by far and a mile.
But now Rik has gone, gone into the distant land
Where dreams float and time stands still for a while
They now have giggles galore in Heaven
That's what Rik did, he made the world smile.
Jun 2014 · 762
A Big Hug
cheryl love Jun 2014
To all my friends,
my followers
You are stars
every single one of you.
From the bottom of my heart
I am sending you a big hug.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
I Wish
cheryl love Jun 2014
I wish I could have a magic wand
Just for one day.
There would be no more problems
No more incidents
Just happiness, spreading from soul to soul.
a mellow loveliness, a happy calm
floating from land to sea to land.
I would sit on a cloud watching
sprinkling extra magic dust where it is needed.
I wish....
Jun 2014 · 533
A Dream
cheryl love Jun 2014
Everyone has dreams
but her were special
Walking in a bluebell wood
With shoes of white satin
Flowing silk pink dress
cascading over the blue
wrapping around twigs
bit never tearing,
while she was wearing
her dream.

Stepping over stones
cold as the sea washes them clean
Her warm skin clinging like a peach
to fragrant, sweet flesh
Green seaweed stroking her toes
A dream as it goes
Just a dream.

Swimming with dolphins
Their intelligence, their bravery
Keeping calm, keeping still
as the waves wash you further away
away from the dull daytime duties
to a mermaid awaiting adventure.
But the dolphin knows, it shows
you the way to a better future.
it inbeds a still, in you, a dream.

We all have dreams, what is yours?
Jun 2014 · 923
What Is Love?
cheryl love Jun 2014
A question that has endless answers
It is like a burning candle
Powerful, bright and hot.
An emotion, a thought
never to be forgot.
It is respect, loyalty
a smile, a kiss
an anniversary
not to be missed.
It is daylight, sunshine
gleaming into a room.
It is a wedding, celebration
between bride and groom.
It is a new life, new baby
the patter of tiny feet.
A new boyfriend, girlfriend
for parents to meet.
Love is all around
just find it, it is there.
Love comes in all shapes and sizes
Love is everywhere.
May 2014 · 299
cheryl love May 2014
My friends are precious
Like a gem stone sparkling
on a dim cold night.
I want to say to all my friends
You shine, like a star so bright.
A special hug goes out to you
you know who you are
You are my friend, my special star.
May 2014 · 582
Icing On A Cake
cheryl love May 2014
The story explodes
to a dimension
that nobody would
have expected.
Glory is in the hand
of the teller.
Demonstrated by the
gestures of the palm.
The Cherry is about
to be mounted
The icing on the cake
has been rested.
Pow, boom, boom, boom
It delivers, it has been noted
filling the room
with a story.
Nobody expected.
May 2014 · 551
Nothing Lasts Forever
cheryl love May 2014
New trinkets, new toys
life's little treasures
stuffed in a favourite drawer.
Get broken eventually
parts are to hand
somehow, somewhere.
Grandma's stories,
stored in an old brain
But she remembers
the finer details we forget.
She recalls everything
and anything.
But nothing lasts forever
Stories get forgotten,
trinkets are misplaced
Over the years
times are forgotten.
What a waste.
Nothing lasts forever.
Our tears, trickle when
times get hard.
But they fade and dry
like the memories in a mind
Sadness does not last forever.
It lasts whenever and for a day.
When times are recalled.
Nothing lasts forever.
May 2014 · 417
At The Fair Ground
cheryl love May 2014
Pink fluff that melts in your mouth
and dodgems that whizz round and round.
Helter skelters spinning straight
to the dizzy ground.
Ghost trains with scary hands touching
your shoulder when you go through.
The man shouts "hook a duck chance to win
just hook the ones painted in blue.
Red is a no-win so leave them be."
The smell of roasting onions turning sweet
in the old oily pan
Crispy skins cling to hot potatoes
Big meaty sausages lined up in a row.
Huge split buns hot from the oven
ready for cold bones and icy hands.
The tent in the corner
with "cross my palm with silver"
Making dreams come true
Revealing one's hidden secret
The louder you scream the faster you go
or is the other way around?
Children with huge smiles on shiny faces
having fun and laughter at the fair ground.
May 2014 · 198
Stepping Out
cheryl love May 2014
Along a stone
                   path she wandered
                     holding her basket
                       and a bundle of string
                       She stopped,
                         Covered her eyes
                           With her hand
                             Shut one eye
                              looking to the landscape
                           as if she were a true professional.
                       Not one person knew or cared
                      or bothered or even spared
                    her the time of their day
                 as she rambled, lovingly along the stone path
               the pathway to her heart, her romantic soul
             her never ending dreams, the split decision goal.
May 2014 · 185
At The End Of The Line
cheryl love May 2014
Home, is it not where happiness lies
Within four safe walls?
Silence, is it when everyone has gone
and there is nothing left to do
but wait for telephone calls?
Echoes of loved ones bounce inside
my head
Bringing me some sort of pleasure
just for a while
Voices of my sons from years ago
make me smile and I drift
My solitude stands out a mile
for all to see but no one to hear
Are they around me when I fall
or indeed when I shed a lonely tear.
Im at the end of a line
Let me hear your voice, listen to you
Im at the end of a line.
cheryl love May 2014
It is in the lazy, hazy days of late summer
In the heat, a daisy parts company
My body perspires and sends a shimmer
Of sparkling salt down my spine and skin
A rose stands straight like cadet, red
Like his beret, standing as proud as he.
A tropical butterfly dances within
The petals of the rose, tickling the row.
The wind whispers its petals
So secretly, so delicately, to and fro.
The butterfly wears a brave face
Watching the daisy and the rose
With wings just like Nottingham lace.
In the heat, my body embraces its wings
And it kisses my hand, knowing its place
In the lazy, hazy days of the summer.
May 2014 · 332
The Power Of The Sea
cheryl love May 2014
The Power Of The Sea

Another bit of dry land
Crumbles and falls
Into waiting sand
And castle walls.
Properties on the cliff edge
Panic in a moment of terror
Together with surrounding hedge
Await the fate of the sea’s error.
Rushing, destroying anything in its path
The sea is relentless and with might
Having the ultimate last laugh
Homes become victims among the white.
Crashing to shore, salty spades dig deep
Etching lines, scraping the bank
Bags of sand, now useless to keep
Memories of what the sea has drank.
Copper, lead, bricks, never ending
The sea takes it all, every last drop.
The dry land crumbles sending
Its message to the evil not to stop.
The power of the sea,
Threatening our land in its way
Every home, every flower, every tree
The lot with uproot and break away.
May 2014 · 339
My Grandmother's Song
cheryl love May 2014
My grandmother used to sing this to me in her sweetest voice.

"Here we are again
as happy as can be
all good folks and
jolly good company.
Never mind the weather
never mind the rain
here we are together
and whoops we go again.

I just thought I would share this old rhyme,
It is simple but it has a message.
May 2014 · 386
Here Comes The Sun
cheryl love May 2014
Maybe it is alright
The man said it
He referred to me
as "little darling"
Perhaps it is all ok
When everything's done
because little darling to
quote "here comes the sun".
horray, horray it has it's hat on
The sun is wearing a hat?
yes and it is hip hip horray
Does that mean everything's ok
Well apparently he is coming today
and yes you guessed, he's coming to play.
Well hip hip horray then.
cheryl love May 2014
Lucky escape, lightening reactions
The cat that got the cream.
May 2014 · 924
The Shimmer On The Blue
cheryl love May 2014
The Shimmer On The Blue
Dappled sunlight sparkles
Among the pinks and purples
Greens and blue.
Like the sunniest days in a garden
Where shadows cannot get through.
Pinks of a snapdragon, the rose
With its transparent  hue.
The lemons and the lime
With a clear water dew.
The speckles of white where
Snow in summer once grew.
The breeze dances on the leaves
Of the delicate bamboo.
Clouds dodge the rays
As the sun peeps through.
All in all a wonderful time in the garden
Watching the shimmer on the blue.
May 2014 · 1.3k
Tread Carefully
cheryl love May 2014
Tread Carefully
Tread carefully through the tulips
Rush through the bluebells.
The tulips are perfume free
And the bluebells have smells.
You’d get pollen on your fingers
And powder on your toes
If you dawdled through the daffodils
And sat beneath the rose.
Sitting for more than an hour
Under the lilac tree.
Finally you would disappear
I know believe me.
Wandering past the lanes
On a dark Autumn night
If you get caught by a blackthorn bush
It would put up a fight.
Wandering through a strawberry field.
Being here would be a dream
Don’t forget your spoon and dish
And *** of rich double cream.
cheryl love May 2014
Not much has changed
It hasn’t been that long.
The Lilac Tree remembers
The roots being firm and strong.
The night he’d disappeared
When the tree started to sway
The moon was my witness
And the stars in the Milky Way.
Now the blossom sings out
Plays to another tune.
The blossom sings the blues
And recaptured its perfume.
Now my eyes have tears
And they roll down my face
Remembering has taken its toll
And the stress with this place.
cheryl love May 2014
I met him beneath the lilac tree
One gentle moonlit summer’s eve
The ring; his dream was given to me
And I noticed there was a breeze.
A tree started violently sway
The ring became under threat
Night passed quickly to become day
And I noticed that the Earth was wet.
The lilac soon lost its perfume
The bad weather had almost cleared
However, the sky had lost a moon
And I noticed he had disappeared.
cheryl love May 2014
It was the morning after the night before
Three bullet holes were embedded in the dress.
Strangely there was no blood on the floor
You don’t need to be an expert to guess the rest.

Because the event did not happen, it was all a dream
A dream produced solely inside the her head.
Things were not how they planned to be or seem
The future therefore is not real and definitely not dead.

He slithered into the room with a pipe hanging from his mouth
A stuck on pair of mutton chops and a green check cape
She hid behind a newspaper laughing unable to speak
Hatching a cunning plan from which to escape.

“So my dear, what were you dreaming last night.”
He was puffing awkwardly on his pipe.
I suggest I heard a scream just on when it became light
And you were muttering on about a blood type.

“Murderer” he shouted, and then slapped his hand across his lips.
Regretting his choice of word he quickly said “moody aren’t we
He fiddled with his watch chain swinging it to and fro
She tried to squint at him she could hardly focus let alone see.

He now was confused, slung off the cape which was getting hot
That was because it burst into flames from ash from the pipe
Which promptly landed on something he wished had not
It was a mess and needed more than just quick wipe.

However the newspaper she was holding went up in smoke
She heard the crash of a saucepan and its lid.
Thinking what now has he broke
Not realising he had fled and hid.

Now can you guess the rest?
cheryl love May 2014
She stepped into the room
The floorboards of which were cold.
She could smell lavender about the place
Masking the aroma of damp mould.
Moss grew where it could
She searched for something to say.
She saw violets in pots on the windowsill
Lavender for a purple display.
The violets were staring through the glass
Beckoning the pansies to stand to attention.
A cream wedding in the church opposite
In the newspaper it did get a mention
.Mauve petals for a cream celebration
White ribbons trail down the stems
Butterflies perch in the heat on the mauve
Along with amethyst and purple gems.
Reflections from the stones
gleam in the midday sun.
Lavender and cream roses with ribbons
well it is better than none.
May 2014 · 238
cheryl love May 2014
It is snowing petals
of such delicate hue
There is a warmth in the air
and overhead it is just blue.
The fields are carpeted
in a rich deep gold
The woods hold the mauve
so delicately yet so bold.
Spring has sprung
the lambs jump with glee
My green eyes are smiling
as far as they can see,
May, what a wonderful month
A beautiful time of the year
The flowers shake their petals
for the summer is nearly here.
May 2014 · 357
Hello World
cheryl love May 2014
My eyes open
to the world
My arms stretch
toes uncurled.
Good Morning
Hello World.
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